Been in Shenzhen for a week with bro Obe and apart from 1 night when he wouldnt come out to play we have been hitting the bars hard.
A couple of night ago we were walking up Dirty St (not the local name but what we call it) around 5pm when a old hag comes running out of the Red Rose bar and grabs Obe and we get dragged into a dingy little bar for another drink.
I am looking at this thing who keeps grabbing Obes arm and smiling and suddenly it clicks this is the infamous granny that he did the report on
All I can say I am drinking with the only man I know who's standards are 0. this man makes me look good.
So after I stop laughing and throwing up he finally admits that this is her. I have never seen a guy so remoreseful in his life but since he is my best mate I decided not to give him to hard a time about it and have only mentioned it about 30 times a day since.
Obe you are my best mate and I wish I had been present to save you but OMG
You are the only guy I know that could lift his standards by doing a ladyboy, which since we are in Bangkok next week is my plan to stich you up well and truly with
Before anyone gives him a hard time though I have to report we went a certain bar 1 night and he put a staggerring 90 minute preformance with a lady (note not a girl but a lady) while all I could do was turn up up the volume because if I heard one more "oh baby" I would have puked.
When he finally emerged both me and my girl gave him a standing ovation with a call for an encore performance, unfortunatly as he actually crawled out fom the curtain I was sure he was done for the night
Obe you are a legend