Originally posted by ar_refugee157 at 23-4-2023 09:32
Date & Time of Session: April 2023
Location: San Jose
Name: Sun
Link: sexykshop.com
Agent: Sexy K Shop
Nationality & Language: Korean
Age: 30s roughly
Face: 3/5
Body: 2.5/5
Height: 5’1
Sk ...
Intrigued by the pic and having some extra last night went ahead and visited Sun. Maybe I had low expectations going in but I thought she was sexy as hell. Her face is really pretty, body was to my liking too some curves and thought her tits and ass were just fine. The next hour was crazy sex for the entire hour and some change...crazy how much energy this girl has. She literally fucked my brains out and her DT action is second to none, even better than Gigi or Yuna who are amazing at this. And, surprised she squirts and enjoys couple fingers deep inside her pussy while she let out so much water. First time I had finger cramps from playing with a girls pussy...
This girl is simply amazing and I'm going back tonight.
Highly recommend if you are totally a nutt about crazy sex..LOL