Subject: (Updated Feb 17) "When there's love, there's no love at all...."
lich13 (World peace)
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Post at 10-2-2008 06:05  Profile P.M. 
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(Updated Feb 17) "When there's love, there's no love at all...."

Before I start... I am not sure whether I post in the right session..

Recently found a great analysis of how the game works in Asia (Hk, China and Macau) escort industries.

The original link is here: ... &extra=page%3D2

Again... there's no intention to change how bros preconception of escorts and SPs...
Rather it's a master-piece since the author,  sawatdee , is an insider of the industry( yes he is invloved in the industy and on the other hand, he is a customer as well) ....... so I guess it's great for us to hear a different voice ......

My English is not prefect since I am not a native English speaker. Yes, I hope bros don't mind and entrust my honesty.

I would appreciate if any bro  acquainted in both Chinese and English could work it out together.....

[ Last edited by  lich13 at 18-2-2008 01:44 ]

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Post at 10-2-2008 08:26  Profile P.M. 
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Preface and 1. Roles

The original subejct (title) should be ""When there's love, there's no love at all --- My perception of escort industries" (the title exceeds the max. characters..)

"多情自古空餘恨,好夢由來最易醒。" ---"Only regrets remain in love from the very beginning. It is always good to awake from a mirage (sweet dream)." , Li Bai (701-762).

Special thanks
I appreciate bro IWP for advicing such a great title and granting so many great poems for my application in the following article.

Cedits from lich 13
Special thanks to bro erix  for devoting his time and effort in helping me proof read this artical.

1. Roles

My own preception

I personally think escorts is a great industry and trade platform.  Client could spend their time, money and energy in exchange for his needs and wants. Meanwhile, SP coud use her "love and d sex" in exchange for her needs and wants.
It is a fair transaction for each other.   When everyone has a good understanding of his(her) own role, there should be no misundertanding between each other. Hence none shall be dwelled in the "love affiar" between SPs and vice versa.

Client's role

There are zillion of factors driving a male to go for escort. Some may go for sex. Some may need a company when he has a trouble in his marriage or love. Some may be too devoted to their carrer success and hence do not have adequate time for dates. Some may do it for net-working purpose...

Anyway, we, as customers as always, are there to buy for our "happiness", instead of "frastration or sadness".  

SP's role

Most SPs choosing to work in this industry is to improve their standard of living or accomplish their own tragets in a short time. Therefore, they wish to earn their sense of security( in the shorest time.  They also wish to be "mistress" of some of their clients, and hence have the sense of "being taken care of by somebody (can be more than 1 person..)"

They understand that their attrcativeness and hence competitiveness diminishes as time goes by.  Only their tactics become better and better as time goes by. SPs all know clients are hunting for somene "fresh" and accordingly, tehy hunt for someone who wish to "fall in love with SPs". Yet Sps' tactics and strategies do not demonstrate who they are in real life. Rather, it is a game of hunting between both clients and SPs.

Roles of both clients and SPs as a whole

In short, the responsibility of SP(WG)s is to fulfill and ultilise clients' sense of "heroism" and "domination". As a result, Sps know how to present different images to serve different "categories" of clients.
In return, clients(customers) are responsible for paying compensation and remuneration for SPs' "perfomances".

[ Last edited by  lich13 at 19-2-2008 18:10 ]

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Post at 10-2-2008 11:21  Profile P.M. 
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2. Customers

2. Customers ( to be continued..)

I am inspired by the following quote from a popular fiction-writer, " It is only attractive when horny SPs always disguise they are innocent. Yet it is always seductive when innocent non-SPs occasionally look horny."


Clients are attracted by SPs' "sexual open-minded" behaviour since SPs use sex as a profession and educated in pleasing customers. Hence, clients are comfortable in expressing their primitive physical needs on the engagement of SPs. More importantly, most SPs are hot and pretty professionals. As a result, most clients have a far greater sense of "heroism"  and "domination" with SPs compared to non-SP girls.

My category of clients

I divide into three categories of clients, "rational, self-deceiving and calculating

For rational customers, they believe they have the privilege. Once they pay cash, they believe they could release their primitive needs in any place in anytime with a SP. They also believe SPs truly enjoy promiscuous sex with them. Yet they are "gentlemen" of the escort industry since they ask for a fair trade, sex.

For self-deceiving customers, they believe they go escorts are not only for sex, but also they could have a great company to heal their lonely hearts. Because of their innocence, they believe they have a "special friendship" with SPs and one day, such an intangible "friendship" would become "true love".

For calculating customers, they believe their way to hock/date non-SPs works on SPs, i.e. they believe they would their BFs one day and thus get professional sex service for free.  They are expecting they begin with an immoral (socially not desirable) transaction with WGs but end in a perfectly moral ending, "true love" (literally sex for free").

SP/WGs' category of clients

Client, by definition, is anyone who uses the service (the intercourse) of a professional person (WGs) or organisation (their company such as KTVs, NCs).  Accordingly, clients are those who WGs have to sell their integrity and soul to own financial need. Clients are merely someone whom SPs meet in their respective voyage. Therefore, to SPs, it does not matter how well they know about clients. As long as a person can afford to pay for their service, they will treat that person as "clients", i.e. there's no prejudice of how SPs treats their "clients" at all. They treat any client fairly.

The only prejudice how they treat their clients is the way they call their "beloved" clients. For instance, SPs would simply call some bossy clients as "boss" or "daddy" after their careful study of client's thoughts.   For those may show more passionate to SPs, SP may call them as "darling", "beloved", "BF", "honey", etc.

For those who have a "love affair" with SPs (Chinese are used to called them as "fallen customers"), they believe their pledge such as "I love you" to SPs would guarantee SPs' love. Meanwhile SPs' pledge of love would guarantee them a new and stable source of attention (i.e. financial resources)

Clients have the "absolute privilege" to pick who they want to be their temporary partner. Once a SP/WG is picked , she has to treat her client fairly and equally, regardless his out-looking. SP/WG may not have a choice to pick any client, yet she does have a choice to pick a guy into her "life". Like any common girl, SP/WG has her own taste and favourite. Yet their own "choice" will not jeopardise their “professionism” at work.

[ Last edited by  lich13 at 19-2-2008 08:26 ]

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Post at 10-2-2008 11:21  Profile P.M. 
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3. SPs

3. SPs ( to be continued..)

My personal perception of WG/SPs

There are so many factors contributed for the decision to be professional escorts. Some may be well educated individuals while some may acquire limited skills in labour market.  Hence they are driven by different motives. Some are so poor that they are desperate for improving their living standard. Some are innocent and sign wrong contracts. Some are deceived to work there. Some are merely lazy and want a short-cut to make money.  

No matter what, once they are WG/SPs, they are labelled as "prostitutes"--- the least socially desirable individuals in traditional Chinese and other Asian societies.

"Prostitute" is just an identity; they could have otherwise according to clients' needs and wants. They could be our "Girl Friends", "Outstading OL", "Mistress", Model", "Singers and celebrities", etc.  Yet the attribute of escorts is "prostitution", a shameful occupation to most girls as well as their family and friends.

Most WG/SPs work in private and secret (very few individuals in their real life know about their occupation). Once they retire, all men they met are already their "forsaken sad history", since those men always recall their shameful experience. In every second that they are losing their integrity, in every scene they are making love with strangers they don't love and in every single moment a longer known lips and body intercourse and interact with another unknown body........
Such an interaction is merely their physical and entertaining "performance", i.e. not the interaction of love and romance they are pursuing.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for them to have different images. They are "angels" who are dedicared and committed to protect and contribute for their own family. They are "loyalists" to their clients by appreciating them. Yet SP/WGs ' contribution is not related to clients’' appearances, income and social status. They won't fail in love with clients when clients are "wealthy". On the contrary, they won’t hate clients when clients are "ugly".

Accordingly, there are always wide discrepancies between their life and profession. Once they put on their "mask" and start performing, their "generosity to family" would become "greed for customers (and thus income)".

[ Last edited by  lich13 at 20-2-2008 02:49 ]

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Post at 10-2-2008 11:22  Profile P.M. 
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4. Tactics and Strategies

4. Tactics and Strategies  ( to be continued..)

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lich13 (World peace)
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Post at 10-2-2008 11:31  Profile P.M. 
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5. morality ( to be continued..)

5.  morality  ( to be continued..)

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Post at 10-2-2008 11:42  Profile P.M. 
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6. Debates ( to be continued..)

6. Debates  ( to be continued..)

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Post at 10-2-2008 11:53  Profile P.M. 
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7. Blessing (to be continued)

7. Blessing (to be continued)

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Post at 10-2-2008 17:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 lich13's post

As you have already started the translation,

Can I suggest that you and bro FeiXiang get together and divide up the work,
while bro erix helps with the proof reading ? PM each other first, if neceaasry.

Many thanks to all !

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Post at 10-2-2008 21:24  Profile P.M. 
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This is awesome. Feel free to PM me the text if you want me to proof read it before positng. Although I think you did a smashing job on the first one already. Thanks!
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Post at 10-2-2008 22:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 erix's post

Yeah, the translation looks good but some typos, I'm sure you can catch them !
Thanks again bro !
lich13 (World peace)
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Post at 11-2-2008 00:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 erix's post

i'll do my proof-read...opps time to study,...

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Post at 11-2-2008 08:43  Profile P.M. 
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Excellent start

This is pretty much how I see it too.  Would love to see the rest of the article.
lich13 (World peace)
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Post at 11-2-2008 14:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 sexpert's post

the best parts are 5 to 7... wow! an insider speak how he feels abt this industry!

btw... the author also has anthor thread called "Can escort bring true love or only a trade"...there... he introduces a bit more abt himself and his involvement..

anyway.. it's a tought work for me to translate... since there are so many chinese poems there and literture there.... sometimes.. it is very difficult to translate.......

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Post at 11-2-2008 15:20  Profile P.M. 
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keep it comming-this is good stuff-thanks
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Post at 12-2-2008 11:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by lich13 at 11-2-2008 14:03
the best parts are 5 to 7... wow! an insider speak how he feels abt this industry!

btw... the author also has anthor thread called "Can escort bring true love or only a trade"...there... he ...

....Thank you so you help me to translate my article.....i hope my point of view can safe someone who lost in this industry.....hope you guy can understand my english.... sorry again for my poor english.....
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Post at 13-2-2008 01:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 sawatdee's post

Welcome to the English forum, bro sawatdee!
What you wrote sounds good so far. Hope the translation does the entirety justice.

Thanks all bros for the work.
lich13 (World peace)
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Post at 13-2-2008 06:25  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sawatdee at 12-2-2008 11:29

....Thank you so you help me to translate my article.....i hope my point of view can safe someone who lost in this industry.....hope you guy can understand my ...

bro...yours is far better than mine... wondring if we could work together?

[ Last edited by  lich13 at 14-2-2008 06:36 ]

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Post at 16-2-2008 09:49  Profile P.M. 
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Thank you and support......waiting for next part...........
lich13 (World peace)
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Post at 16-2-2008 15:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 sawatdee's post

my progress is very slow~~

anyway.. keep on touch, bro..


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