If the girl does the bare minimum to get by, then I'll reciprocate with no tip. It might still end up being an OK session, despite it being mechanical and without feeling, but if she doesn't put in any extra effort, seems fair enough to give standard rate for standard service.. For outstanding performers, I'll tip fairly generously (around $200), but I'm thinking twice about it after getting shoddy service in a follow up visit. What's the point of tipping like this if it's not appreciated. I know not all girls are the same though, so can't judge them all from this one experience..
Originally posted by pandaboy at 22-4-2010 09:58
when I was in DG, I'd tip the girls but then I heard one girl was saying shit about me the next day. Don't fucking tip. You're just a john to these girls. it is good money for them and they set pri ...
What you want them to profess their love for you or something? Of course you're another john, what's wrong with that? Another john who will pay out more if you give them good service. Works great for Japanese punters in Thailand, people might joke about '333' and say the girls don't respect them, but who's laughing when the Japanese customers get priority attention from the girls, leaving others with what's left over.