Subject: Through the Eyes of a Serial Monger/Punter
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Post at 13-8-2011 01:49  Profile P.M. 
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Through the Eyes of a Serial Monger/Punter

Lately I've been wondering if this is normal or maybe I've been doing this for too long, but ever since I became a punter I've calculated my finances (income and expenditures) in terms of 'sessions'.  By sessions I mean how many times can I go punting.

For example let's say each punting session is ~800RMB.  If I decide to buy a new 52" Flatscreen TV for 8000RMB that's 10 sauna sessions.  Or I'll go check out a movie 4 times paying for myself and whoever I bring along at 100-120RMB per person (110X2X4 = 880RMB) or 1 sauna sessions.  Take girls out on semi-expensive dates ~400RMB each time or every other date equates to 1 sauna session.  Maybe buy an iPhone 5 (when it's released) 5500RMB or approximately 7 sauna sessions.  A new computer system? ~6800RMB or 8 1/2 sessions.  See what I mean?

So, is this normal? Or am I obsessed? Crazy? Going senile?

I dunno, but I can't be the only one?  Can I...?

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Post at 13-8-2011 08:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bedlam's post

In academic terms in economics, this is called opportunity cost. You feel punting is the best use of your money than spending on electronic goods

Want the best if both works, demand a salary increase or  seek a job that pays more
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Post at 13-8-2011 08:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bedlam's post

Now there's a dedicated punter! They say that once we've become engrossed in another culture or language, we start thinking in that currency/language. I guess you've now become, as you coined it, a serial monger!

And by the way, no I do not think in terms of everything in sauna sessions when I buy things. I do think of "saving up for next big trip to BKK" when I refrain from my shopping urges. No iphone 5, no!
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Post at 13-8-2011 11:57  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by asia-play at 13-8-2011 08:36
Want the best if both works, demand a salary increase or  seek a job that pays more

Maybe your right, consciously and/or subconsciously I think punting is the best allocation of my funds.  I make a decent amount (well above the living standard in SH) and when it increases I calculate how many more sauna sessions I can get into the month.

Don't get me wrong it doesn't mean I go to the sauna as I still buy and do the things I listed; it's just I think about the money I spent and how many lovely ladies I could have met.

I used to go 4-5 times a week when I was 'bored'.  But I also went through a stint where I stayed away for several months (personal choice).

I'm starting to think maybe I am the only one...

[ Last edited by  bedlam at 13-8-2011 12:08 ]

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Post at 13-8-2011 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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hahahha. this thread is so funny. bedlam, you're not the only one. almost everyone who goes to punt thinks in the same manner. Do i buy a new samsung phone or do i bust a nut?

I must say tho, you end up giving up quite a bit of electronic toys if this is a regular hobby.
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Post at 13-8-2011 17:32  Profile P.M. 
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Absolutely!  I always think of how many punts I could get in for the money I'm spending on something else. like the others have said, doesn't stop me from living a real life and buying crap, but I wonder how much fun that money COULD have rented with a WG...
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Post at 13-8-2011 18:55  Profile P.M. 
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haha... no, I don't think that most of the time.. However, when I do have a bad punt (esp. at an expensive joint) I'd think "shit.. that's almost a new xbox.. or half an iphone!".
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Post at 14-8-2011 00:44  Profile P.M. 
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Not me...

I get what you are saying Bro, but I don't think of it that way ---- it will likely drive you crazy when it reverses (and it will) ---  you'll think, if not for those hookers I could have had a house on Dreamhouse Drive, or 71 iPods, a Masaratti (mmmm), blaa, blaa, and on and on.  Fuck that, right?

Or not...  

Depends on "who" you are.  What's important to you.  

Me?  I earn a lot.  Yeah, I have my big houses, but I just never cared about that shit, the consumption shit.  I want to experience everything!!!   And nothing raises my pulse like a hot woman.

So I spend my money there.  

And I don't regret it.

(Yet).  Haha
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Post at 14-8-2011 01:24  Profile P.M. 
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i suppose i have a slightly different mind set...
i treat punting the same way i treat gambling at the casino
i walk into the casino all well knowing i have a set limit

for argument sake, say $500
if i lose it, i can afford it, then that's it... walk away if i lost it
as i walk away, i stop thinking about it, all well knowing, 'yup, that's what i intended to do'

so when converted to punting... i treat it as i have a set amount, spend it, enjoy it.... then walk away

it'll drive a bro crazy dwelling on the guilt on the $$$ spent...
rather forget about the money all well knowing i had a great time (or not in some cases)

but always, ALWAYS no regrets
doghead (dog)
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Post at 14-8-2011 01:42  Profile P.M. 
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Another way of looking at the situation. One has to stop thinking in the short-term.

If you think in the long-term, then things become very clear.

Regardless a punt is good or bad, the experience itself appreciates the second I leave the wg's premises. You will realize the priceless value of these experiences/memories when it comes time for you to recount to your buddies or to yourself. I still get smiles remembering these memories.   

OTOH, material goods, cars, electronic goods and other toys depreciate the second they become your possessions and will be soon forgotten or dumped into the dustbin of history.
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Post at 29-8-2011 05:39  Profile P.M. 
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after being a punter for a while, I have starting noticing WG and other punters.. especially when I travel by myself or in a hotel somewhere.. I seem to have developed the ability to spot a WG from across the lobby or notice other punters in the elevators, on the street, etc.. before, I would have just thought they were normal people going about their everyday business.. Once you start being a regular punter, you really see how common it is... whereas for most people who do not participate, they really think that only the girls standing on the street corner at 2am at night are WGs...

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wander   30-8-2011 14:52  Acceptance  +1   Haha. Me to! I have WG-radar! Spot'em a mile away. It's the look they give ...
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Post at 29-8-2011 05:59  Profile P.M. 
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ahhh, who needs an i-phone or a plasma, or clothes or food
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Post at 29-8-2011 10:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bedlam at 13-8-2011 01:49
Lately I've been wondering if this is normal or maybe I've been doing this for too long, but ever since I became a punter I've calculated my finances (income and expenditures) in terms of 'sessions'.  ...

Yes, everybody spends a much, and it's better not to count. But don't try to compare your expense with that you could have bought instead, it's not working.

If you don't buy your iphone, you can use the money to go for a bonk. But even if you buy it, you will still go to bonk, even if you need to get in debt ! I'd rather say that money is the same you use for eating. You need to eat anyway, just try not to go to 3 stars restaurant everyday, sometimes a Cafe-de-Coral will do
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Post at 29-8-2011 10:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bedlam's post

I know how you feel! I punt 1 or 2 times a week. I took a look at my wardrobe the other day and realise... "I have not bought any clothes in ages!"

I practically need a new wardrobe! New Gym clothes, new work clothes...

The you think, if I punted twice a month, that is a new outfit!?

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bedlam   5-9-2011 09:56  Karma  +1   Same with me in regards to clothes

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 29-8-2011 11:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 Petay_1283's post

yea, i looked at my clothes the other day
i been wearing the same stuff for a coupl years now
time to upgrade ... dam these hoes  
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Post at 29-8-2011 11:31  Profile P.M. 
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I do that too
anyway, I just know my limit. If this month I'm running low on cash, I go to temple street for cheap punt.
otherwise, WG or HG

[ Last edited by  m45 at 29-8-2011 11:32 ]
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Post at 29-8-2011 14:21  Profile P.M. 
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There is a gambling addiction checklist

Used money intended for rent, utilities or food for gambling
Experienced remorse after gambling
Experienced depression after a losing streak
Lied about spending your time gambling
Lied about how much money you lost through gambling
Needed to return as soon as possible after a big loss to try to win it back
Gambled until your last dollar is gone
Borrowed money or used credit to finance gambling
Gambled to try to pay debts
Dreamed of solving your financial problems by making a "BIG WIN"
Had a strong urge after winning to go back again and again.

So do you keep a separate punting budget?

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paladin310   5-9-2011 10:08  Acceptance  +1   I'm pro gambler, so all of this applies to me lol.
bedlam   5-9-2011 09:57  Karma  +1   I'm an addict, but aren't we all?

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Post at 29-8-2011 17:31  Profile P.M. 
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Bro your economics is correct, however, in economic terms; for each item you "consume" you have a marginal utility at the market price of 800RMB. The more you consume, your marginal utility gets lower. For normal goods, this is true. However, unlike "normal goods" the marginal utility for sex cannot be modeled as a linear function. For the desire of sex is composed of emotion and personal circumstances, but most of all the sex you consume each time is unique in the sense it may be a different WG offering a truely different experience (the good that you are consuming). So, such a non linear function must be modeled by the fourier series... thats when all hell breaks loose.
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Post at 29-8-2011 22:53  Profile P.M. 
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The way I look at it, you only live once, as long as you can afford it, then do it. Just set aside your fun money from your iphone/tv funds, and then dont think about it, otherwise, it will affect your punting. LOL
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Post at 29-8-2011 23:58  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by dollar at 29-8-2011 17:31
Bro your economics is correct, however, in economic terms; for each item you "consume" you have a marginal utility at the market price of 800RMB. The more you consume, your marginal utility gets lower. For normal goods, this is true. However, unlike "normal goods" the marginal utility for sex cannot be modeled as a linear function. For the desire of sex is composed of emotion and personal circumstances, but most of all the sex you consume each time is unique in the sense it may be a different WG offering a truely different experience (the good that you are consuming). So, such a non linear function must be modeled by the fourier series... thats when all hell breaks loose.

Mmm not sure it's so simple.
I guess you have to take into account the rise of unexcpected events, such as discovering of a great girl who will become a regular (return on investment increased with a linear decline upon the time/occurrences!) and the discovering of very bad girls (inverted effect, but if you are not masochist it just impact you one time, as a step function).

There is also the renewal of the market. On the long term, if the mark doesn't evolve enough, you know everything and get bored, your whole roi is impacted until say, you find a new great regular.

And the factor of experience, does it really play for or against you ? are you able to get more of it with your experience or are just a bit bored having seen too much.

Something like ....

EV = (Pn - Pc + Pg*E^2 - Ph*E^2)*P/E

Expected value = EV
Pc = probability of a nice punt
Pc = probability of a common, in a sad way (if it can be !), punt
Pg = probability of a great punt
Ph = probability of a horrible punt
E = experience, numbers of time you've done that, equals 1 for less than 10 girls, 2 for less than 20, 3 for less than 50, 4 if above
P = Price

Hypothesis :
- the amount of money is the same each time
- the money well spent is converted into value
- the more you do it the less it has effect for common or nice punt, so the less you have a return your money. UNLESS you get a great punt which annul the experience effect. OR it's a horrible punt and you have seen that too many times, it just sucks more (and so you end up getting even less value for your money).

This indicate that, over the long run, whatever the probabilities are, it is always profitable to optimise the opportunities of great punts and to try to avoid the worst ones.
Therefore, a reliable source of reports is a great improvement to the potential value of the punt.

I think I am going to sleep ...

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sophron   1-9-2011 01:32  Karma  +1   i just learned something reading sex141

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