Originally posted by blakerighter at 19-7-2011 23:00
What's the draw of the mongering bars? From the reports I've read it seems like the prices are rather high. Are they hotter than the141 walk ups or the hotel girls?
Hey blakerighter, sorry for the late reply.
For me personaly the draw of the mongering bar is the entertainment factor. First of all, even if you are not in the mood to pick up a girl, you can go to the place, listen to some good music, get some drinks and have a chat with anyone arround... simply have a good time. And usualy, after doing this things, you change your mood regarding the pick up thingie as well
Its also quite funny to watch the hunting scene, most of the time its more entertaining as movies in tv ;)
Most important for me, is the "feeling" of beeing a hunter. personaly i dont like the idea to check several doors in a walk up to see if there is any treasure hiding behind it. it gives me (just my personal opinion - doesnt mean this is the one and only ) a more realistic feeling. you need to be faster as the other brothers arround to get what you are looking for. you are able to have a chat to the girls without watching the clock because you allready pay for the service.
it happend a couple of times to me, i spent some time with a WG in one of this places and figured out: hey, she seams to be a stunner but there is no "connection". call me oldschool or stupid, but without a special connection to the WG it is not going to work for me. there must be at least some kind of interest, not only a LB interested in the girl
Once again, thats just my personal opinion. doesnt mean ppl who prefer a walkup or any other way of punting are wrong, they are just different.... or maybe i am