Yeah it's funny how intense the territoriality gets among P4P women in Asia. Civvies getting jealous I can kind of understand, although even in that case the rules of the One-Night-Stand should trump any territory the girl thinks she's gained.
I recently broke the cardinal rule of mixing and matching girls at a Vietnamese legit Hot Toc. It was a place that didn't officially give you the blo and go but I got lucky about 2 out of 3 times.
One girl that I had gone with a couple of times (and provided no extras) was out when I walked in one day. As you all know, if you've had your hair so much as shampooed by a girl even once the rules of engagement state that you are hers forever. Anyway, Girl One was not at the entrance when I walked in (turned out she was on premises though, just napping in the back) and so I quickly selected another looker who was a little older than Girl One. Girl Two was a player and ended up giving me a BBBJTCWS in the communal massage room!
Anyway, to make a long story short, I saw Girl One on my way out and gave her a hug and kiss and chat. Totally confused the typical energy and for the next couple of months I would regularly swap from one girl to the other. Normally this would lead to the cat fight of all time, but in this alternate universe it resulted in something akin to an unstated competition in service levels
Girl One started giving me BBBJs (which were terrible and required serious coaching) which transitioned to BBBJTC and then BBBJTCWS and eventually FS
Girl Two moved up immediately to double shots on every visit and FS and FIR. It was a crazy balancing act keeping it all on the tracks but it was fun too. Tipping the girls 500,000VND also helped.
And if that doesn't take a post about Hari's very far off topic I don't know what will!