Originally posted by Dasani at 15-10-2011 08:24
But if I come clean now, maybe we can work through this? I am not sure, please God help me!...
Focus on yourself first.
I would agree with wander NOT to come clean with your SO just yet until all the facts are in.
What I got was the same as wander. Penile Yeast Infection, but the emotional shock was the same as getting anything else during the first week.
You get to worry about your SO, your work, keeping up your spirit and not letting anyone know about it. And it's very hard to do and I remember looking at my penis from time to time thinking: "it's over for you, my little one". A life-changing moment for me.
I was luckier than you as my SO at the time didn't have very regular sex with me. Okay, perhaps once a month could be called regular, but that (rather sad) fact gave me ample time to focus on myself and have less stress during the first three weeks of clinical checkups.
Like any kind of relationship-breaking bad news, the initial reaction for coming clean is that of betrayal and not of sympathy.
I would say the better way to "break the news", if this is ever needed, is to hold out until you have no choice but to let her discover something is happening to YOU. Ideally, the clinical results are found to be favorable before her discovering anything.
But if the results should turn for the worse (and I'm praying that it won't for you), you would have accumulated enough remorse and her "discovery" of your "shame" (if you want to call it that) would be met with sympathy and (hopefully) worked on by both parties.
I could be wrong, this is just hypothetical.
There are many things you can tell your SO, but this one in particular may not be something easily forgiven as they would OBVIOUSLY consider you had unprotected sex somehow.
EDIT1: Really sorry to hear the result was not in your favor.
Last edited by bonfire at 20-11-2011 05:37 ]