Subject: Hard Times at KP
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Post at 8-12-2011 21:07  Profile P.M. 
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Hard Times at KP

I haven't been around here much but have been up to my usual mongering routines 2 to 3 times per week with at least one visit per week to either KP or 37D, in alternating weeks. Today it was my KP week. As usual I walk in, all the MMS greet me by name. I made my request and upon hearing she was off today, requested my second and third alternate. When we ran through those I said okay, show me someone new. I thought great, as I usually stick with those I know deliver the goods but its  good to try something different from time to time and see if I can expand my stable of regulars.

A young girl was brought in, sits down next to me, makes brief eye contact and laughs, and then looks away directs her gaze to the TV. I try my standard KP icebreaker questions "what city/province are you from", "how old are you" "how long have you been in Hong Kong" etc in my elemental conversational Mando. The girl answers the questions but continues to look at the television. I very quickly got the vibe she didn't want to speak with me and so 30 seconds of silence ensued. They could've been shyness, discomfort, the dreaded Gwailo dick syndrome, simply don't like white guys, or as my wife advises me, some folks from the mainland have never seen a gwailo before in their life and get very uncomfortable around them. I can deal with this, most of the time. In my experience at KP is me who does the rejecting but probably once out of every five times they bring in someone who effectively rejects me. Not A problem for me usually but for some reason today it was. After another 20 seconds of silence and not looking at me the girl then stood up and went to the light switch is by the door and pushed one button and immediately thereafter the MMS came in and took her away. I have never seen this happen before and apparently this is a signal to the MMS to come in and take her away. MMS gave me an inquiring look and I said "Bu Hao". She left and brings in another

This girl was equally young slim and pretty and she does the same thing, comes in sits down very far forward on the couch and cast her eyes on the television and didn't look at me once apart from when she first walked in. I then tried the standard icebreaking questions as above. "What's your name" and she says "no name",
"where are you from", and she says "I don't know". I then say "how do you like Hong Kong" and she says nothing. I could not even see her face as her head was turned away in the direction of the TV. For whatever reason her responses got me very pissed off and I sat there burning up for about 30 seconds while she looked at the television and then I stood up and took her by the wrist and pushed her out the door and slammed it closed. MMS comes back in and says "what's wrong?" and with my limited Mandarin I tried to explain to her that this girl neither looked at me nor would talk to me. She then says okay will get you another and left again.

I sat there burning for about four minutes and then I was so pissed off that I realized I would have no patience for another girl even if she did have an interest or fake an interest in me and started grabbing my dick. The anger caused my raging itch to ejaculate inside a female not my wife to quickly dissipate. So I walked out.

Generally I am a big fan of KP and have been going there weekly or biweekly for 6 years and they have always had excellent quality control and I have never had this kind of problem. There have been times when they have brought in a succession of five or six girls, always very patiently, until I found one that I liked, and Mandy the English speaking MMS always takes great care of me when she is there. I feel kind of bad about the way I behaved as I seek to avoid the ugly Gwailo syndrome having lived in Asia for a while,  but I think the girls should at least make some effort to  act friendly and fake it for the 90 second interview, even when they find the guy hideous and can't wait to get out of the interview. I was not unshaven, poorly dressed, drunk, overweight, smelly, or any other things which may turn off a girl, even a KP WG who may not be as choosy as a civvie. I was just my usual self who rocked up to KP like I do every other week to get some commercial grade tail.

I think it was just two bad ones in a row that were brought in today, sort of like a run of bad poker hands. Alternatively perhaps somehow I grew a third eye or horns on my head since this morning and did not see them.  I noted that these 2 were somewhat younger than the usual ones the MMS brings me, as most of the MMS have figured out that I prefer slightly older product as they typically know a bit more about how to service the customer and are less arrogant.

Just one of those days where I guess it wasn't supposed to happen .

Keep on mongering

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doghead   11-12-2011 11:41  Karma  +1   So I should tell mms, no one under 28yo please?
JJJ37   11-12-2011 01:09  Karma  +3   WE ..Wife Experience
Jimstevens   9-12-2011 11:43  Karma  +1   It happens and yes more frequently with the younger ones
ramont   9-12-2011 08:54  Karma  +1   Thx for sharing
dkny888   9-12-2011 07:24  Karma  +1   So can just gotta get back on the horse (whores) and try again :0
JackTheBat   8-12-2011 22:34  Karma  +5   K-points for u bro...I'm puzzled. like u, K-P has always delivered. any theorie ...
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Post at 8-12-2011 22:45  Profile Blog P.M. 
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gwailoplayer: respect, i too enjoy KP and am surprised that any gal they bring for yr potential biz wd be so unreactive, let alone two. true, it's good to show respect, but for a place that prides itself on customer service and is gwailo-friendly, this is not an acceptable level of service.

i've chatted with Mandy several times, she is one of the best MMSs i've ever met. i can't imagine she was on-duty when u visited as she wd have sorted things out. maybe K-P is under new mgmt...i haven't seen Mandy the last couple of times i was there. if u do meet with her again, tell her u know Jack (she knows me but if she can't place the name, just say the "tall gwailo") and we like the place.

yes, the button by the door is to call the MMS, but the gals are usually too busy all up in my junk (or, last time, cramming her tongue towards my tonsils) to push the button. i've never had other than positive responses, and have rejected girls if they don't suit. but i don't speak Mando, and there's never been a problem.

if things have changed at K-P, we shd illuminate our fellow bros. i'll try to head down there and check things out. also, shift-change at the place seems to be 18:00, might be a good time to be around and see what's going on.

thx bro.

stu05655 (Nut Buster at Large)
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Post at 9-12-2011 00:40  Profile P.M. 
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2 cuties in a row!  I've never had that at KP.  The occasional cutie,  but usually older, out of shape, BUT highly skilled providers.  I've never seen the reactions you got (although I've seen signs of relief at 37D when I rejected some. Maybe just a bad day.  I haven't been there in a while.  I just got into town and may give it a shot.  Been to 37D twice but nothing special,  took a couple of repeats for lack of better offerings.

Keep the faith, keep it hard, and keep it real!
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Post at 10-12-2011 13:17  Profile P.M. 
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Dear all,

Thank you for the replies and the sympathy, although that isn't what I was after I will take it.

To be clear, I may have a thin skin but I do have a hard penis and this interest in undertaking my favorite hobby. What I meant was that given that I was so very pissed off that I think trying to put myself in front of another WG would have also ended in failure as they would have seen, as the locals say, my "blackface" and that would have queared the deal.

I do find the younger and pretty ones are more likely to exhibit this behavior where is the older ones just jump right in and try to entice me to choose them. Some of the MMS know my preferences I think don't bring in that kind of product but that day perhaps they were careless. During the last few weeks they have been incredibly short staffed on the MMS side so this may have contributed to it.

I think in the future I will be more proactive in tactfully rejecting those who appear to reject me, such as pressing the MMS call button myself or simply standing up and opening the door for them. I can deal with speaking with a girl that I am not excited about and have no intention of selecting for 60 seconds until the MMS comes back but when the girl totally turns away and ignores me this not how it is done.

JTB - if you can speak with Mandy and see what is going on there.

Thanks for your words of support and advice.
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Post at 10-12-2011 15:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 gwailoplayer's post

I think you should ask the MMS what the problem was before drawing your own conclusions as to why this happened ... it could very well be for completely different reasons to what you openly thought ...
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Post at 12-12-2011 05:52  Profile P.M. 
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I would like to share a story.  A couple years ago I was in the city of Chonburi in Thailand.  Its the capital of the province that Pattaya is in, but no white people would go there to monger.  So I went there and stayed at the Eastern Hotel.  After waiting for things to cool down I went outside. Rather than the elevator I took the stairs and found the massage parlor at the hotel.  I go in and talk to the guy in charge and look at the girls in the fish bowl, and the two girls outside the fish bowl.  One of the girls outside seems to be the best in age and looks, but never gives a single to me to choose her.  I tell the guy that I would like her.  The girl says 'no' and some other things, and I tell the guy, in Thai, that I no longer want her, and walk out.  This has never happened to me before and I walk around Chonburi and I felt really bad.  I'm not deformed and I am clean and I dress OK and have some manners, but I was rejected solely because of the color of my skin.  As I was walking around feeling really bad I came upon another massage parlour, and went in.  But now I fear rejection.  And it took a while but I ended up banging a 19 year old from Burma, which was OK, and she was nice.  I walked back to the hotel feeling better.

So I guess what I am saying is fuck a 19 year old from Burma and you'll feel better.
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Post at 12-12-2011 11:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 nedword's post

On this question of rejection because of skin color or other racial characteristic, I had a chance to discuss this issue with several Thai girls (in Thailand) as well as some Filipinas (in the Phlippines).  They all told me the same thing. They said that they use profiling. They said that they do this work day in and day out, and they also discuss their customers among themselves. Hence, they feel justified in profiling their customers.

As a result, they try to avoid customers who do not fit the desired profile. If a girl is attractive, she knows that someone else will come along, so she is not worried about going home empty. Their preferred profile, or so I was told, is a gentleman who is generous, treats them nicely, and does not ask them to do too much. In Thailand, Japanese men are the most desirable, followed by white male, and then the rest of us folks. That's just the way it is.

I am not Japanese and I am not white either, but having this tidbit of info has helped me a great deal in my mongering life so far. I guess one just has to make the girl comfortable, and somehow convince her that you have the desirable qualities.
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Post at 12-12-2011 11:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 lefeu's post

I am positive that you are right about this.  I mostly visit massage parlours in Thailand and the girls all have said that they don't like Indians, which isn't surprising as Thai's have an unexplainable aversion to Indians.  I agree with what you say, but at a massage parlour its kind of different as the routine is so set up that it isn't like there is much more I could make her do, or be embarrassing in my dress as we just walk to a room and strip.

I was at a massage parlour in Batam, Indoneisa.  Batam is mostly where guys for Malaysia and Singapore go for the weekend.  I walk in and all the girls are sitting around and they see me.  I start to talk to the lady in charge and she talks to the girls.  Then the lady in charge starts to rub my dick through my shorts.  Its kind of weird as we are standing there, she is rubbing my dick and she is talking to the girls on the other side of a short rail.  I start to get semi-excited and she tells the girls how big my dick is and everyone relaxes.  

So, i think that in places that don't see lots of white people that the girls have only seen white penises in porno videos, and thus they are worried about being ripped to shreds.  Upon reflection of this new found knowledge I should have shown my penis to one of the women working there so she could allay the fears of the girl.  Live and learn.

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hkplayboy   12-12-2011 20:30  Karma  +1   +1 for showing your penis
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Post at 12-12-2011 19:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 lefeu's post

I was with some Indian friends in Phuket celebrating a bachelor party and can understand. I'm Singaporean Chinese, but look Japanese and the phuket girls were swarminground me, but I had a hard time getting them to join us in our villa for a party when they saw that it was 8 of us and 7 were Indian. According to them, they didn't like Indians because their experience is that they tended to treat WGs very poorly.
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Post at 14-12-2011 14:18  Profile P.M. 
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A follow up:

I got back on the w(hor(s)e) as someone suggested that I do. I rolled up to KP early at 5:15 and requested one of my regulars, Xiao Yiu a real find (at least for me, a real MILF,  but she may be too old for some of you lads here). It was business as usual and as it has every time in the past except for my one exceptional visit, KP delivered the goods .

Did not see Mandy nor ask for her.

I appreciate the various comments above, many WGs from small towns have not seen Gwailos before and so get scared off by them and their stereotypical penis size. I could see where they are too shy to even sit next to one and attempt to speak with them in their own language, imagine the stress they will have if they have to do the nasty with them .

Thanks again for the support

Keep on mongering

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ramont   14-12-2011 20:53  Karma  +1   Thanks for the update
nedword   14-12-2011 14:32  Karma  +2   Its great to hear follow up.

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