If you will permit me a few observations and conjectures in my humble opinion:
Like many others here, I, too, was in love with a WG. And I do mean love, feelings and emotions like I never experienced before or since (and I am much older than you and have had many relationships). She loved me back, for sure. Still, while I think about her every day now, I am thankful both for the times we had together and for the fact that we are no longer together.
So, my thoughts:
1. She may well love you and you may well love her, but that doesn't mean she is the only one you can love and it doesn't mean you must "rescue" her and her family. You are contemplating taking on a very large obligation (not just financially, but emotionally with the WG status/issue and her family). In cases where you create the obligations yourself (for example, you get a young girl pregnant), taking on those obligations can be noble; in cases where you had nothing to do with the obligations/burden you take on, doing so can be folly.
2. Her refusal to take payment from you and her reluctance to take gifts, etc., may well be genuine. She may be signaling that she believes she has lived a life of shame and is not deserving of reward from an honest man (a guy who is a non-client and whose emotions are genuine). This may be a dangerous sign. While this appears to be a sign that she is not greedy or needy, it may also be telling that she does not have an ability to accept emotional support or love, either. Few things can be more frustrating than loving someone who is unable or unwilling to fully embrace or accept your love.
3. The fact that you posted here, bearing your soul and dilemma to thousands of anonymous readers, suggests that you are searching, not only for the specific questions you asked, but for validation of what you already believe subconsciously....that you know pursuing this girl is a mistake. Try to listen to yourself and carefully read your own gut and internal signals. When it comes to long-term relationships, if it doesn't feel 100% right, don't do it.
4. If you haven't read it already, I HIGHLY recommend to you to read the story of Meow & Chochet, which you can find here: ... &extra=page%3D1
I don't mean for this to sound preachy or omniscient in any way. Hell, I don't know you at all. These are just some gut thoughts, based on minimal facts, but from a guy with at least some applicable experience who has some compassion for bros going through similar issues. Take it for what it's worth.
Best of luck.