I totally get why the OP is pissed.
Back in August when i first joined the forum I reported on a Russian from 18.
The punt was a disappointment but I salvaged the night by having an overnighter with one of my regulars.
I made the mistake of adding in my report that we made a video together.
And wouldn't you know it, she gets inundated with requests to make low budget porn
She refused of course, but then these guys would whip out their smartphones and quote my report.
One even offered her an extra 3000 if she relented.
Thank god i didn't take up CunningLinguist's offer to help upload the video or we'd both be finding the video popping on amateur vid threads on Pornbb, Planetsuzy or the like...
wander also brought up a valid point.
This experience has indeed soured the once excellent rapport i had with her and has resulted in her increasing her "asking price" for her subsequent visits.
(Not that I'm complaining because she's worth every cent. Just trying to illustrate the fallout from this debacle)
But most importantly, it has made me hesitant to share information on my other regulars. Most of whom provide awesome service. Which of course, defeats the purpose of joining a forum. After all, sharing is caring.