Subject: confession of a mentally f*cked up idiot (real)

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Post at 30-1-2012 10:45  Profile P.M. 
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Truely idiot! You wouldnt even look at her twice on the street so what makes you want to get your hands on her in the first place? You already knew about 141 back then so should have just stuck to the hotties there

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virginboy   30-1-2012 21:09  Karma  +4   Maybe I have daddy issues... not enough love
DArtagnan   30-1-2012 16:50  Acceptance  +1   no: OP called himself a "mentally f*cked up idiot", so he's just agreeing!
SEAJ   30-1-2012 10:59  Acceptance  -1   A bit over the top - no? Calling another bro "Truely (sp) idiot?
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Post at 30-1-2012 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 virginboy's post

Now that you fully understand the situation and that you will not be getting any further and that she is only stringing you along and laughing about it with her room mate, I think that you should have some fun with it.

Get some ideas from the punters here.  It doesn't have to be too harmful but just something that she deserves for the way that she has taken advantage of your innocence.  Something as simple as to expose her for what she really is.

Good luck.

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virginboy   30-1-2012 21:11  Karma  +4   That's what I tried to do... ended up depressed every night
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Post at 30-1-2012 17:37  Profile P.M. 
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All that for a less than average looking girl? You should post a pic of her for us to see since she seems like a bitch anyway.

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virginboy   30-1-2012 21:12  Karma  +1   better not. someone here might work with us
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Post at 30-1-2012 21:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 virginboy's post

Don't worry bro, everyone gets taken by a princess at some point. You'd only be a mentally f*ucked up idiot if you let it continue or let it happen with another one.

Best advice I can give is to treat civvie hook ups just like a punt. You wouldn't hand over the cash before a punt so follow the same rules with a civvie.

[ Last edited by  magic_hands at 31-1-2012 20:20 ]
doghead (dog)
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Post at 30-1-2012 23:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #24 magic_hands's post

Best advice I can give is to treat civvie hook ups just like a punt. You would wouldn't hand over the cash before a punt so follow the same rules with a civvie.

You cannot do that, not hand over the cash before getting the pussy with a civvie, because you will reduce your chances of getting laid practically to zero.

I always find it interesting how some guys get so pissed when they didn't get the pussy after spending some (not too much, just) money on a chick.

Trying adopting the attitude I have with regards to civvie. I prefer to relate girls as to being similar to company stocks in a portfolio. With this attitude, you accept that chasing some girls will not work out just like some stocks will dive after you buy them. You will feel better and actually your successes will increase as you gain experience in picking great stocks/chicks (likely to perform).

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sirtiger   31-1-2012 21:56  Acceptance  +1   true too!
ulebsari (Andy)
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Post at 30-1-2012 23:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 virginboy's post

I say buy the car (on your name of course, but let her know you will only buy the car if she lets you fuck her), fuck her for few months (recover your already spent money), then take the car away and give it to your wife...

case closed, dont see the bitch again.

[ Last edited by  ulebsari at 30-1-2012 23:18 ]

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sirtiger   31-1-2012 21:56  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
DArtagnan   31-1-2012 18:52  Karma  +2   now that's thinking like a Player!
virginboy   30-1-2012 23:57  Karma  +4   I had thought exactly that nearly word for word!!

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Post at 31-1-2012 03:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by priapus at 1/28/12 04:14 PM
Well... if OP is a mainlander fatcat, then yes, spraying money like it's out of style is VERY chinese.

Don't forget about the whole "face" thing where Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese women are always trying to one up each other with elaborate lies about how much money their boyfriend/husband/sponsor spends on them.
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Post at 31-1-2012 05:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 virginboy's post

@virginboy most of us if not all have fallen for a WG so I would just move on and forget it. I guess it could have been worse. She played hard to get and I am assuming it was a challenge for you so you stuck with it. One of my coworkers fell in love with a WG from a pattaya go go bar and was wiring her via Western Union about 2k U.S. dollars a month for "school, and a roof for her parents house" He later found out she was never in class. I finally convinced him to get rid of her and use that money on a new Range Rover he wanted. He finally agreed. When I first went to Thailand I fell for a WG girl too and bought her some clothes and gave her about $400 U.S. dollars a month for 3 months before finally waking up and stopping it. My point is sometimes we get blinded by love and don't think with our head.  We have all be there bro.

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virginboy   31-1-2012 21:04  Karma  +4   made me feel better :-)
wander   31-1-2012 18:26  Acceptance  +1   I Havent! Er.. This month......
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Post at 31-1-2012 18:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 virginboy's post

Bro read ur tread.
She seems to be very, very money-oriented.
Money can not buy love, you know that.
Much more important is to find out if she respects you,
or if she sees you only as a victim in love (“the idiot”) who she only likes to “milk”.

Here my test:
Did she ever buy food for you from her own money?
You work with her, did she cares about you? Like to buy for you a coffee,
or call you if you are not at work (may you are ill).
This little signs cost her nothing, but show what she feels for you.

If there are no small token of appreciation, and only wishes for more and more, greater gifts:
Then she is no good!

I would personally not spend 1 second from my life with her.
You send her 99 roses as a sign of your "love" or what ever, and she send you that message:
No thank you?
Shit bro, wake up!
PS: A lot of WG´s i know are definitely more polite then her!

[ Last edited by  inbkk at 31-1-2012 21:04 ]

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virginboy   31-1-2012 21:06  Karma  +4   Thanks!
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Post at 31-1-2012 20:44  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by doghead at 30-1-2012 23:01

You cannot do that, not hand over the cash before getting the pussy with a civvie, because you will reduce your chances of getting laid practically to zero.

I'm not saying you can't spend money on a civvie taking her out etc. But once she demands gifts and you buy them, then you're just an ATM and she has practically zero incentive to give up the pussy. Why would she? She's getting everything she wants and giving nothing in return.
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Post at 31-1-2012 22:10  Profile P.M. 
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It's the man role to take the lead!

I got no problem with buying gifts for pretty lady.  Jewlery, flowers, makeup, chocolate....  Sometimes damn-expensive-jewelry.   I enjoy it.  I Love those moments when giving a gift to her....  A wonderful surprise.., a great smile.....

But an iPhone aint a gift for a date!  It is a utility, a tool.., no more than a toilet!.  A gal asks me for that (other than my SO) and I know exactly where I stand with her ---- and I'll tell her such...  Goodbye!

A gal asks you for a specific utilitarian gift like that before you've even been intimate?  Shite...  I would have left the table and on to Wanchai before she finished the sentance.

There is something about how people present themselves, I suppose.  I have been with 1,000 women - yet none have asked me for shit like this ---- yet I have bought many gals even more expensive jewelry.  The ones that received such never asked for anything.  (and I had been seeing them for some time!).

If they ask for ANYTHING in the first few dates..., move on...

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davidlong   2-2-2012 11:54  Karma  +1   for my errors earlier :)
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Post at 31-1-2012 22:30  Profile P.M. 
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i'll write sometime diff than the many posts here.   Is she filling a void that you are seeking?  Think about what your needs are so stop the vicious cycle. Yes, its easy to pay for pussy as your many 141 reports here & fill the needs of just sex.  Obviously you are seeking something deeper
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Post at 31-1-2012 23:13  Profile P.M. 
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Daaaam dude, that's quiet a story. It would have made sense is she was giving you some good or great sex and being a great gf. But no sex etc and you still bought her quiet expensive gifts...I think she has a serious case of PRINCESS SYNDROME and maybe you started it with you buying the phone..

I don't know but I'm trying to not imagine what if she was giving you sex and a great gf, how much would you have given her. But hey, I dunno. You might be loaded.

I'm young and still studying so I don't have cash to blow like that.

Maybe you should try an find a way to rekindle your marriage. Honey moon again? Without the kids?

But do you feel guilty as to kind of cheating with your wife? And does she know about the money etc?
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Post at 31-1-2012 23:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 kaiiyu's post

again, its also him.  He maybe looking for a challenge...aka ego

rekindle?  cheating?   we try not to judge here his reasoning.
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Post at 31-1-2012 23:40  Profile P.M. 
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rekindle as in maybe try make his marriage better again. I dont think that is judging but more of a suggestion.

Cheating, well given the facts that he has a wife and child. He still got himself a "girlfriend" which he bought gifts, he tried to hug and then kiss. If you ask me or anyone else, I think that's cheating. and those are the facts.

What are you trying to say bro?
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Post at 31-1-2012 23:57  Profile P.M. 
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################ UPDATE ########################

Okay, the girl decided to unblock me (yesterday) on Whatsapp and pretend everything was back to normal.  She started sending me text messages like "how r u?", "busy?", "have fun at work honey"... blah blah

Lucky I posted here.  I ignored her and didn't bother to contact her today.  First day not to talk to her since meeting her.

After reading all the posts and analysing my possible reasons for being a dickhead.... those would be a combination of the following:

1) I have a lot of $ because I run a popular porn tube website that earns more $/day than my actual job

2) My big man ego took over.  I thought - I could impress her so much that she would actually fall for me

3) My wife, even though she is beautiful, thin, super nice and lovely - doesn't put out nor does she get affectionate with me.  So I'm trying to fill this lack of affection and sex at home

Now, I identified the relationship was heading no where after it became apparent on the 12th date that she wouldn't let me hold hands, she would walk at least 1 metre in front of me, when it rain - she didn't want to share an umbrella etc...   I got caught in a situation where when she showed interest (irrespective of my money and not me), it made me feel important and wanted.  This made me want to make her like me more, and then my big man ego took over again and again....

I have chosen to ignore her.  If she sends me messages asking to meet, I will say I'm busy working or something.  She will eventually get the picture.  I tried to directly tell her not to contact me again because the relationship is going no where, and she turns to the lovey dovey but no intimacy.   

What I think is... I would not leave my wife for this girl even if my wife doesn't put out either.  Both my wife and this girl doesn't put out - BUT at least my wife is normal and doesn't demand money, play games etc.


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maverick16   1-2-2012 00:31  Karma  +1   
ulebsari   1-2-2012 00:23  Karma  +4   way to go..keep the below for further advice....
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Post at 1-2-2012 00:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #36 virginboy's post

I bet if the girl realizes that you have lost interest in her, she maybe willing to let you fuck her, just to get the flow of small gifts again...Believe me, they live for shit like this.

I bet you will be banging her in no time if you continue to behave with her the way you are right now...

One word of not buy her ANYTHING till you actually put you dick in all her holes...

PS: Is your porn site in English?

[ Last edited by  ulebsari at 1-2-2012 00:25 ]

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Post at 1-2-2012 00:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #36 virginboy's post

@virginboy I would just ignore her and not even talk to her. Even block her yourself. She is trying to cling on to you for more money by using her "charm," because frankly she is a bitch. Stick with the wife as your entree and some or many appetizers on the side with no emotion.
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Post at 1-2-2012 01:04  Profile P.M. 
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Hey VB,

She sounds like a dominatrix personality and maybe she just hasn't discovered herself yet?

In any event, I need to hire a talented repo agent, can you send me her number??

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DArtagnan   1-2-2012 09:41  Karma  +1   Nice. But a real Dominatrix knows she has to feed her slave sometimes.
maverick16   1-2-2012 04:01  Karma  +1   haha

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 1-2-2012 01:33  Profile P.M. 
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You might not want to let her go hard too or do anything stupid.

She might do something stupid, like, hunt you down, follow you home and confront your family and ruin everything.

Even though your wife doesn't put out. You did love her once, maybe try work things out with your wife once everything has settled. You described your wife as nice, thin and kind. Those are great traits even if she doesn't put out. She sounds like a good person. Now you gotta do it just work on the sex.

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TheButler   3-2-2012 03:25  Karma  +1   True, the girl has demonstrated her ruthlessness

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