Originally posted by crossbone at 8-2-2012 15:25
I've seen a few girls in the DB that don't have any pictures at all. They're priced pretty high as well at above 1.8k.
My question now is: Are these girls worth the punt? ...
There have been a few reports here by guys who wanted to find out (and had the budget)
I've not seen a single one that said "wow, it was worth it" ... quite the reverse actually, the ones I've read are critical.
Which, given that the vast majority of reports here are complimentary, is probably a good guide to figure how you would feel if you picked one.
Whether it's the looks that don't fit the fantasy, or the service is lazy and uninspiring, or just the price is much more than the same from a HG who put her pics up, you're putting a huge amount of trust in what? A price tag?? C'mon nobody does that do they???
Up to you
Follow the Forum Rules: you asked, so if you do try one, write a short report!