I went to champagne court and there were no Indian girls, I mean I did t knock on every door but I did try at least 10, all we're Chinese girls. I even asked local punters of there were non Chinese girls and got a no or I don't know lol.
I settled for the girl I saw first, 8th floor right at the back left, last room on the right. Chinese girl who was taller than me with heels on and a nice pair of boobies, I think around a D cup. Had an ok time but I caught her looking at the clock a few times.
She made these retorical porno styled moans that put me off but I just kept at it, I knew she thought I'll be a 3 min man but unfourtantly I'm not.
In the end I had her give me HJ whilst I played with her pubes and big long nips.
She only speaks manderian, her Cantonese and English area near enough non existent.
Damage was 500 which I thought was too much, but oh well I'm goin home next week.
Also I just got back from TST Chungking mansions, walked the alleyways and found no females, only Indian guys and quite a few Nigerians and an odd Somali here and there.
There were 2 girls outside the 711, one was an aunty type but not big and hairy nor dark. The other was a more plumpish younger girl, tried smiling at the aunty but she did nothing, she just smiled back and looked at me, I even signalled for her to come over into the side door of mindor mansions?
The other girl, I waved at her but she looked me up and down and shook her head...
Sad times, I even would of went with these girls to satisfy my Indian girl obsession and got shot down
Any advice on what I should do? What's the best time to go hunting?
Btw I was there around 9/10pm.
Sorry for all the spelling mistakes, I'm on and iPhone and it's hard to type this stuff and editing is a real big pain.
Last edited by soulburner8 at 28-5-2012 23:26 ]