Subject: Taking Photos

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Post at 1-5-2012 00:49  Profile P.M. 
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Taking Photos

Hey fellow bro's, I'm already back in NY... but have had mongered a few times the past 2 months while I was still in HK. I never had the balls to actually bring a camera to take pictures, what's the protocol for this? And also, do the girls turn on you for asking to take photos or what? Thanks very much.
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Post at 1-5-2012 01:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 nooblier's post

I just went up and asked.  If they said no, I didn't push it.  I usually asked for body or leg shots.  I suppose if Ioffered an extra tip on top, some might have said yes.  But like I said, I didn't want to push it if they were uncomfortable.
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Post at 1-5-2012 07:46  Profile P.M. 
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Ask after building up a rapport with her. Be nice and sincere. Offer no-face shots first.don't push if she refuses.  Telling her it could bring in more business helps too.
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Post at 1-5-2012 08:20  Profile P.M. 
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If your unable to bring a digital camera, i'm sure you still have a camera phone with you so you can still ask the girl in a nice way for some souvenier pics if she will allow or not.
Start by telling her how pretty she is and you like to see if she's photogenic then show her the results and if she likes it, i'm sure she'll pose for you for more pics.
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Post at 1-5-2012 10:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Chasem at 1-5-2012 01:18
I suppose if I offered an extra tip on top, some might have said yes.

That would work almost every time.
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Post at 1-5-2012 11:54  Profile P.M. 
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I used my IPAD because the camera is better.  I told her I would not take face shots and showed her each photo after I took it.  I even let her self critique and change a pose if she liked.  I then stored them under a secure app that requires a passcode to view the pictures.  She was shy at first and then warmed up some.  I will take even better ones on my next trip.

Honestly if you tell her they are for personal use, then keep it that way.  Don't post them on here unless she says its ok and is aware of what she is agreeing to.  I wont post mine because they are personal and I gave her my word that they would stay that way.

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yazoo   6-5-2012 01:20  Karma  +1   Well said.
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Post at 1-5-2012 12:08  Profile P.M. 
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I walk in, compliment their looks, ask for a picture. If they say no, I say I won't take a picture of their face. If they still say no, I back off, and chat with them a little before and during the shower, build up some rapport.

Afterwards, before paying, I ask again. If it's still a no, I offer to tip, which I always do anyway.

Most are ok with no face and clothes on. I mean, that's pretty much what the DB has anyway...
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Post at 1-5-2012 15:06  Profile P.M. 
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often ask politely with a small tip...if she says no, i wont push it. usualy they're okay with it!
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 2-5-2012 01:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 nalgene88's post

is this speaking from experience or conjecture?

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Post at 2-5-2012 02:58  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks very much for the info; so the chances of them telling me to turn around and gtfo out the door is pretty slim right?
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Post at 2-5-2012 06:14  Profile P.M. 
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i usually ask after we are done so she is more at ease.
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Post at 5-5-2012 16:50  Profile P.M. 
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If you first give them time to relax and warp up, give them compliments on their looks, etc. They almost always accept. Sometimes they reject because they are afraid their BF of boss will see what she is up to on the side, but asking has never ruined any chemistry for me. And I ask almost every time!

[ Last edited by  Nordic at 5-5-2012 09:52 ]
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Post at 6-5-2012 00:41  Profile P.M. 
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Most of my 'successful' attempts were only bra shots w/o face.. Obviously I'm not charismatic enough
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Post at 6-5-2012 01:10  Profile P.M. 
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Just ask right up front. They're used to mongers asking for that. I know it's awkward but after a few times, you'll get used to it.
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Post at 6-5-2012 01:24  Profile P.M. 
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My success rate in Macau and China was about 75%, but over here in Vancouver I'm batting zero.  I guess they must all be in the same union!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 6-5-2012 13:21  Profile P.M. 
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It all depends...

on if the gal think it advantageous to allow you to snap away or not.

Oh of course if you offer them extra cash...which we generally disapprove of as it spoils the market...but the thing that makes them decide one way or the other is the degree of danger such pictures represent i.e. LE action, exposure to friends/family/internet forever and if such pictures will help their business or not.

In the case of Hong Kong HG's who are here only temporarily and are assured by their agents that DB pictures are NOT accessible from China (and fooling them by extension that pictures published on the forum are equally not available - a bald lie/untrue!!) - they are very easy to convince to allow picture taking.  In fact, we have some guys, alongside agents of the gal, who specializes in taking such pictures to get other benefits from the agents - telling them that there's absolutely no danger/will help their business tremendously during their short stay in Hong Kong.

You'll notice the dearth of supposedly "real" pictures (are they??  Some guys are so good at presenting even dogs as beauties with their supposed "real" pictures on our forum!! LOL!) for Walk-ups, saunas and of course ROW sections as the gals are more savvy as to what's going on with their pictures.

so don't feel badly about not being able to take pictures unless you're visiting an HG in Hong Kong.

SEAN - Just my 2 cents on this.


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Post at 6-5-2012 20:14  Profile P.M. 
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From the few occasions I've left with WG from bars I've told the girl already that I'm a photographer.
In hotel room I usually show some of my work. So far had no problems taking photos of the girls.
I never promise any extra money but I promise to send photo to girls if they want to. Also I show
from my camera what I have taken.

I usually carry a big dslr, so no change hiding it! I put it into a shoulder bag when enetering places
like a sauna. When entering, they see camera and see that I put it away.

Also have 2 memory card slots inside and have a selection of nice classic nude photos on other.
So I can show what I mean to photograph. As I'm not interested in action photos. Sometimes I allowed
the girl take pictures of me also. Then I have deleted these she took of me after she has left.

I go to BBS with camera hanging from my shoulder or having it in my hand. No problems in Hainan!
I never take pictures of girls without permission. Same tactic as previous post. I offer no face photos if
otherwise not allowed.

In brothel also works, I just don't use flash. High ISO and 1,4 -2.0 aperture. I make color corrections
then to make photos look better. No photoshoping. Sometimes the wideangles make girls look a bit
strange and also not so much time to take photos. Some girls know how to pose but for some the photos don't really
look so good. Would need to make many visits and get them used to be photographed. Just too many

So my advise, talk and ask early in the process and no need to offer money. Offer sending photos via email
if they want to. It's fun. Maybe you should keep the photos safe from SO eyes?

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Post at 6-5-2012 22:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by lefeu at 1-5-2012 10:41

[quote]Originally posted by Chasem at 1-5-2012 01:18
I suppose if I offered an extra tip on top, some might have said yes.

That would work almost every time. [/quote]

Disagree with you there. I believe the reason WGs refuse pics is not financially related.

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