Originally posted by idewestnet at 30-4-2012 05:39 AM
On the side note, how do you really tell if a girl is Korean? Is there a 'test' questionn for us non-Korean speaking punter?
I always say in Korean, "Hello, how are you? What is your name?" and then quickly gauge to see what their response is. If they don't answer or look completely baffled then it's almost a sure sign they are not Korean.
Sometimes I will always have something written onto my smartphone in Korean, "Like, do you like the weather today?" and then show it to the girl. If they can understand it and answer, then I assume they are Korean.
Korean girls are usually lighter skin as well and have certain facial features that stand out and I absolutely love! Some northern chinese girls could pass off for being Korean, so it's tricky between these two. Some Mongolian girls try to pass off, but it's harder since they are darker skin color.