Originally posted by hang128 at 18-6-2012 04:12 PM
thanks brother, i think from the height can tell the girl is real japanese or korean? normally korean is a bit taller then japanese?
Doubtful. Even if the average heights of Koreans is taller than Japanese, that would account for a wide range of heights within the nationality. Obviously, there are some Japanese women that are taller than their Korean counterparts. Furthermore, if you read enough reports, you will find that the heights listed on the DB profile are often wrong and the photos are most certainly PS. Therefore, to say this girl is probably Korean based on height is a pretty weak statement.
Regarding PMing the report, I don't think I can do that. The Mods set RAs for a reason. If you would like specific details you should PM the guy who posted the report. I think his name is f1234356 or something like that.