Hi fellow experienced punters,
Just wanted to seek your comments and remarks on how do you convince WGs to take pics?
Maybe we can learn something from some of the sweet-talking bros here.
Here's some of my suggestions.
Contains some light-hearted remarks here, so don't take it too seriously.
I personally use only 1-6.
1) Direct approach. Can i take photo? Yes or No?
2) Praise her like crazy. Tell her she's pretty. Nice body, etc. Good way to improve your lying and sales skills

3) Give more tips
4) Be her regular
5) I have short memory. Only way to remember your face and make a repeat visit is by having a photo.
6) Ask for phone number and then asked for photo.
7) Tell her you are a virgin and it's your first time. Can I get a picture as a angpow?
8)Tell her that you work for a modelling/fashion company, and she got a lot of "potential"
9) Tell her you just bought a new camera and she'll de-virginised the camera.
10) Tell her that you've bought your DSLR along, what the heck?? Imagine carrying a DSLR walking up/down Fuji Building,CWB. :-)
11) Exchange photos (nude and non-nude)
12) I want to add you in Facebook, QQ
13) I want to use it for my 141 field report
14) I can't see your face in this dark room. Can I use my camera flash to see your face better?
15) I'm a pimp
16) To show it to my mom as potential GF candidate
17) I forgot to bring my specs. Can I take a photo and so I can view it back home with my specs?
18) I'm learning photography. Can you be my model?
19) How do you take photos using a camera phone? Can you teach me?
20) You'll look much better in photos. Let me prove it!! Can be interpreted as an insult by the WG

21) You take my dick photo, I take your pussy photo.