Subject: Macau Bros - Venetian girl
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Post at 31-8-2012 00:06  Profile P.M. 
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Macau Bros - Venetian girl


This is bugging the shit out of me.... I was at the Venetian earlier today and saw this chic. She looked absolutely gorgeous!! Nice round butt, big tits skinny legs, etc... you name it... She looked great too.. I'm thinking, she's too good to be true.. so I tried to see if she is a lady boy... no signs of an adam's apple.. normal sized hands, etc... so I went to talk to her... She (or he) has one of those voices that aren't deep like a guy's but not very feminine. After our conversation, I found out her name is Ai... and she's half Brazillian and half Japanese. Fluent English...

I didn't pursue cause, and no disrespect to the bros here that like that sorta thing, but the last thing I want to happen is to head to the room with this chic and she pulls out a penis...

So, any bros who have seen this girl... what are your thoughts? Better yet, anyone tried??

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feliphile   1-9-2012 02:01  Karma  +2   Why not be direct if ask if she's "all lady?"
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Post at 31-8-2012 00:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ruggers15's post

How the Venetian nowadays? I mean where can i spot these WGs and around what time do you encounter them?
My trip is 15 days away and i better get updates so i can have fresh knowledge of whats goin on out there in Macau lately.
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Post at 31-8-2012 01:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ruggers15's post

IMHO ladyboys only look spectacularly feminine in photos.  In person they're always easy to spot.  So just because a girl is beautiful doesn't mean she's a ladyboy!   I mean, what kind of world would that be?!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 31-8-2012 09:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ruggers15's post

You should try it out and let us know.

Not often you find gems in Venetian.
I get bored with the chinese WGs / Thai WGs and ladyboy wandering around the floor.
I had a Brazillian ass once though I couldnt verify much on her portuguese language skills.
Then on the same nite, there was hot fucking Persian. She is so hot that I almost book a room (she did not have a room at the hotel) just to fuck her.
But she found it too cumbersome and waste of time and she left.
She quoted 2,000 and I try to mark down 1000. She then offered 1500, final price. I stick with 1000. She was bit furious and said "Hey, I am already a bargain at 1,500. Look at me". No doubt, she darn hot.
There were other latinas but bit mature to my liking.
I went back again few weeks later for another few visits, but never saw these bunch of chicks anymore.

IF she is not Thai / Fili , then chances are they shld be legit female with naturalle Vahina!!.

But if she turned out to be a ladyboy, even better, fuck up her A-Hole!!!

[ Last edited by  hunter at 31-8-2012 09:52 ]

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Post at 31-8-2012 11:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 devilgodspeed's post

Bunch of girls are always there by the exit to the South Hotel elevators. I see them at all hours of the day. One time I was there at 7am and there were a whole lot... it's a hit and miss mostly... but if you walk around long enough, you'd find a few.

@hunter - That's a damn shame... this Ai girl doesn't have a room either. Might be a bit of a hassle too. I hope you're right but she can be bullshitting me about her nationality.. only one way to find out I guess...
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 31-8-2012 11:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 ruggers15's post

Some of the filipinos can look like latinas. Watch out.
I invited them for a coffee at the bar area. Chat and  speak with them in Spanish.  They choke.

But of cos few are really from SA, transit in Macau for quick money,  if you look at their ass and tits, they are no doubt muthafucking Latinas.

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Post at 31-8-2012 15:06  Profile P.M. 
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Erm my ecperiance is that lady boys are up front about it ... They don't want some guy going medieval on the if they get handfull of cock.

Ok that's my experience in Thailand - I be never had a supprise - I chatted one up once and after 15mins said you know I'm ladyboy - damn next!!
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Post at 31-8-2012 16:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ruggers15's post

If you made your decision and proceed after bargaining, just put your hand to her crouch and say you're being safe !
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Post at 31-8-2012 18:12  Profile P.M. 
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I was staying at the Venetian a cpl years back and I remember late at night there are some real cuties sitting around the slots.  I assume most people would have already had their tasting at earlier times (I was out around 3-4am).  So if you're hungering for some mongering then that might be a good time to check it out as well.
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Post at 31-8-2012 19:38  Profile P.M. 
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i know the brazilian you are talkingabout
she sits in that middle bar/coffee type of restaurant in  venetian .
I walked up to her last year and chatted up with her, she told me she wasw brazillian,
and her voice was DEEP like damnn,,, thats some husky voice.

no way i waw going to test that out.

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doghead   31-8-2012 22:56  Acceptance  +3   deep voice from smoking a lot, i mean a
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Post at 1-9-2012 23:48  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks bro ruggers15 for the prompt reply. I'll try to seek them out in 2 weeks time and check whether or not these International Venetian WGs are worth trying compared to the Pure Chinese Lisboa WGs.
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Post at 2-9-2012 07:39  Profile P.M. 
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I stayed at the venetian 4 years ago and I was proposition with "massagee"by
the wg's at the slots.

I dint think that the security guys at the lifts would let any come back to my room, so I dint bother
was that the wrong assumption, could I have gotten one back.

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