Subject: Any non-asian WGs?
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Post at 19-8-2012 11:31  Profile P.M. 
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Any non-asian WGs?

I wouldn't mind paying some premium for non-asian girls.  Any of them posted here working in HK?
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Post at 19-8-2012 12:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dohta's post

how much of a 'premium' are you willing to pay ?

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UncleDad   19-8-2012 12:22  Acceptance  +2   totally agree.
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Post at 19-8-2012 13:37  Profile Blog P.M. 
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they turn up

check under the HG section. generally Eastern European.

here's one working now:

HK$1400 for 45 minutes of the chicken flavor you specified   

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Post at 19-8-2012 14:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dohta's post

Recently there has been a Greece Model. Just check the 'Others' HG category regularly
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Post at 19-8-2012 19:37  Profile P.M. 
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Just do a search on the db. Search by price range or race.
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Post at 19-8-2012 23:33  Profile P.M. 
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I visited 2 Caucasian WG's in the hotels in TST earlier this year, but never tried. Both of them didn't look anything like the DB photos;
photoshoped like crazy.

Both were from Russia; one of them had tattoos all over her arm and quite plumpy (which the DB photos didn't show,and slimmed her down), and the other WG looked like she was on "something".. black bags under her eyes, looked as if she didn't sleep for days.
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Post at 19-8-2012 23:59  Profile P.M. 
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thanks, i actually checked the "other" race before posting and it didn't show up before.

so what do you guys think about non-asian WGs, aside from being more expensive.  better or worse service?
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Post at 20-8-2012 00:28  Profile Blog P.M. 
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i've only tried one, Guess, who was in town last year. she was...well, read the reports:

first was rockin':

second one...i was illin':

she was recommended by bro rajrammer who's righteous, and he was right with this Guess--that said, she was paranoid, drinking beer/Red Bull, smoking waaaay too many cigarettes, not thrilled about doing sex for a job, and forget about the level of service you'll get with an Asian WG. "Take shower, towel there" is about as good as it gets.

i've heard tales of awful service from some of these bottle-blondes. also realize that as they grow up in environments where there are usually NO Asians/Latinos/other races, they have been known to treat Asian bros differently from gwailos--that's just the way it is.

if yr Asian and wanna try it out, or yr Caucasian and wanna try it out, bring some fruit and other small gifts. i sat down and chatted with her for a few minutes before even taking my shoes off. she appreciated that. she was damn funny so we were laughing right away. it made a difference. yes, it's a high tariff and the meter's running, but bringing fruit and chatting paid off. it's my impression that people from eastern Europe are often cynical--they don't grow up under the best of circumstances. a lot more potato-farmers than rhythmic gymnasts...or WGs.

and might as well attach a couple DB pix.

yes, she really looked like that--trim and toned, although it's a glam image: in real-life her smile was cigarette-stained, she was a bit less cute and her hair wasn't that shade of jet-black that i just love with blue eyes. i asked if i could take a foto of just her EYES (i hadn't thought of how to manage that, but was willing to try). no way. but they were the proverbial pools of blue. nice.


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 20-8-2012 00:35 ]

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dohta   20-8-2012 01:38  Acceptance  +1   thanks for the read
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Post at 20-8-2012 01:21  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JackTheBat at 20-8-2012 00:28
i've only tried one, Guess, who was in town last year. she was...well, read the reports:

first was rockin':

second one...i was illin' ...

In trying out non-Asian WGs in Asia, I find that the experience is usually less enjoyable than that with an Asian WG. There's usually more of a "this is a business transaction, let's get it over with" feeling to it. Mind you this just a general view, there are always exceptions, as I have had great experiences with a Venezuelan, a Russian, and an ethnic Russian Kazakh in Asia. However, when outside of Asia, non-Asian WGs tend to be a lot more fun. My take on it is that, the "better' WGs stay in or near their home countries, and the ones who venture to Asia, are the ones who don't do as well back home. Just my 0.02cents.

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JackTheBat   29-8-2012 00:28  Karma  +1   heh, i like the surf 'n' turf!
gwailoplayer   21-8-2012 12:42  Karma  +1   if you are in a seafood restaurant, don't order the steak
Loveasia   20-8-2012 02:08  Karma  +2   Very well said. Best to stick with local food.
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Post at 21-8-2012 00:54  Profile P.M. 
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so it seems like most non-Asian WGs are Russian, any idea why?

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Xplayer   21-8-2012 14:14  Karma  +1   Haha.. gwailoplayer, you crack me up!
gwailoplayer   21-8-2012 12:43  Karma  +1   because it is their only agricultural commodity they can export for FOREX
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Post at 21-8-2012 10:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JackTheBat at 20-8-2012 00:28
it's my impression that people from eastern Europe are often cynical--they don't grow up under the best of circumstances. a lot more potato-farmers than rhythmic gymnasts.

Seems we could say the same about WGs from the mainland. Maybe not potatoes, but pretty sure they don't all have some bright future as a doctor or lawyer or they wouldn't be laying on their back in a hotel in HK.
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Post at 27-8-2012 19:37  Profile P.M. 
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Hi all,

Am new here after just getting back from Singapore for work.
Use to use laksaboy in Singapore and I'm glad to have found 141.

Quite often the E.European girls go on a 'tour' of Asia. Staying  for 1-3 months at a time. That girl Cora who was posted earlier got here after 2-3 months in Singapore. Under a different name as well.
Sometimes it pays to check the forums of Singapore, Tokyo and even Kuala Lumpur.
My experience says that usually if its even slightly too good to be true (photoshop) the they'll look 40-50% in real life.

The only bonus is they usually DeepThroat and Shave. Can't stand all the hairy hei's here...

Hope that helps.
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Post at 28-8-2012 10:26  Profile P.M. 
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Hi there.
I'm new to all this.
I'm hosting a guest in Hong Kong in early September.
Is there any feedback about www. se cre t wo
Any help in making my friend's trip memorable?
Given that we would go into the mainland after the weekend, I'm trying to explore non-Asian WG possibilities.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Post at 29-8-2012 00:39  Profile Blog P.M. 
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interesting comments...zacharias, u can post SG reports in the "Rest of The World" section, you'll find some of my SG reports in there, plus Thailand.

Xplayer is right: eastern European WGs tend to be frostier and more bizlike. but there are exceptions.

zacharias noted that Euro WGs do the "Asian tour"--Guess told me she was off to Singapore, and another bro found her on a website there.

there's a novelty value to blue eyes/blonde hair in Asia, but i only went because a couple of other bros gave Guess the thumbs-up. i enjoyed myself, and i always wanted to try that. OK, cross that off the list: the half-Bulgarian/half-Russian dancer-wannabee smoking cigs and sipping Red Bull through a straw in a CWB hotel room.

a lot of 'em SAY they're Russian, but that's just easier than saying: "i'm half Kazakh and half Uzbek," right? a lot of the WGs in Bangkok were Uzbek when i lived there. but i only found out reading about them after they were busted. in Pattaya, there are so many Russian tourists that there are almost certainly Russian hookers, but i wdn't know how to find them.

anywhere east of Poland, things get a bit paranoid. if finding quality east European tail is all-important, Germany is probably your best bet. but frankly, it's pretty damn good in HK if u like Asian variety.

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Post at 29-8-2012 21:14  Profile P.M. 
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If you really want a Euro WG in Asia, and want a really good one for sure, the only way is to find one in Europe (escort agencies or independents), and fly them over to you. It costs a bomb vs a short time, as you will probably need to book a minimum of 48 hours, provide a hotel, pay for plane tickets, food, etc. And on top of that, unless you are known to the agency (ie, having been a client of them before), they may or may not be willing to do so. Some girls also do not travel outside Europe. Non EU escorts may or may not need a visa, I am not sure.

I have done so (fly them over here) on many occassions, but in most cases, I had already seen them before, so this was just a continuation of an existing arrangement.

Sometimes well-known escorts from Europe, including pricey London-based escorts will do a tour of East Asia, usually because they want to go on a holiday, and decide to do a little side business, or because they have Asia-based clients who visited them in their home country. I know one London-based escort who asked me a ton of questions about visiting Singapore during the F1 weekend, and asking if it would be worth her while to come over, take a hotel room, etc.
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Post at 30-8-2012 14:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 Xplayer's post

Wow and I thought this hobby was expensive! Fly a girl to Hk? Really? Man with that money you can have 95% of the girls in hk and 99% of the Cathay girls (and appart from the old ones dressed in black, cabin bosses, they are mainly hot imho!).

Anyway not judging at all! Am actually interested, once she's there and you are doing something else (sleeping, eating...) , mind sharing!? ;) i dont need more than an hour!!!
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Post at 30-8-2012 18:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Frenchexpat at 30-8-2012 14:01
Man with that money you can have 95% of the girls in hk and 99% of the Cathay girls (and appart from the old ones dressed in black ...

But are they non-Asian WGs? The original question was non-Asian WGs. Most of the WGs in HK are Asian. It is expensive, and I wouldn't bother with it unless you really want a particular non-Asian WG. I did it because I knew the girls, and from time to time, have this really expensive desire to have a fusion 3P or 4P. Having Asian and European food at the same time ;) In fact, my next fusion meal is next week. Heheh..
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Post at 30-8-2012 23:11  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Xplayer at 29-8-2012 21:14
If you really want a Euro WG in Asia, and want a really good one for sure, the only way is to find one in Europe (escort agencies or independents), and fly them over to you. It costs a bomb vs a short ...

how big of a bomb is this you're talking about.. sounds like a nuclear one
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Post at 1-9-2012 07:20  Profile P.M. 
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Pretty girl...   she is so slim and so cute....
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Post at 2-9-2012 00:30  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by dohta at 30-8-2012 23:11

how big of a bomb is this you're talking about.. sounds like a nuclear one

By bomb I mean, you will pay for their usual rate for ## days (usually minimum 2 days, 1000 euros and up) plus airfare from their city to you. Once you are a regular or you hit it off particularly well with a girl, you will probably get lower rates. But the airfare is up to the airlines...

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