Subject: Time out Magazine
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Post at 14-8-2012 21:02  Profile P.M. 
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Time out Magazine

Anyone seen the latest issue - Sex in HK special
how accurate of the articles and statistics etc?.. 141 pointed out as for lonely !!! ..

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banter141a   15-8-2012 14:33  Karma  +1   Lonely... shouldn't it be Horny?
gmpink   14-8-2012 21:24  Karma  +1   thanks for the link interesting reads
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Post at 14-8-2012 21:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Alexander18's post

is there an online version or link that you can provide?  I don't get the printed version.

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Alexander18   14-8-2012 21:14  Karma  +3
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Post at 15-8-2012 04:05  Profile P.M. 
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Alexander, just browsed the TO HK website. couldn't find anything.
how much is the real magazine?

i don't see it around much in the outdoor newsagencies
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Post at 15-8-2012 04:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Alexander18's post

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Post at 15-8-2012 08:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Alexander18's post

This mag for the last 3 years have been trying to interview the Admin and partisipants of this forum, each and everytime they failed to get anyone to talk to them they wrote articals about 141 based on their assumptions of the 141 industry and or this forum !  

The last time they came here they PM members to do a survey giving the impression that it was being carried out by HKU.

The brotherhood in this forum believes that things should be kept under the radar as much as possibleand therefore shunted any interviews

I believe one of their reporters have registered here as a member and have already reached RA30
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Post at 15-8-2012 09:00  Profile Blog P.M. 
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There's a spy among us? Hahaha. I say... So long as he's also participating in the fun and contributing to the reports... Let him stay! Hahaha

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Post at 15-8-2012 09:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 UncleDad's post

i'm sure the spy is having more fun with the leisure activities than the actual spying!  haha
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Post at 15-8-2012 10:04  Profile Blog P.M. 
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please re-read twiceAweek's post

this isn't a joking matter: Time Out is a mainstream publication, many HK residents read it. including some people who might not otherwise know about this forum. do i need to spell it out for you guys?

my understanding is that they did indeed have a mole on the forum who was outed quickly by our mods. however, simply mentioning the name or URL in a mainstream publication may make certain people curious. what happens if i type those words into my husband's laptop/mobile, the autofill completes it and, i'm on the site! and since the cookie fills in the username/password (as one of our bros left it turned on for convenience)...OMG, i'm..."BigCockMonster"?? lets check out what MY SO HAS BEEN UP TO.

yeah, it's always good fun until someone gets caught--and in our Net-enabled world that's easier than ever. TOHK is a legit media outlet but they can't be expected to understand what sort of damage they might cause by publishing website names/URLs.

oh and if you have an SO, turn off the autofill at a minimum.


PS: here's the link to the article on "The Professionals": very mainstream, no mention of 141... ... -professionals.html

[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 15-8-2012 10:14 ]

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wander   15-8-2012 11:10  Karma  +1   Totally frickn agree.. Go AWAY
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Post at 15-8-2012 10:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 UncleDad's post

The spy is also a fucking Gay.
That;s why he needs to penetrate into this forum to extract info from macho man.

This fuck magazine is writing shit for the sake of entertainment but at the expense of our privacy and risk of exposure.

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JackTheBat   16-8-2012 11:48  Karma  +1   LOL! straight or gay, never give info on our hobby to the media

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Post at 15-8-2012 10:38  Profile P.M. 
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They have actually done a few article about this forum. I have read a few, but i didnt think it was damaging at all though. Anyone can access the forum as an individual without their own personal identity being disclosed.....unless like JTB said....autofill and your SO uses the same laptop/cpu....then you are fucked! I'll deny the autofill function and i'll also clear all history and cookie once every few days.....To be honest, cant be bothered to clear them after every visit to this forum! That requires too much work! hahahahah

Punt safe and Play safe!

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JackTheBat   16-8-2012 11:50  Karma  +2   good security practices: disable autofill and clear cookies...
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Post at 15-8-2012 10:46  Profile P.M. 
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Never heard of the mag till now
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Post at 15-8-2012 10:47  Profile P.M. 
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Wouldnt it be easier on the chinese side, to staff r chinese etc
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Post at 15-8-2012 11:15  Profile P.M. 
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I got approached

This goes back a year or more..., but a 141 member PM'ed me a few times asking me to interview for a "newspaper article".  I told him to fuck off and never contact me again.  Then, a month or so later I got a PM from someone (a gal) claiming to be from TimeWarner News (in the US) doing a story on sex-addicts and would I interview with them.  I asked her to send me a pic.  hehe.  Never heard back....

Anytime I see 141 in the news in HK my nerves get tingly.  I envision 10,000 gweilo-spouses logging in to take a look.  Ohhh shit.... what details have I spoken of?  

Yeah.... no news is good news.

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gaoxing   18-8-2012 16:10  Karma  +1   Great response -- ask for a pic
JackTheBat   16-8-2012 11:47  Karma  +1   good skills, wander. don't give ANY info to the media!
Petay_1283   15-8-2012 12:56  Karma  +1   must of been around the same time as me lol
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Post at 15-8-2012 12:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 hunter's post

I have never read the magazine but I remember a while back receiving PM's from a guy wanting to meet to talk about the 141 aspects etc...

I actually remember him offering to buy dinner & drinks lol he even sent me his number...

Glad I didn't now you said he was gay

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JackTheBat   16-8-2012 11:51  Karma  +1   dinner/drinks? that's NOT ethical--journos shdn't compensate sources
hunter   15-8-2012 13:41  Acceptance  +1   He didnt offer his ass to you?

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 15-8-2012 13:52  Profile P.M. 
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My wife knows about 141.
My ex-GFs all knows about 141.
My friends outside HK knows about 141.

Knowing is one thing and proving or claiming our association with 141 activities is another.
The former, no harm at all.

The harm comes when this entertainment magazine who doenst have a fucking clue about the whole story tries to write the half truth articles/news for public viewing, just because the employee need to submit his news for printing or to attract more readers to their publishing.
If the article is written in a negative manner, the reader especially the women who assume all men are dogs will misinterpret it in the same negative way.
In the end, we are the victim !!!

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JackTheBat   16-8-2012 14:52  Karma  +1   good points, just be sure your autofill's off and u/n+p/w hidden
gmpink   15-8-2012 14:02  Acceptance  +1   Good point
Petay_1283   15-8-2012 13:57  Acceptance  +3   are you serious..? You know what it is we do here right? LOL

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Post at 15-8-2012 18:12  Profile P.M. 
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Shity article and time out is a bi- weekly magazine so stories turn over fast.

Although I agree best it not there in the first place.

And you read time out for review and what's on more than the stamped out interview and articles. The celeb stuff u can can was written someone at a press conference at best.
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Post at 15-8-2012 21:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 hunter's post

There have been many researches carried out about paying for sex in many countries;
There is a common assumption in the public that the people who visit prostitutes are lonely and/or losers and/or  some sort of weirdo

Actually, in reality, vast majority of guys who visit prostitutes are married or have partners and most of the women who are partners of these guys think that their partners are faithful and only other women partners are the ones who visit prostitutes.  This type of women’s stupidity is the godsend the guys who visit prostitutes and they tell all sort of excuse and their partners belief them.

Only peoples who knows about the whole situation are the ones who working in the sex industry and the people who using the sex industry. Anyone who is outside of these has no clue about anything.
Most of the media portraits anything and everything for selling more copies of magazine or papers etc. And also, they propagate  their own views and ideas than reality

In my many years of experience, sex workers are from all sort of background and also punters are comes from all sort of background. Hence, there is nothing unique about people involved in sex industry and all about personal choice.

However, the followings are riddles me for years

The guy visit prostitutes and when he find out that his wife or partner having sex with another guy or girl he will be furious that she is unfaithful !!!

Girl works as prostitutes and her husband or partner having sex with other girl or guy and she is will be furious that she is unfaithful !!!

The girl does rimming (licking guy’s ass hole) and she says she doesn’t  kiss because it too personal
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Post at 27-8-2012 19:57  Profile P.M. 
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So you've read it too!

Hi guys,

New to the 141 but a veteran monger-er/cheongster (anyone who's been to Singapore or SammyBoy knows).

Just got back to HK after my contract/posting in Singapore.

My company actually use to publish TimeOut Singapore and TOHK was a contract that we use to actively pursue.
So we use to pick up copies to see what our competitors were up to.
So imagine our shock when we see the 141 editorial! We'd never get to do shit like that in Singapore without being sacked!
Any how, it read like they covered usernames and such.
However I believe any sensible adult, gweilo or not understand that this side of life exists in HK. We've all have to walk through that certain street in WanChai...

Why don't we just agree to use Chrome and Incognito mode to keep the missus happy.

Peace x
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Post at 27-8-2012 22:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 zacharias's post

I don't get your point ... ???
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Post at 28-8-2012 13:36  Profile P.M. 
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not much of a point I guess.

Well my point is in a once sleazy major city that catered to the US Military, this article probably isn't that shocking to most TO readers.
In fact if you look at TO's readership (which btw is available on the publishers website) the majority of Monger's won't be affected by it as majority of the readership is the expat society and even subscribers abroad who visit regularly.

Obviously a significant amount of TO's readership will be local HKers but any blunders associated with the wife nosing around can be completely avoided by using the Incognito mode I'm Chrome or a web proxy.

I'm actually surprised that there hasn't been an article like this earlier.

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