Subject: Indonesia-based bros know: no sex141 for you...
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Post at 10-8-2012 10:54  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Indonesia-based bros know: no sex141 for you...

I'm back after a week in Indonesia. But although I had Internet access, I didn't have any, errrr....alternate methods of accessing ALL of the Net. Which means when I popped on the forum, I got this:
Maaf, konten terlarang ini tidak dapat kami tampilkan.

Berdasarkan Surat Edaran Kominfo 1598/SE/DJPT.1/KOMINFO/7/2010 kami dilarang untuk menyediakan akses terhadap konten terlarang ini.

Sorry, we cannot display this forbidden content.

Based on Circular Letter from Department of Communications and Information Technology 1598/SE/DJPT.1/KOMINFO/7/2010 we are not allowed to provide access to this forbidden content.

This page is blocked by hxxtp:// blacklist database.

Maaf, we're on a blacklist, gents! Well, I wish I could report that I'd been rampaging through those legendary multi-floor clubs packed with smoky-eyed cuties, but it wasn't the case.

Before leaving for the equatorial archipelago, however, I did have another fun dalliance in Singapore's Geylang District: regrettably no gal-fotoz allowed but the report is here:


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paladin310   11-8-2012 03:13  Karma  +2   INFIDEL!!!
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Post at 10-8-2012 13:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JackTheBat's post

I wish I could report that I'd been rampaging through those legendary multi-floor clubs packed with smoky-eyed cuties, but it wasn't the case.

eh ... you could always make a report after the fact (or fuk) ... or is your short term memory's shot just like mine ?  

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JackTheBat   10-8-2012 14:35  Acceptance  +10   LOL! i kinda wish i'd been rockin' in JKT...
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Post at 10-8-2012 14:39  Profile Blog P.M. 
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... you could always make a report after the fact (or fuk) ... or is your short term memory's shot just like mine ?  

huh? what were we talking about??   

i was in Bali scuba-diving and visiting some pals. prices have spiked so rapidly in Bali it might be cheaper to fly to Tokyo and bang J-escorts. i didn't even attempt any Indo-mongering.

i did have some righteous fun in Singapore so reported on that. while i still remembered it! second gal refused fotos tho--u gotta respect that, but a shame as she was really nice to look at while she was...well, just read the report, i forgot already!

where did i put those antioxidants...?   

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Post at 10-8-2012 19:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JackTheBat's post

if u have a blackberry, you can use it to get through and access the forum

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JackTheBat   11-8-2012 18:16  Karma  +1   thx bro!
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Post at 11-8-2012 18:20  Profile Blog P.M. 
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curiosity about the Indo blacklist

quite a few bros have asked me about the blacklist...many countries ban certain sites for whatever reason.

there are ways to get full Internet access: DBHK mentions one, there are VPNs and proxies also, not going to specify but it's easy enough to find this knowledge if you scout around or ask some Net-savvy friends.

i didn't bother as i was visiting friends and don't spend much time in Indo, but as a loyal punter i feel i must inform all my fellow mongers that measures must be taken in certain locales. for me, all the fun happened in Singapore...     

Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 12-8-2012 21:10  Profile P.M. 
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wow that must be quite recent as I was there a few weeks ago and had no probem accessing the website! Well it is a very religious country so I guess some religious freak must have started a crusade against the website. Given the title of the website, not surprisedit falls under the forbidden category though!!!
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Post at 12-8-2012 22:24  Profile Blog P.M. 
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wow that must be quite recent as I was there a few weeks ago and had no probem accessing the website! Well it is a very religious country so I guess some religious freak....

i was on Bali and not using any VPN/proxy. not sure what your setup was, i could have likely sorted out a workaround but couldn't be bothered.

website-blockage isn't generally due to "religious freaks" but is set by policy from a government bureau. the largest-scale ecosystem of Web prohibitions is certainly China, which blocks a wide variety of websites for myriad reasons.

far more onerous than website-blocking is the active targeting of bloggers who express views considered anathema to the Powers That Be, and this is by no means restricted to Asia.

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Post at 12-8-2012 22:59  Profile P.M. 
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I'm  the block must be pretty new: I'm sure I was able to the access the forum from JK about a year ago.

Interesting that in CN you can get to the forum address but not the db site! You have to go straight to the forum address there:
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Post at 13-8-2012 13:24  Profile P.M. 
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Get Tor browser for USB, transport it next time you are there.
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Post at 25-8-2012 12:09  Profile P.M. 
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Confirmed, 141 was blocked at Grand Hyatt Jkt.
Many others with sex in the title, like Intl sex guide. Some like red tube or you porn are intermittently available somehow if I tried various bookmarks. Perhaps they scan for tags and URLs..
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Post at 26-8-2012 00:05  Profile Blog P.M. 
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maybe they just started some new Net-nanny filter...

as always, there are ways around this. it's good to have tools on a USB-stick. for that matter, you can put yr OS and everything u need on a USB stick and boot off that if yr in a Net cafe or something.

that's what i heard anyway         


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