Subject: Who of you licks the girls pussy without protection?
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Post at 28-6-2012 03:28  Profile Blog P.M. 
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i can't bring myself to DATY with a WG. i just don't see them having particularly good hygiene. Maybe if i got to know one and i'm sure they're clean.

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Post at 28-6-2012 09:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 UncleDad's post

Oh come on...WG fuck just as many guys as other normal western gal does in the States or other Western Countries. I would argue that in today's society, Girls in the states have more sexual partners-- going out on weekends and doing several guys a day sometimes. The only difference is a WG is smart and doing it for exchange of money, except a regular chick in the states is doing it for free booze and dinner.

Just pick the right chicks, and try to stay away from pros and pick the young ones or the newbie to this trade.

UncleDAD-- you ever use a dental dam before? TwiceAWeek is a firm believer of dental dams and he is advocating that us brothers should all be safe and use it. LOL!

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Post at 28-6-2012 09:56  Profile Blog P.M. 
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@AsnDragon ....sorry mate. I doubt even the most promiscuous civvy gals in "the states or other western countries" get as much action as some of these WGs. At the very least, I've not had another bloke be knockin' on the door while i'm still with a civvy. HAHAHAHAHAHA =)~

re: dental dam. No i haven't. Problem is....i actually LIKE the taste of fresh pussy. That being said.....WG pussy.....prolly not so fresh. hahaha =)~

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Post at 28-6-2012 10:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 UncleDad's post

apparently you have not met the younger generation of civvie girls in America, where they participate in gangbang group sex. It colleges and universities, many girls will be taken back to fraternity houses and fucked by all the guys at the fraternity house. that's a good 4-5 partners or more for just one evening. not to mention older folks who participate in swingers parties too.

You take a girl working at a high end KTV place in China in the big cities like Shanghai and Beijing and they are choosy and picky and rarely even go out with customers. they might be poked perhaps less than 6 times a month.

I like fresh pussies too, but it's hard to know what is fresh and what is not right? Unless the girl you pick is 18 years old. then there's a better chance right?

I want to know one brother here that has used a dental dam....


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Post at 28-6-2012 11:17  Profile P.M. 
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Put me firmly in the DATY camp.  I too love the taste of pussy and there have only been two WG's I haven't gone down on, both who lubed up too soon.

I tried the 'I just want to be serviced' and it didn't work out too well for me.  I guess the money I pay is for access, for bypassing the hit or miss that woo-ing takes.  

I have immediate access to a smoking hot chick who will get naked and have fun.  Butfrom that point onwards I want it pure GFE.  And that includes her grinding her pussy into my face.

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AsnDragon   28-6-2012 11:31  Karma  +1   I'm in the pussy camp too!
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Post at 28-6-2012 17:42  Profile P.M. 
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This kind of sums up the discussion here.
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Post at 28-6-2012 21:09  Profile P.M. 
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I have been chowing down on Asian WG in HK for 9 with no ill effects apart from the occasional hair caught in my teeth.

reminds me if what Richard Pryor used to say, "I've been snorting cocaine for 15 years, and no I'm not addicted"

I used to spend a lot of time in Thailand for work, mongered quite a bit (I told my employer, where I had to leave on Thursday afternoon and go back to HK but then had to be back in BKK the next Monday that it was cheaper to put me up at the Sukhothai for the weekend then fly me business class back to HKG Monday morning and so had a number of free (literally) weekends there, and went to Cowboy, Nana, some of the higher end brothels and lots of other places), but could never get myself to DATY there. Thais by nature are clean people, but still there seemed too much mileage on the equipment to risk it there .

Agreed that the stealth KY application is a  downer.

Keep on mongering
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Post at 29-6-2012 11:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #27 gwailoplayer's post

Then they got the warming KY that they sell now and when you get a taste of that...yuck! it tastes bitter!


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gwailoplayer   21-8-2012 12:46  Karma  +1   horrible thought but not the girls I eat as they are WG and use doms
TheButler   10-8-2012 07:44  Karma  +1   Bitter? That's not the KY! That's the other guy's splooge! ;-)
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Post at 29-6-2012 14:01  Profile P.M. 
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Am like UD. Cant put my mouth where some punter's LB was stuck a few minutes ago... I just cant... I know am missing something but hey...
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Post at 29-6-2012 15:13  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Frenchexpat at 29-6-2012 14:01
Am like UD. Cant put my mouth where some punter's LB was stuck a few minutes ago... I just cant... I know am missing something but hey...

I agree, especially if the girl has been working all day, which is why I schedule my appointments early.  Plus, you should check her pussy for cleanliness/disease before diving in.
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Post at 29-6-2012 17:25  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Frenchexpat at 29-6-2012 14:01
Cant put my mouth where some punter's LB was stuck a few minutes ago... I just cant...

So, no kissing for you too???
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Post at 29-6-2012 20:57  Profile P.M. 
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I only do it if I am sure about a couple of things-
1) I myself have cleaned the girl's pussy in the shower. Or the girl has cleaned it in front of me.
2) It's not too hairy and smelly down there. It's a big turn off for me when it's smells real bad.

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AsnDragon   2-7-2012 10:12  Karma  +1   Can't stand smelly pussy!!
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Post at 2-7-2012 05:10  Profile P.M. 
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Do you all ask for permission or do you just digg in?

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yazoo   2-7-2012 06:43  Acceptance  +1   Always. Of course!
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Post at 2-7-2012 10:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 AznPipo's post

Asking for permission? It depends on the situation really. Sometimes of you do the right amount or types of foreplay and she is quite turned on and you slide down there toDATY many girls actually just give in.

With PRC girls many have never experienced DATY before do they don't know how much they like it until you DATY them.

The key to warm them up is kiss them slowly all around her buttock area thigh and inner thigh. Always go short of kissing her LS but all areas around. Once her arousal is built up then slightly kiss her LS area not the clit. If they have great reaction then work into the clit region and just go at it full force.

You'd be surprised how many girls get addicted to it after one DATY session. I mean what guy doesn't like a BJ?? Girls love DATY, they just don't know it yet.

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Post at 3-7-2012 01:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #34 AsnDragon's post

I see, I will try it then. Hope I get good response haha
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Post at 9-8-2012 05:52  Profile P.M. 
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I had the experience two times to try it but both told me they didn't allow people to DATY
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Post at 9-8-2012 09:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #36 AznPipo's post

There are many WG's who don't allow DATY. Not even fingering. But many of them allow rubbing on the top.
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Post at 10-8-2012 03:05  Profile P.M. 
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The reason WG don't allow fingering is usually related to hygiene.  Guys often have fungus growing on or under their nails, which can get transferred to the girl.  Also, most guys do not have the most manicured of nails, and it's easy to nick or cut the girl.  This could get infected and cost her money in missed clients.

Some girls insist you put a condom on your fingers.

I find that most girls who do not allow DATY either think it is disgusting, or to intimate.  However, as AsnDragon said, once they try it they almost always want more.
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Post at 10-8-2012 03:32  Profile P.M. 
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I see. Well good luck next time. Hope that I will get a girl who is into DATY.

DATY with asian girl is much better than white girls who have a lot of smelly taste down there
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Post at 12-8-2012 01:41  Profile P.M. 
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I would normally DATY and 69 girls that have clean shaven pussy.

Turn-offs would be smelly/fishy pussy and the hairy ones (PRC comes into mind).

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