Subject: "You have the right to suck my Dick, Muthafucker!!"
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 14-8-2012 14:26  Profile P.M. 
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"You have the right to suck my Dick, Muthafucker!!"

This is call expansion and business diversion!!!

Gigolo in the house.

I suspect they offer their service to both women and men...

But I am surprise the listed location is Shenzhen.
Meaning probably they can cross over to HK to suck your cock or eat your pussy or vice versa?

"You have the right to suck my Dick, muthafucker!!" ... yote-sex-girls.html

New era? Will this attract more "female punters" to the site?

[ Last edited by  hunter at 14-8-2012 16:15 ]

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doghead   15-8-2012 23:35  Karma  +1   You will be fighting with ur SO to access the website.
obe   14-8-2012 18:45  Karma  +1   WTF
JackTheBat   14-8-2012 15:58  Karma  +1   WTF?!? someone's gotta TOFTT ah ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
DArtagnan   14-8-2012 14:52  Karma  +1   OMG!!! well spotted ... how can I get a profile entry? First gweilo???

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Post at 14-8-2012 14:50  Profile P.M. 
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WG = working girl = working guy ?  

but no price and only across the boarder !

someone please try them and report back on their massage technique !

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JackTheBat   14-8-2012 15:59  Karma  +1   oh please, twice, u gotta check it out!! a whoooole new experience, LOL!
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 14-8-2012 14:55  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 14-8-2012 14:50
someone please try them and report back on their massage technique !

You mean like really fuck them up the ass???

Oh, who was that guy, who love cock sucking and anal fuck another dude.
Was is Tart or Tarty or Tarte?

or maybe he is one of 3 listed on the site now...omg!!

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Petay_1283   15-8-2012 12:48  Karma  +1   hunter you always make me laugh!
JackTheBat   14-8-2012 16:00  Karma  +1   "Ar Lik"...u must be kidding. wd rather have my cock set on fire by 8 women!

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Post at 14-8-2012 15:41  Profile P.M. 
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wow that's really interesting, I never thought women would even be on this site.  But I guess punting can go both ways lol

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DArtagnan   15-8-2012 09:13  Acceptance  +1   maybe it's for the gays??
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Post at 14-8-2012 16:48  Profile P.M. 
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Seriously!!! Who wanna 'take one' for the bros and give it a try??? Respect!!!
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Post at 14-8-2012 19:06  Profile P.M. 
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i'm guessing these massage guys are for the "alternative" lifestyle followers.  I mean there more and more of them, and they need to same type of treatment that us hetero "breeders" need also!

i sense a business opportunity!

Also, when I was in Shanghai, one of the escort cards offering girls, also said they had guys in their stable too!
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Post at 14-8-2012 20:00  Profile P.M. 
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Too funny! I can see some bro showing up at the door pissed and and sating hey ther papasan and not realizing its taking a long time for the girl to make her entrance.

Back in the day in Bosnia. We were Starving for porn, a mate sent his bud a porn video an told him it was the best porno ever put on VHS. He called the whole platoon together and put on the video...after 10 uncomfortable minutes, it hit him that there were no girls in this video... Classic burn!

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gwailoplayer   31-8-2012 19:08  Karma  +1   I always thought occupying forces used local talent, "comfort women" and all t ...
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Post at 14-8-2012 22:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by gmpink at 8/14/12 06:06 AM
i'm guessing these massage guys are for the "alternative" lifestyle followers.  I mean there more and more of them, and they need to same type of treatment that us hetero "breeders" need also!

Why do you call it "alternative lifestyle followers"?  There's nothing wrong with being homosexual or bisexual.  Some people may take your comment as being quite bigoted.

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Petay_1283   15-8-2012 12:50  Acceptance  +1   It is a polite way of saying it, is it not?
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Post at 15-8-2012 02:26  Profile P.M. 
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i was going to post this yesterday, although i thought it was commonplace.

One of the guys, had $0 as his fee!

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homer168   16-8-2012 20:21  Acceptance  +1   0$ = Start-up promotion ;-)
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Post at 15-8-2012 02:37  Profile P.M. 
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even the pork chops need some love now & then  
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Post at 15-8-2012 03:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hunter's post

Looks like 141 is expanding for gays and females.  

Maybe for great for gays guys there would be a market. Umm, sticking it in the real end.

For females clients, Chinese guys out number females almost 2 to 1.  The guy has to be super good looking and great service for females clients. He has to be a SUPER DUCK......Umm, it be really hard to get the little guy to wake up for older, uglier and fatter females. They need the blue and yellow pills for help.

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 15-8-2012 03:06 ]
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Post at 15-8-2012 09:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Freelancer's post

I totally agree with you about there nothing being wrong.  I didn't know that calling it alternative could be construed as bigoted as some people within the community address themselves as such.  did not mean for it to come across like that.  

thanks for pointing it out and will refrain from using that in the future.
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Post at 15-8-2012 12:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 gmpink's post

Dude do not listen to him...

I for one think it is a very polite way of saying it...

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Thai-delight   31-8-2012 07:36  Acceptance  +1   agreed - poo jabbers, pillow biters, etc are offensive, not ''alternative'' ...
gmpink   15-8-2012 13:56  Acceptance  +1   Advice taken!

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 15-8-2012 23:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hunter's post

Used to be when one comes home to see wifey/SO browsing the sex141 website, one started panicking, thinking 'shit, she found the site and is checking out my reports...!'.

Now when one comes home and sees her browsing the website, one comes to the new conclusion, 'shit, she finds me inadequate and is looking for a young stud to take care of her needs!'.

Question: If the forum only allows one login per IP address, then can a bro access the website at the same time his SO (on different membership account) is accessing website via the same router? Or do the couple have to fight to see who gets to see website first?
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 16-8-2012 14:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 doghead's post

You can log in with diff user accoutns with the same IP at home or at work.

So, now go home and check your wife lappie and her cookies.
Check her 141 handle. I help you to ban her ass from this forum..

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JackTheBat   16-8-2012 15:09  Karma  +1   go home and lap yr wife's cookies! then cookie her lap, ke ke ke ke...

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Post at 16-8-2012 15:12  Profile Blog P.M. 
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wifey's checkin' out the dicks online

oh yeah, she's figured out that turnabout is fair play, and seeks a rent-a-boy. just imagine the complaints:
"he never goes down on me!"
"i can't get more than one shot from him, even if we have 90 minutes"
and the trump-card:
"never ever a CIM!"

this is too funny. BTW, i'll bet these guys have zero female customers: ain't no chickens chasing these ducks.


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gwailoplayer   31-8-2012 19:10  Karma  +1   "talks on the phone to friends during sex with me"
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Post at 16-8-2012 15:17  Profile P.M. 
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U never know. The amount of women in their 30s and 40s and for the thrill
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 16-8-2012 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 JackTheBat's post


You;ll be amazed at the level of female customers they have.

I seen it all the time in Shenzhen.
HK Women (probably rich) come to SZ to seek gigolo.
One of the location you can find them is near Hawaii / Queens Spa.
There is a KTV next to Queens SPA, they house some ducks there.
On any given weekend nites, there are 1 to 2 vans with young men/boys dressing up like they are ready to party.
All waiting iinside the Van for calls to start their ducky working  nite.
Fuck, some of them are good looking. Tight body and pale looking. The kind old women love to molest.
After midnite, u see HK women taking them out for snacks.

So, these guys crossing to HK via 141 advert, why not? !!!

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JackTheBat   16-8-2012 17:03  Karma  +1   'fess up bro: yr in there makin' 'em scream and collecting the $$, LOL! ;-)

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Post at 16-8-2012 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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Wow... I know that there are clubs or pubs in shenzhen that provide "special" services to women, even a WG once I met claimed she would go there once a month to relax and release the pressure she suffered from some rude customers. It comes to my surprise that these guys even post AD online...
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Post at 16-8-2012 17:09  Profile Blog P.M. 
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chicken and duck talk

this is getting interesting.

when i lived in Bangkok, i knew a guy who had a VERY high-paying job. his hobby was collecting mistresses that suited his tastes in the looks department (he had SPECIFIC tastes).

he had more than one, but i stopped making time for his soap-opera tales after one of his Thai trophies went a bit loco on him.

he had a job that forced him to travel, a wife and family in BKK, and so could only visit her once a month or so. and he's handing this farmgirl silly amounts of cash.

so of course she rented boys. she's young and cookin' with gas, didn't want any entanglements to interfere with Mr Moneybags, so she'd just pay 'em.

there was other stuff but after awhile i just got tired of hearing about it.


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 16-8-2012 20:01 ]

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