Originally posted by CunningLinguist at 15-6-2012 10:36
if you're going to be asking civvies for directions, you should use its proper name, The Nether Regions ...
Just to be clear CL, "Nether Regions" is the name of the women only veggie spa that is on the front of "Naughty Regions." There is no sign for "Naughty Regions" (and for good reason, it's members only and you have to know where the entrance is down the alley!) but the women's only spa is well labeled and brightly lit. But only women go there of course, so if you're asking a civvie you'll have to ask a woman where her "Nether Regions" are.
Any professional office woman over 30, or super model will know, since they cater to that higher end customer.
I remember years ago when I was just a newbie at Naughty Regions, I asked Jane why she bothered with running a legit business like the women's spa and she gave me this sly smile, paused as if to judge me worthy or not, and then said, "you've been here long enough I think" and led me to that room they called "The Viewing Room."
The one with the keycard entry OMG!
It was wall-to-wall one-way mirrors inside! There were the womens' showers, changing rooms and even a couple of treatment rooms!
I sat down in the darkened room amazed only to have one of Jane's new girls glide up, drop to her knees and proceed to blow me!
There were three bros in the front row of seats goofing off and raising homemade scorecards as each woman exited the showers. I guess the mirrors were double pane or soundproof 'cause those guys were laughing pretty hard.
Last edited by TheButler at 15-6-2012 10:57 ]