Subject: Hanging up your spurs
bcs74 (Tuna)
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Post at 21-7-2012 01:42  Profile P.M. 
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Hanging up your spurs

Punting is so addictive, many's the time I've thought "now I'm done, no more for me" only to return.

Any bro's know of anyone who has successfully hung up their spurs?

TunaTin, the artist formerly know as bcs74
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Post at 21-7-2012 04:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bcs74's post

I did.  But the gal wearing them at the time got pissed off...

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Tuffbod   25-7-2012 15:30  Karma  +1   LOL, that's a good one!
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Post at 21-7-2012 05:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bcs74's post

Yeah, I have a friend who quit mongering a couple of years ago when he got serious with his current gf. It helps that she's hot. I'm good friends with him, so I really trust him when he says he's been running straight the past couple of years.
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Post at 21-7-2012 05:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bcs74's post

It's easy to quit.  I've done it a hundred times!

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Petay_1283   25-7-2012 18:31  Karma  +2   lool
bmberman   25-7-2012 16:18  Acceptance  +3   lolol
Tuffbod   25-7-2012 15:15  Karma  +2   HAHAHAHA!
hunter   25-7-2012 14:45  Karma  +1   lol.....sucka...
UES   21-7-2012 23:56  Acceptance  +1   Made my day...
bcs74   21-7-2012 17:24  Acceptance  +4   I literally laughed out loud
homer168   21-7-2012 11:11  Acceptance  +1   Lol

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 21-7-2012 05:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bcs74's post

To me, it is not as easy to quit. It is like smoking. Sex is addictive. Especially with so much attractive girls in the business it quite hard.
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Post at 21-7-2012 05:46  Profile P.M. 
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I go into denial. I stopped posting reports, thinking that if I didn't report, it didn't happen.

My empty sack said otherwise. Until the next day.

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Post at 21-7-2012 06:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 kennyhlee's post

So what is the equivalent of the smoking patch?  If you stop cold turkey then will you go into convulsions?  I shudder to think so...

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Post at 21-7-2012 08:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 bohica's post

"what is the equivalent of the smoking patch ?"  tying a rubber band around your little one ...
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Post at 21-7-2012 09:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 21-7-2012 08:37
"what is the equivalent of the smoking patch ?"  tying a rubber band around your little one ...

Naw, estrogen injections and testosterone inhibitors.  Basic hormone therapy for prostate cancer.  It will take your libido to zero in nothing flat!  You'll also grow man-boobs!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 21-7-2012 09:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bohica at 21-7-2012 06:13
So what is the equivalent of the smoking patch?   

If you look at the list of side-effects of the hair-restoring drug Procepia, one of the big ones it lists is reduced libido ...

... anyone tried it and care to share experience??

Me, I didn't try it!

But it does explain the perception that bald guys like Kojak are more sexy

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Post at 21-7-2012 10:19  Profile P.M. 
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Why not just rub one out when you have the urge to fuck? I've done that a few times and it has saved me quite a bit of money.

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Petay_1283   25-7-2012 18:33  Karma  +1   I am glad I am not the only one lol
TheButler   22-7-2012 01:34  Karma  +1   Every time you masturbate you save $200!
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Post at 21-7-2012 12:50  Profile P.M. 
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For the first 6  months 2005 I went cold turkey. I am sure at that time most of you lads here were still in uni ,chasing girls the old fashioned way.

like Richard Pryor said "My friends have been using cocaine for 15 years, and no, they're not addicted"

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Post at 21-7-2012 22:39  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by kennyhlee at 7/20/12 04:23 PM
To me, it is not as easy to quit. It is like smoking. Sex is addictive. Especially with so much attractive girls in the business it quite hard.

It's not that sex is addictive, it's that paid sex with a working girl or service provider is easy.  That's the key word: easy.  It doesn't relatively take much and you can easily go into debt with this hobby.  You don't need to meet someone, introduce yourself, take her out on dates, get to know her, etc. like with a proper girlfriend.  Instead you're horny you just show up, pull out your wallet and if the woman agrees then you can get off.

I've been out of the hobby for half a year now. I'm fortunate that my girlfriend enjoys sex as much as I do and if we're not tired, we do it at least once a day.  I still read the reports here and live vicariously through you guys, but some of my friends in HKG who are married and see WGs behind their girlfriends and wives backs do so because sex in their relationship isn't easy.

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ramont   25-7-2012 22:38  Acceptance  +1   Disagree: sex IS addictive
UncleDad   25-7-2012 05:24  Acceptance  +2   Congrats in finding a great gal then mate =)~
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Post at 22-7-2012 00:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 Freelancer's post

You are correct about it being easy...too easy infact.  I never did mongering in US as there were too many risks and too costly... Yeah I am a cheap bastard...
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Post at 25-7-2012 02:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 Freelancer's post

also when you start to get numb from it.  sex is fun & all but there is more to it which some guys missed.  I have friends who did the WG thing and the wanchai thing for few yrs....after a while they just got bored with it & wanted a normal relationship. it happens

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Petay_1283   25-7-2012 18:34  Acceptance  +3   indeed
bcs74   25-7-2012 05:32  Acceptance  +4   This is good to know! Thanks.
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Post at 25-7-2012 03:17  Profile P.M. 
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Every time I start a new relationship the thought, "Thats it, she maybe the one. No more with workign girls." To only later find out the girl is too needy, dull as a sack of potatoes and just as rough, insane etc.

Its more than the sex as you can bugger off any time you want. Total freedom with absolute pleasure -most of the time.
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Post at 25-7-2012 05:25  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Originally posted by Wachovia68 at 21-7-2012 10:19
Why not just rub one out when you have the urge to fuck? I've done that a few times and it has saved me quite a bit of money.

It's a wonder why some of us aren't already billionaires! MUWHAHAHAHA =)~

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Post at 25-7-2012 13:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 UncleDad's post

Hey, I've already rubbed one out 4 times this month when I had the urge. That's savings of at least USD 500.
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Post at 25-7-2012 15:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bcs74's post

I basically quit for a few years due to "unforeseeable" circumstances. In during the while time I am just waiting for the chance to get back into it.

It hard to really is. But having a hot SO/GF does help somewhat. But the thought of having something different is always there. I can't be having the same dish for the rest of my life, can't handle least not now.

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gwailoplayer   25-7-2012 18:48  Karma  +1   try getting married.....

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Post at 25-7-2012 18:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 Tuffbod's post

It has been roughly a month since I have done a walk up. I cannot remember the last time I went that long!

Maybe 2/3 years before I got with my ex SO. But yeah, I just got sick of it. It is like a viscous circle to me, I did the Wan Chai scene for a long time. Then got sick of that & got back into the walk up scene!

@Wanchovia - I used to rub one out to avoid punting lol but mainly because of laziness, I could not be arsed to go out for a punt as I used to live in Tuen Mun

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Tuffbod   26-7-2012 10:43  Karma  +1   There is the need for new things, but effort required nonetheless...
gwailoplayer   25-7-2012 18:49  Karma  +1   there are providers in TM, you are VERY lazy

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