Subject: Trying out a Shanghai Spa
Lustful Lord
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Post at 15-5-2017 07:17  Profile P.M. 
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Trying out a Shanghai Spa

Location:  Shanghai, Huangpu District
Name:  T59
Nationality & Language: Chinese, Jiangsu
Age: mid 20s
Face: 3.5/5
Body:  4/5 (Spinner figure but small boobs)
Service: 5/5 (Excellent)
Price & Session Length: 90 mins for 1198, standard room with VIP service.

I was up in Shanghai last week for work and I decided to reward myself. I was thinking about checking out some independent girls listed on another website. The girl I was leaning towards wasn't available so I decided to check out one of the spas the site recommended. I WeChatted the agent and he responded pretty quickly. He said drop by anytime and the selection was good.

After finishing up my last meeting, I took a taxi over to Huangpu and he was there greeting me. He led me to the locker room and explained the prices. It was a bit smaller and dingier than I expected. It was definitely not the Macau experience.

There was the typical lineup with girls. The selection was solid with a couple of cuties. I saw the one I liked and promptly told the agent. Up close she was not quite as pretty as I initially thought but cute. Boobs were smaller than expected as well.

Service was A+ and thorough. She gave me a nice slow bath in the shower area and I popped up once in her mouth there. Very good suction. On the bed, she gave me a card with all the different services and I said thanks, it seems a lot. She giggled. Catbath, rimming, bbbj, normal positions and finished off in flat doggy or speed bump.

Overall, great service and value.

Pics attached.

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Recent Ratings
chenghe82   23-5-2017 03:03  Acceptance  +1   
zorkelias   20-5-2017 01:41  Acceptance  +1   
aznsensation22   16-5-2017 23:24  Acceptance  +1   thanks!
hotjac   16-5-2017 13:17  Karma  +2   Nice fs!
So556   16-5-2017 00:54  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
batman108   15-5-2017 23:00  Karma  +5   awesome and thanks
UncleDad   15-5-2017 22:01  Karma  +4   Cute! How is she on the fun factor?
theworm   15-5-2017 21:43  Karma  +5   I am in Huang Pu as we speak now, can you give me an address? Business card picture would be perfect, thanks
titleist   15-5-2017 18:15  Karma  +2   This place seems decent. Can u provide address?
Petay_1283   15-5-2017 13:24  Karma  +4   thanks
porkchops   15-5-2017 13:13  Karma  +4   Thanks!
jimyum   15-5-2017 11:52  Karma  +5   
obe   15-5-2017 11:43  Karma  +8   Excellent
ts7478   15-5-2017 09:54  Karma  +1   The address or name?
flappo84   15-5-2017 09:47  Karma  +4   Favorable
Explorer1   15-5-2017 09:23  Karma  +3   Speed Bumb huh? LOL
LeoCan   15-5-2017 08:25  Karma  +5   
stinkyfeet   15-5-2017 07:51  Karma  +8   Thanks
Lustful Lord
Rank: 4

UID 98728
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Karma 613
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Registered 20-11-2012
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Post at 16-5-2017 06:40  Profile P.M. 
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@ UncleDad, she's quite fun and personable. It was a good experience so worth checking out.

Here's the address:
It's around the corner from China Merchants Bank
It's near Metro Station Line 10 - YuYuan Station (Exit 3, ~5 mins walking)

WeChat: 15201957634  - JACK, say it's from SNG request (I think there's some kind of promo)

Recent Ratings
johnnyachan   25-5-2017 15:32  Karma  +2   
aznsensation22   16-5-2017 23:36  Acceptance  +1   You can't add the wechat anymore. says compromised account :/
LeoCan   16-5-2017 15:57  Karma  +5   
hotjac   16-5-2017 13:19  Karma  +3   Thanks for the upsdate - now all is complet :)
Petay_1283   16-5-2017 10:24  Karma  +4   good feedback

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