Thread Subject: 168 Massage
Date & Time of Session: May 10, 2017
Location: Wu Yi Lu and Kai Xuan Lu Intersection (see previous report for information in Chinese)
Name: Number 3
Nationality & Language: Chinese, Mandarin
Age: 25-30
Face: 3/5
Body: 3/5 (B cup)
Skill: 3/5
Service: 3/5
GFE: 1/5
PSE: 0/5
Price & Session Length: 248rmb/60 minutes
Repeat: Probably not
I returned to Wu Yi Road to see what else was on offer. There were are number of massage places available (see pics below), but I opted for a place I saw advertising 168rmb for an oil massage. The place was located almost next door to the place I visited in the past: ... ;highlight=shanghai
I went up the stairs to the second floor and was shown a room. A woman came in and asked if she was acceptable which I gave the thumbs up to though she wasn't anything special (I feel weird refusing when she comes in unless she's completely unacceptable). She went to get her things while I showered alone.
She started out with the usual back massage and we did a little chatting. After about 20 minutes, she stripped down to her panties and did some back and ear kissing. She then elevated me using her legs and stroked LB and my ass from behind. She had pretty good technique and I was quite aroused.
Eventually, I flipped over and she kissed my nipples and stroked LB. I then got her to lay down and kissed and touched her all over, eventually going for DATY which was allowed. However, she didn't seem all that into it and we went back to her stroking and me just fondling her. After a few minutes of this, I
To sum up, it was an average punt with a somewhat good looking woman but no chemistry. Incidentally, I went back to the area the very next day and all the places were closed for some reason. I haven't been back since so I don't know if the Wu Yi area is still in action. If so, there are plenty of shops to check out.