Subject: Spring Festival Summary
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Post at 20-1-2013 13:34  Profile P.M. 
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Spring Festival Summary

Could some of the senior bros just give a bit of a heads up as to what to expect during Spring Festival?  As in girl quality, quantity... WC bars... any closures...  HK, Macau, and the mainland (CP)?  This is the first time I'll be around for Spring Festival.  Also, during the weeks leading up to it.  I might go to HK the week before or the week of.  Maybe Macau.


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Post at 21-1-2013 13:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 kaleu's post

For HK, generally most girls from China will return home very soon if they have not done so yet.

What this means is that the quantity of HG's a few days before, during and week after will probably be pretty low compared to the rest of the year.
Also if there was ever a time for agents to rest, this would be the most likely week of the year.
Probably a few small agents still operating, but I suspect most big ones will be off for a few days at least.

As for WU's I think many will be off, but in past years, some have told me they still work throughout.
Could be hit and miss for who is still working or not.
I suggest instead of having a specific target, perhaps walk through some of the major WU buildings to increase the chance of someone who might suit you.
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Post at 21-1-2013 13:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 kaleu's post

I can't speak for HK but in SZ the number and quality declines over CNY.
A few weeks after CNY is always good as the girls return and normally with some new friends...

Also in mainland China there is a larger LE presence leading into CNY.

I generally don't bother punting during this time of year.

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Post at 21-1-2013 19:31  Profile P.M. 
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I remember each year there is a forum member that tracks the number of available punts on the 141 site during CNY and from what I remember last thread that I saw there was a decrease in punts during CNY.  I'll have to search the forums to find that thread.
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Post at 22-1-2013 00:07  Profile P.M. 
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Kaleu - I was in Macau a week or so ago, and knew I might be back around CNY, so I asked a few of the sauna girls what it was like at that time.

About 1/2 the PRC girls and 1/3 of the Viet girls I spoke to in the saunas said they would be away around CNY (and therefore, of course, that I should not come at all at that time )

I asked whether it was busy during that time so that they'd lose a lot of business by being away, the answer was no, it's slow during that time.

So on balance, while there will be less selection, this will be offset by there being less punters doing the selecting.

My next HK/Macau trip looks like it will start around Feb 21 (yaay), 11 days after CNY, so I'm hoping to avoid the doldrums. But probably like you, it's not like I really get to choose the timing, so it is what it is.


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