Subject: Locked doors at walk-up buildings
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Post at 14-1-2013 01:16  Profile P.M. 
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Locked doors at walk-up buildings

Hello everyone,

Last year I went to Sun Kai Masion in Wan Cai to do some walk-up mongering for my first time. However when I found the door to the building the door was locked. At 8 pm and lots of girls had their rooms there. I waited for a while and eventually another guy (probably a resident) came, opened the door and I slipped in behind him. Does it often happen that the doors/gates are locked at walk-up buildings? What do you do if they are?

Thank you.
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Post at 14-1-2013 03:04  Profile P.M. 
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Some walk up building in hong kong does have a metal gate, or a security guard, you probably have to call them, or as what you did is to wait for someone to open it, this does affect their business, but some building owners or management request to have them closed at all times, or a security guard to have visitors to sign for entry.
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Post at 14-1-2013 21:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 pureops's post

Most doors are open during the day but they will be locked at night.

Sometimes, depending on how brave you are, you can ask the guard to open it for you. Or if the girl speaks English, she will give you the code if you call her.

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 14-1-2013 22:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 pureops's post

Call the girl. BTW, SKM doesn't have much action these days, so if you were planning a trip there, you should definitely have a backup plan.

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