Originally posted by AsnDragon at 4-4-2012 04:47
Actually there's always a safety protocol to the whole S&M game. What happened was back in 2008, there was a killer who killed a lot of WGs at walk up 141. He was really a serial killers only killing WGs. One of his victim was a lady who offered S&M and she was choked to death by the killer. That Killer has since been caught 4 years ago and is in prison. As a result, most S&M places in HK that you visit, they do not completely get tied up, they may use handcuffs and other restraints, but one of the hands is loose, etc. It's a safety protocol for them ever since that incident 4 years ago. It's just to fulfill the feel of a fantasy, nothing real hardcore happens.
I imagine that being the real danger (not keeping a handcuff loose etc. - the prospect of a lunatic), Doesn't make it any less frightening that there are people out there who would do that. Personally the opposite way round is probably why I've never tried S&M outside of civvie relationships as the thought of handing over that much of my safety to a relative stranger worries me. Stories such as the one you tell remind me of how vulnerable the girls really are.
I think what you've pointed out though is why I like asian WG's. They seem to engage in the fantasy and have a very playful/fun attitudes.
Thanks for the info