Originally posted by Rico at 27-10-2009 11:54
She gotta be doing something right for charging this kind of money bros
In fact, she has got to be doing something right to still remain in the business in the first instance!
I vaguely remember Bro JeSun commenting about a 60year old + WG still plying her trade in the San Francisco Area.
She is like a legend there and every punter in the area knows her. She must be pretty popular as she
is still doing it. Don't know how much she charges though.
But 170quid? I would just save it bro. Unless you have a major MILF fetish and even then, still think twice.
170 GBP = 1,900 RMB = 2,150 HKD! Think of the number of BBS shots or 141 Walkups you can have