Subject: Lily Hing Loong
Lustful Lord
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Post at 3-4-2023 12:44  Profile P.M. 
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Lily Hing Loong

Location : Hing Loong 7B2
Date / Time : 23 March 8pm
Name: Lily
Nationality & Language: Chinese, Mandarin, no English
Age: Late 30s
Face: 2/5
Body: 1/5
Skill: 3/5
Price & Session Length: 600 for 30 mins
Repeat: No

So this was my 3rd attempt at Hing Loong, first two times I went on Fridays and it was almost full, I roamed like a zombie for 1.5 hours each time. Most were grannies which I had no interest in and other doors were busy.
This time I went on a thursday, started from 10th floor. There is a gate which says Local and newly arrived, I rang the bell, but there was no answer to that.. I ranged 3 times but seems she doesn't serve foreigners or didn't like me, let me know if anyone experienced her.

Came down to 8A1, cracker of a girl, looked perfect, probably local.. she rejected me.. so seems something wrong in me after all lol.. Please let me know her name if you have tried

Anyways, went down to 7th floor, there was this girl who had nice body.. but small boobs, NMCOT... But I thought doesn't hurt to try once, and my self-confidence was anyways a bit low after 8A1.
I wanted double shot, so tried to negotiate her to do 1000 for 2 shots, but she wanted 1200, now I think back, it was good that i just went for 1 shot.

Down to business - shower together, she removed her clothes and realized that she was probably A, i was disappointed.. I have bigger chest than her lol...

After that pretty standard, cat bath, CG, mish. But I have to say she was trying her best to please me, but just that she was a bit too small. Paid and left..

[ Last edited by  clampbottom at 3-4-2023 13:14 ]

Recent Ratings
Pikfel2   7-4-2023 00:35  Acceptance  +1   
franklinturtle   5-4-2023 20:04  Karma  +2   
chemical   4-4-2023 01:43  Karma  +2   
booby_lover   3-4-2023 14:00  Karma  +5   Better luck next time
hornylad   3-4-2023 13:55  Karma  +2   better luck next time!!
420man4life   3-4-2023 13:38  Karma  +3   Thanks, that's why I don't do walk-ups much, the roaming takes too long sometimes
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Post at 5-4-2023 10:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 clampbottom's post

Sorry to hear that. Somehow I went there on Sunday and it was not the same girl who used to be in that room. Maybe you were in the same situation.
Lustful Lord
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Post at 5-4-2023 17:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 AYJ20151's post

Yeah, most probably she was on a 7 day visa, earned quick money and left

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