Subject: TR Twins
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Post at 6-1-2017 22:29  Profile P.M. 
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TR Twins

Thread Subject: TR Twins
Date & Time of Session:  Jan 6, 2017 - afternoon
Location:  TST Hotel - Observatory Road
Name: TR Twins - hard to remember the Thai names, Poi? and Pam?
Link: ... Search(bldlocation)
Agent: Roy
Nationality & Language: Thai
Age: both 24
Face: 4/5 but seems like some surgery has been done
Body: 3/5 both very skinny, great skin, great boob jobs done for both, but not a lot of curves if you are an a$$ guy

Price & Session Length:  1600 for 45 min

Repeat: No, while at first the novelty of seeing identical twins was a complete turn on, they definitely are twins and said their birthdays were yesterday... something about the session not quite right... during the deed, could not get full penetration, was like hitting a wall halfway in... think this is similar to a report done previously by a previous brother last year... the same issue was with both twins, and each was visibly not enjoying it when I went deep, either in mish or doggie... and perhaps they are especially small down there? but I would say I'm not very big, average in fact, maybe 6-6.5in length (tmi I know)...

could they be post op?  you don't want to think about it when the girls are as cute as they are, but pls tell me they are not twin bros...   i mean they are both quite short, and don't have monster hands or feet, or adam's apples... but still...

need to demand an explanation from Roy???

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bohica   11-1-2017 22:36  Karma  +5   Very Favorable
Petay_1283   9-1-2017 08:41  Karma  +5   
johndoe313   8-1-2017 23:27  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
skebe   8-1-2017 22:41  Karma  +10   Excellent
jeffzeke   8-1-2017 13:47  Karma  +3   good info, thanks for sharing.
cookiemonsta   8-1-2017 03:20  Karma  +4   wow!
cass   7-1-2017 15:10  Karma  +2   ...or maybe they're just small -_-
like2bonk   7-1-2017 13:03  Karma  +3   could be twins or could be two bros who went for surgery to look like each other. LOL
NeverWong   7-1-2017 03:48  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
stinkyfeet   7-1-2017 02:34  Karma  +4   Post-op or not their still twins doesnt that count for something? :D
godisdead   7-1-2017 02:08  Acceptance  +1   Excellent - would've tried just because ...
JJJ37   7-1-2017 01:25  Karma  +4   
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Post at 7-1-2017 00:12  Profile P.M. 
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Did you have to switch doms everytime you switched the girl? Thats kind of irritating usually.
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Post at 7-1-2017 00:26  Profile P.M. 
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The report (or as rather) said he didn't have to switch. I was very intrigued and almost made the call to try... anymore details about the twins?

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ramont   7-1-2017 09:18  Acceptance  +1   There's several older reports on them if you search. They've been here before.
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Post at 7-1-2017 01:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Demon's post

Always a good idea and yeah, pain in the butt especially when the girls want to go back and forth over and over.

need a third girl to handle unpackaging, prep and dom installation.
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Post at 8-1-2017 03:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Hoopwarrior's post

I've always had the fantasy of 3P with twins and very tempted to try. however, now that you have doubts, I'm alittle put off. Was your session a PSE or more GFE? I doubt that the siblings would have raunchy make out sessions but I had to ask.

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godisdead   8-1-2017 05:55  Acceptance  +1   Excellent question
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Post at 8-1-2017 21:34  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by cookiemonsta at 8-1-2017 03:24 AM
I've always had the fantasy of 3P with twins and very tempted to try. however, now that you have doubts, I'm alittle put off. Was your session a PSE or more GFE? I doubt that the siblings would have r ...

I saw them over a year ago and it wasn't an amazing twins experience for me. It was alright, but didn't blow my mind. If you are concerned about them being post-ops, I would say no need to worry. 100% women. However, I believe Jack had very good experience with them, but I don't remember it being described with much PSE- more of a unique sense of the sister being very in tune with each other. So I guess the overall theme is YMMV.

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cass   9-1-2017 21:18  Karma  +4   
JackTheBat   9-1-2017 19:30  Karma  +10   Thanks ramont...OK, I'll chip in.
cookiemonsta   9-1-2017 01:16  Karma  +4   good to know, cheers!
godisdead   8-1-2017 23:18  Acceptance  +1   Excellent - good response
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Post at 9-1-2017 20:03  Profile Blog P.M. 
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The identical twins

OK, here's my original report:

First of all, while this isn't directed at the OP or anyone in general, I'm growing weary of the "OMG Thai gurlz must be ladyboy!!!!1!!!" Internet balderdash. You read it everywhere. There seems to be some conspiracy theory afoot: read a post about Thailand and within ten comments someone will make a ladyboy joke.

Let's get over it, people! Yes, there's a third sex in Thailand (just as there is in Bangladesh, don't hear about that much now do you, Pakistan also, look it up, educate yourself). That doesn't mean that women have become extinct. Reading some of this nonsense (not on 141, but in general) you'd think that if you go to McDonalds in Bangkok some hellbent ladyboy will make a flying leap at you trying to stick her cock in your mouth.

Full disclosure: I lived in Bangkok for about a year and speak some Thai. Yes, the twins are very much female. My experience was fun, but it's a bucket-list item (sex with identical twins? Why, yes please!). I was frankly disoriented when I left--I'd spent 90 minutes speaking no English and dealing with two smiling, friendly, and IDENTICAL women whose mentality was more like a single person. No, you don't have to change condoms because it', and this affected me more than I thought it would.

They're very nice, and I'm sure their English has improved. If the idea appeals to you, I'd suggest booking a double session. Of course bring them treats and be a gent. They wanted to go to Disneyland and I don't know if they ever got there, but that's not your job. Show up and have fun.

OK, short rant about katoeys (transgender M > F) Thais: they are around, some are sex workers but of course not all, it's a lifestyle choice some people make and who in the HELL am I to judge? Some guys like them as sexual partners, and again, I don't judge. In Thailand, they're usually flamboyant and camp, so it's not like you're going to misidentify one.

There are reports on this forum from punters who've had encounters with trans WGs in HK--like I said, some guys seek them out. Not difficult to find, this took me two minutes on Google: ... =date&query=t4m

There's your transsexual playmates for ya--not MCOT but there they are.

I've been with I dunno how many of Roy's girls and he's not in that biz. What's the chance this post will stop the senseless speculation on whether women are secretly transgendered males trying to fool us innocent mongers? Slim to none, I guess, but those who know better, know better.


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 9-1-2017 20:07 ]

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Jack_Sparrow   11-1-2017 07:45  Karma  +4   
perriersons08   11-1-2017 02:41  Karma  -2   It's not "senseless", and he clearly stated why.
Petay_1283   10-1-2017 09:17  Karma  +6   Excellent
ramont   9-1-2017 21:54  Acceptance  +10   Spot on
MothToAFlame   9-1-2017 21:33  Acceptance  +4   
cass   9-1-2017 21:20  Karma  +10   
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Post at 11-1-2017 02:40  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JackTheBat at 9-1-2017 20:03
OK, here's my original report:

First of all, while this isn't directed at the OP or anyone in general, I'm growing weary of the "OMG Thai ...

I don't know why you have to grow weary of people suspecting post op. Sure just because they are Thai doesn't automatically mean they are post op, but there are definitely some tell tale signs of post op. And one of those happens to be a very shallow vagina. It's not like he didn't give a valid reason why is suspecting. This would definitely be setting alarms off for me as well. I know the female anatomy quite well, and hitting the cervix is something completely different than hitting the post op reverse penis. It feels completely different.

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JackTheBat   13-1-2017 17:13  Acceptance  +1   Thanks Petay, and true, but I'm gonna address perriersons08's post, see below...
Petay_1283   12-1-2017 09:28  Acceptance  -1   Did you read what JtB said? not directed at the op.
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Post at 11-1-2017 22:33  Profile P.M. 
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Here is the link of the other sister: ... f=My+sisters+column

The twins have made their rounds in HK previously and have noticed that their asking price has gone down slightly, from $900 to $800.  Even more of a reason that it would be hard to pass up if that is an item on your bucket list.

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Post at 13-1-2017 17:47  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Originally posted by perriersons08 at 11-1-2017 02:40

... Sure just because they are Thai doesn't automatically mean they are post op ...

This was my point, I may not have made it as clearly as I should have. It's more a general observation of Internet behavior nowadays. But since you brought it up: I have a passing knowledge of female anatomy, and having inserted my latex-sheated penis into both the women in question, did not note anything out of the ordinary other than they are on the smaller side, or at least were at the time.

If you surf the Net you find that whenEVER Thailand is mentioned, ladyboy jokes bloom like weeds in comments sections. If anything in the post refers to women, then it's worse. And if there's any hint of bikini/nudity/OMG sex and the commentards go ballistic. Sometimes the OP starts the whole cycle with something like "I had sex with a Bangkok hooker wearing heels...could it have been...a transexual?!" This has been around for awhile but was always at a low level--now it's like everyone and their bro Kevin or Brad is an expert on detecting katoeys based on mobile phone photos.

You expect some degree of this, but of late it seems to be creeping towards mild hysteria. Remember this: "just because they are Thai doesn't automatically mean they are post op."


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perriersons08   15-1-2017 02:22  Karma  +4   hey no offense intended in my reply. and yes, don't assume, but also know the telltale signs
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Post at 14-1-2017 01:15  Profile P.M. 
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Wanted to book them

Sadly both are gone (said agent)

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