Subject: Shenzhen Lowu 141
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Post at 9-12-2016 06:10  Profile P.M. 
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Shenzhen Lowu 141

Name: something like maymay
When: last week Monday , during quick visit for wedding of friends
Link: I have wechat Id, pm if interested
Face: 4/5
Body: 5/5
Skill: 4/5
GFE: 4/5
Age: 20 yrs
Damage : 1200 rmb

Repeat: Yes, next January 2017

This week had to go to hk for wedding  unplanned, to represent my family. I had one afternoon off, so went contacting a friend in shenzhen and he gave me an wechat ID, with promise I would have good 2hrs of fun.
After making an appointment I went to Shenzhen to cross the borders, but as I cannot read Chinese and hardly speak or understand mandarin,  I had to use some old fashioned map reading to navigate in the area of Shangri-la hotel.
I was picked up by May May, and was quite excited to see her,  as she was a real beauty with nice casual clothes and saw good figure.
We went to an apartment 5 mins walk and were teasing around and took quick shower.  She gave a very  good bbbj and was that excited I came (cim).
Walking over to her bed,  and were kissing (good kisser)  and start playing around and had to go for 2nd round.  After 10 mins in various positions she came,  and 1 min later or so  I finally

After sport I was getting dressed again and saw her masturbeert,  and really saw she was horny.

Unfortunately didn't had more time to play with her in 4 days hk,  but will certainly go back.
Made a quick photo for my personal collection

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Recent Ratings
chineseguy   2-4-2017 14:23  Acceptance  +1   
cpycc87   2-2-2017 16:34  Acceptance  +1   Excellent Really helpful
warinvar   19-1-2017 01:42  Karma  +3   Favorable
thomkatts   16-1-2017 22:13  Acceptance  +1   hey bro, can you pm me her wechat ID?
Phaychay   15-1-2017 20:28  Karma  +3   
rosebud888   14-1-2017 00:46  Acceptance  +3   Excellent
ikkenogen   13-1-2017 15:15  Acceptance  +1   Excellent! Can you PM her Wechat??
sexfiend   13-1-2017 14:10  Acceptance  +1   R her boobs real ?
porkchops   13-1-2017 03:50  Acceptance  +1   Awesome! Could you pls PM her weChat?
ergodyne85   13-1-2017 02:02  Karma  +2   Nice! Can you send the wechat id?
orangerange   12-1-2017 22:10  Acceptance  +1   Awesome friend of yours with good taste - Wechat please!
obe   12-1-2017 20:55  Karma  +10   
Petay_1283   12-1-2017 09:25  Karma  +5   Sure, please send PM
tedmacky   12-1-2017 07:30  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for the report. Could you PM her wechat? Many thanks!
JJJ37   12-1-2017 05:49  Karma  +6   boobies!
matado   12-1-2017 05:08  Karma  +1   WOW, wechat please
batman108   12-1-2017 03:03  Karma  +4   awesome and thanks
jlam13   13-12-2016 19:28  Acceptance  +1   Please forward contact
Cruzaderhk   10-12-2016 17:22  Acceptance  +1   WOW, she is stunning!
vroberts71_hk   10-12-2016 00:03  Acceptance  +1   Nice body !
bigboy4791   9-12-2016 22:31  Karma  +3   
NeverWong   9-12-2016 15:44  Acceptance  +1   
jimyum   9-12-2016 13:46  Karma  +4   
nightmare_ha   9-12-2016 11:30  Acceptance  +1   Nice job
zbmthethird   9-12-2016 09:49  Karma  +1   nice! bosoms ahoy
hotjac   9-12-2016 09:25  Acceptance  +1   Nice - a little expensive, but nice!
Mcln2   9-12-2016 09:05  Acceptance  +1   
CFSDubois   9-12-2016 08:59  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Scorpius62   9-12-2016 08:12  Karma  +4   Gorgeous! Please PM me the contact.
stinkyfeet   9-12-2016 07:55  Karma  +5   Link please
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Post at 9-12-2016 09:51  Profile P.M. 
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Nice find

On your recommendation I would like to give her a try - could you pass on her WeChat.

The 1200 is a little on the high side for that area, but for two pops it sounds a little better; was there any time limit, and was the room provided, or did you have to pay for that too?

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Post at 12-1-2017 02:50  Profile P.M. 
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Need Wechat ID of MayMay

Hey, I have PM you. Sounds like real fun, could you please share me her Wechat ID?

Recent Ratings
Petay_1283   12-1-2017 09:26  Acceptance  +1   Hi Bro, please use the rating system for one liners

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