Originally posted by meeni at 29-4-2013 22:06
You would think we can play the "I didn't know this was illegal since I'm not from here"' card
no chance...
China like EVERYWHERE else has controlled tolerance for certain things. There is a balance between perceived public condemnation of prostitution and acceptance that it is a part of life for many people of all socio-economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
Obviously LE in China know where to find prostitution... just like LE in USA, Australia, Europe etc know where to find it. At times LE chooses to crack down and at other times they choose to ignore. it. There can be many reasons why there is a crackdown in China just like there can be many reasons why there is a crackdown in Western Countries.
Bottom line, if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time... Pleading ignorance will NOT help you.
Solution, find local friends, colleagues, business partners etc who know what is going on, have an ear to the ground. And know how to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's not foolproof but it's helpful.
If you want foolproof... dont punt.