Subject: [shanghai] apartment girl trip report
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Post at 18-1-2017 18:34  Profile P.M. 
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[shanghai] apartment girl trip report

Cell # : 13162752621
QQ # : 2134736629
Date & Time of Session:  Dec 2016
Location: xuhuai district shanghai
Name: 小雅
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: 24
Face: 4 (very cute)
Body: 4 (perfect except for A cups)
Skill: 4
Service: 5
GFE: 3
PSE: 3
Price & Session Length:  500 RMB / 1 hr and 2000 RMB / overnight
Repeat: Yes

I always enjoyed apartment girls in shanghai cause each one of them picks a unique and some times hard to find location.  So while the sex is a sure thing assuming you didn't get a B&S, finding their exact hotel / service apartment / random door in some alley can be quite a challenge.

You can find these girls phone# and QQ# on these public websites.  A lot of the forum members make a name out of doing photo reviews of these girl where the post candid shots and detailed descriptions.  From this site I pulled the QQ# and texted her a few hours before over QQ.  They only give you a general location and only once you are at the location will they give you more detailed directions on how to find them.  Also they like to confirm the reservation by getting your cell phone number.

Finiding her:
This part is the most harrowing.  Out of the dozen or so appointments that i've made, i've only given up once or twice.  After you follow their general directions (usually a subway exit or street intersection), you call them and let them know you are close.  In the past it was always guaranteed that the number listed was their handler.  In these situations a handler would often manage the bookings of multiple girls and handle all the chatting and direction giving.  However i've noticed in recent years that the girls themselves are taking the calls more often.  It kinda makes sense since handlers will usually take half their pay.  At this point I usually call the number and have them walk me through each step.  Sometimes it's easy and just involve walking into a hotel elevator.  I've also spent 45 minutes at night going down random alley ways trying to find the tricycle with the wooden billboard that marked the place i should have turned.

In this case, she was located in a extended stay hotel by walmart.  After arriving at the intersection she gave me directions to her hotel and it took me about 15 minutes or so on the phone to locate her.

So you found her door:
Now usually these apartment girls try to be discrete and do their best to not attract attention.  But I'm not sure how they can be low key when you have 6 to 10 random dudes show up through out the day for weeks and months.  So yeah discretion, they'll usually just unlatch or slightly open the door and you are expected to come in.  This used to throw me off cause well who does that?  Anyways you walk in and usually girl is wearing something casual.  You'll make some small talk and she'll ask you to shower.  Now this is the time to make your decision to stay or leave.  If the place feels sketchy or the girl looks nothing like the pictures tell her you've changed your mind and leave.  I usually leave 100rmb just to be nice but i'm sure you don't have to.

After walking to her door, she looked exactly like her photos.  She was slim, long legs and cute face.

Time with her:
She started with asking me to undress and shower.  She offered to join but I never really cared for it.  One thing that i've started doing is to bringing my own towel.  These girls go through a lot of guys each day and sometimes they don't wash the towels and that always bothered me.  I suppose i should be brining my own sheets as well but i don't wanna be mistaken for the house keeping.  So yeah we both showered and then after drying off we both got on the bed.  She undresses quickly and starts a bbbj.  Her technique was amazing.  Just the right amount of pressure, suction, and throat.  After about 5 minutes we moved to MS.  I’m pretty average and she was tight especially when you first put the head in.  It didn’t take too long and afterward she cleaned me off and we chatted for the rest of the hour.

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Recent Ratings
SweetSteamBuns   9-2-2017 06:58  Acceptance  +1   Just as they all said. Great first report. My chinese is barely passable but
stinkyfeet   21-1-2017 08:01  Karma  +6   Excellent
blazingzzz   21-1-2017 07:43  Acceptance  +1   
matado   20-1-2017 17:22  Karma  +1   She is cute, did you get her wechat ? if yes, can you share please ? Thanks
hkpunter999   20-1-2017 01:13  Karma  +2   MCOT!
sam_smith   19-1-2017 15:48  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for sharing. I will go try if I ever go there
Phaychay   19-1-2017 12:21  Karma  +3   Good info here, thanks for sharing.
Petay_1283   19-1-2017 10:42  Karma  +5   Awesome report.
jeffzeke   19-1-2017 09:11  Karma  +3   keep posting bro! pictures look great, cute girl.
johndoe313   19-1-2017 08:48  Acceptance  +1   
bohica   19-1-2017 06:18  Karma  +6   Very Favorable
MothToAFlame   19-1-2017 02:34  Karma  +4   Excellent
hoo8myryce   19-1-2017 01:41  Acceptance  +1   
JJJ37   19-1-2017 01:29  Karma  +6   
dryice   19-1-2017 01:04  Karma  +4   Excellent
batman108   19-1-2017 00:44  Karma  +4   awesome and thanks
xooxer   18-1-2017 23:21  Acceptance  +1   Original, good report!
Mister   18-1-2017 21:38  Karma  +4   "i don't wanna be mistaken for the house keeping" LOL. Great first report.
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Post at 19-1-2017 06:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 johnnyfive's post

Alright you guys liked my first post.  Do you want me to do more?  I still have a few more memorable ones from my trip last month.  The annoying thing about these apartment gals is that 99% of them are very short term.  Rarely are they in town for more than 1 to 2 months.  So each time i go back you have to rebuild your rolodex again.  If you aren't around for more than a week it's a crap shot to which ones are decent.  I suppose it might be good thing that most of these girls tend not to stick around very long.  Considering that they are doing say 8 guys a day, x 30 days that's like 240 / month.  If they stayed for more than 4 or 5 months that number would approach 1000 .....  Still I keep their old contacts around because I think they always come back at least once i've noticed =)

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stinkyfeet   21-1-2017 08:02  Karma  +6   Yes please
JJJ37   20-1-2017 00:13  Karma  +2   
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Post at 19-1-2017 10:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 johnnyfive's post

Hey bro,

Good first report, good details and awesome pictures, but as this is a China report, I think it should be in the 'Mainland China' section.

1/2 months seems like a long time & I am sure that these girls don't work 30 days a month, I think they have at least one day off a week. I knew a stunner once who worked in HK 5/6 days a week 4/5 guys a day and she made a fortune.

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MothToAFlame   19-1-2017 22:43  Karma  +1   He's a newbie though

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 19-1-2017 12:06  Profile P.M. 
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So I think these should belong to the mainland section. But as a newb I don't think I have permission?  I don't see any new post buttons appearing. Do i need a certain amount of karma first before posting there or am I not getting ui cause I'm a newb?

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stinkyfeet   21-1-2017 08:03  Karma  +6   Let me help
MothToAFlame   19-1-2017 22:44  Karma  +4   You need more Karma. Won't take long.
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Post at 19-1-2017 16:05  Profile P.M. 
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language of communication

Excellent report, especially in relation to the geographical challenges of finding your night's "special friend"!

You might like to expand your report to include information on the language you used to communicate. In my experience, this is very important in Shanghai.  In my experience, 90% of QQ girls will start to go cold, or immediately go cold, if you let them know that Mandarin (putong hua) is not your native language.

What has been your experience?


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MothToAFlame   19-1-2017 22:45  Karma  +2   
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Post at 19-1-2017 22:19  Profile P.M. 
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So if you can't speak decent mandarin it will be pretty challenging.  If your mandarin sucks you could try to get the girl to come to you.  However not all girls do outcall, but those that do will list that in their ad.
I think most QQ girls are not local so its kinda odd that they'd treat you different if you weren't shanghaii native.  I never quite understood why the ones that advertise as shanghaii natives charge a 2x or 3x premium.  I mean I get how shanghaii folk generally regard themselves as superior to the rest of china but hotness is universal and i could care less where the fuck you came from.  Now as for chit chat most of the girls assume i'm native but I usually tell them I'm there for work and then they try to figure out where i'm from which is kinda fun =).  Usually american is pretty far down on their list.  Most expats / americans don't do the QQ scene as it's more of a local phenomenon.  For the most part I'm very curious about their lives and their motivations.  But most don't really want to get real in that sense.  Now this girl i reviewed was probably the most interesting.  Most QQ girls do what they do but I don't get the sense that they have much spirit left.  They're just here to make as much money as they can before they just can't take it no more.  This gal enjoys what she does and is super curious.  She loves sharing some of the crazy asks from her customers and is pretty real about why she does what she does.  She was asking me what's it like hooking up with white chick and like do white chicks have really big pussies cause white have dudes have big shlongs .... hahaha

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stinkyfeet   21-1-2017 08:03  Karma  +6   Well said
Petay_1283   20-1-2017 14:59  Karma  +2   good advice/info
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Post at 20-1-2017 15:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 johnnyfive's post

Hey bro johnny..

My apologies, I forgot Newbies cannot report in the Mainland China section.. but it will not be long for you, if you keep doing reports like this

One thing I have noticed in Shenzhen recently is on WeChat look around "people nearby' section.. Local agencies advertise a separate WeChat ID - when you search the other ID it is a WG ID. They send you a menu of what the girl offers, all for 400 RMB - they state no extra tips, it is all incall in a local cheap hotel.

But as soon as they realise you are a foreigner, they say sorry and delete you.

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'

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