Subject: XL - Not sure if I got ripped off ..
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Post at 15-1-2017 01:46  Profile P.M. 
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XL - Not sure if I got ripped off ..

My last day to punt in Hong Kong for this year ..
I searched for girls between 5.4-5.5 , price 900-1000 , TST
Got bunch of pretty photoshopped girls
Decided to go for agent XL, which was my mistake in the first place.
Decided to pick either of these 2 girls:

The one I picked was XL0443 , called agent (was a woman voice). Told me to go to a hotel in Hung Hom.
Took the cab to the [hotel name edited out by skebe]... which I think was a very pretty luxury hotel.
Anyway went to the room which the agent assigned me to. Girl opened door. Either I am blind ,t he girl is photoshopped heavily or I am baited.
Denied the girl and agent XL called me back. She told me to go to another room. Rang the bell, girl opened the door. But wasn't either of the above mentioned links.
Anyway I told her in English , you still look good so it's okay. She didn't understand me and she closed the door ... LOL WTF HAPPENED ..
Agent called me back and seek confirmation that the girl was not good. I did told her it wasn't the one i told her I wanted. But she could gave me number XL0387.
She told me, she went out already for work ...
Crazy bitch is probably just lying at this point, but since I have a good heart and because I paid the taxi to go to that hotel and the girl behind the last door was okay. I told her to assign the girl to me...

Girl opened door and I went in tried to make a Cantonese/English conversation. Girl only understand Mandarin.. but atleast we tried to understand eachother on the bed part.
Anyway shower was just a normal shower. Gave me a towel/tissue which was pressed together with high pressure. Weird shit I am seeing on this last day.
Girl face was pretty, too bad behind those clothes she was wearing there was some tattoo, hidden abused? marks , and also some baby fat (which is okay to me .. love the lovehandles)

She gave me a BBBJ and then she spit really everything out and to be sure she spitted again. Okay girl put condom with some lube on, and started to ride me .. 2 minutes later I had to change because she was just lazy I think ... No problem .. did some missionary and I really think she came once or twice during the session. Then I shot my load and she was still trying to come a third time? Didn't happen for sure and back to bathroom , cleaned up and left.

Paid 900HKD which was really not worth it to be honest. I would have found better sex from a WG. But what has done is done.
Ow yeah , I tried to find that girl on the website. I think it is this one : ... f=My+sisters+column

But the face is photoshopped (looks slimmer)  and als no babyfat, which she definitly had. Also little bit saggy boobs, but the boob size is probably right.
P.s She did had a uniform (school alike)
Was nice to see her in that.

Overall short session , not worth the money. Not really sure if I got baited but it was a friendly and nice mainland girl. Which I don't see often.

Face: 4/5
Body: 3/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 2/5
Repeat: Not really
Link: (maybe) ... f=My+sisters+column

[ Last edited by  skebe at 15-1-2017 07:17 ]

Recent Ratings
jeffzeke   16-1-2017 12:30  Karma  +3   bait and switch is common, what a shame.
NeverWong   16-1-2017 11:24  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
JJJ37   16-1-2017 02:11  Karma  +4   
uzaktbk   16-1-2017 01:36  Acceptance  +1   
Phaychay   15-1-2017 20:24  Karma  +3   
nsfhk   15-1-2017 20:01  Acceptance  +1   Here I thought XL was just pulling BS with me. Sorry for your loss.
hotjac   15-1-2017 07:51  Karma  +1   Thanks for warnings!
skebe   15-1-2017 07:32  Karma  +10   Excellent
donkeykongjr   15-1-2017 02:16  Karma  +1   Yep, XL will send you to any girl that is available
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Post at 15-1-2017 07:25  Profile P.M. 
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First , no naming of the hotel please.....yes, all men in hk including the police know that hotel is a brothel in disguise...still don't name it.

Most of the pictures in XL are fake. The funny thing with XL is that it is quite easy to tell which ones are fake. Those that are super pretty , including the two you chose, are obviously fake. How can you possibly expect to get either of those two girls for just $900?!

If you choose the fake ad, then you get a random girl. If you choose the real one, usually they don't switch. I have never had problem with them.

[ Last edited by  skebe at 15-1-2017 07:37 ]

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JJJ37   16-1-2017 02:11  Karma  +3   
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Post at 15-1-2017 10:57  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the information. It could be very obvious for you that the adds are fake. I dont have your experience like senior punters ...because  i posted in the newbie section. If this would be my daily/weekly routine. I would have understand the information u provided.
Telling me 900$ is not possible to get a pretty girl is same as telling a kid dont buy a toy because it looks fun.

No hard feelings but to me this is just a start. Instead of telling a newbie you get what you pay for. You could have provided me information how to see fake adds. Or maybe how to better aproach the agent for the right girl.

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jeffzeke   16-1-2017 12:35  Acceptance  +3   good info, thanks for sharing!
NeverWong   16-1-2017 11:25  Acceptance  +1   Excellent - Thanks for the Tips!
ergodyne85   15-1-2017 12:34  Acceptance  +2   
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Post at 15-1-2017 14:26  Profile P.M. 
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Yah being ranked as a newbie here kinda sucks. Me putting up a detailed review on the newbie section probably gets me like 10 karma, whereas vets who put short reviews gets like 20+. I've pretty much given up trying to post more and get higher ranks.

On how to spot fake ads, I developed a few criterias with my "limited experience" as some vets had dismissed me for:

1. Does it have a video, if it does, then likely real
2. Does the ad have a "authenticated" or green sign on it? if so likely real
3. Are all the photos basically something you'd see on a girl's facebook account (beach, dinner etc) or are they taken from the hotel room? if only consist of photos from facebook account, likely fake. If hotel room, likely real
4. Are there reviews under the ad. Read: ACTUAL REVIEWS. Agents normally copy and paste their own reviews for the girls and are easily spotted.
5. Are the agents reputable? A search in the forums will tell you as much. THe current favorites seem to are TR, NY, Baby.
6. Are their face heavily blurred and each photo's face look basically the same? Seriously, look at some of the ads' 8 photos, slide through them and u notice that the eyes, nose and mouth are exactly the same. Not saying that it's fake, but check your expectations when this happens.

That's pretty much all I can tell u.

[ Last edited by  goldfishxo at 15-1-2017 14:35 ]

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UncleDad   27-1-2017 23:05  Karma  +3   I agree! Don't give up! Plus, reports aren't just about points, they're about sharing Intel too. So help out fellow p ...
orangerange   24-1-2017 23:16  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
jeffzeke   16-1-2017 12:33  Karma  +3   well deserved karma! don't give up, keep posting good info like this.
nsfhk   15-1-2017 19:58  Acceptance  +1   would give karma if I could, teh struggz is reel
MothToAFlame   15-1-2017 17:36  Karma  +1   Gave up after six weeks?
newfreshrice   15-1-2017 15:41  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
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Post at 15-1-2017 19:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 newfreshrice's post

FWIW, I've tried booking with XL 3 times and walked away all 3. There's no miscommunication, it's pure B&S as far as I'm concerned. I like the GND type more and have basically followed the same guidelines goldfishxo gave you, but every time gotten sent to a couple of far-from-hot definitely-not-young ladies. I didn't post anything because (a) where does a newbie post about a non-report that's just constant B&S and (b) it kinda turned me away from the whole hotel-walk-up scene... why bother when I can find a SYT at 141? Sure, it's hit and miss but that beats 100% miss by a long shot.
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Post at 15-1-2017 21:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 goldfishxo's post


I wouldn't say given up, but less enthused to. Will probably  write up one eventually.
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Post at 15-1-2017 22:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by newfreshrice at 15-1-2017 10:57
Telling me 900$ is not possible to get a pretty girl is same as telling a kid dont buy a toy because it looks fun.

Wrong analogy. What I was saying is if a guy is selling you a Rolex for 200 dollars you can count on that being fake.

That's my clue to you. You can really divide the ad into 2 groups. The really pretty ones and the so-so ones. What I am saying is the former is all fake and the latter is real. Among what goldfish said , the rule about pic taken in hotel room or not is also a good indicator.

[ Last edited by  skebe at 15-1-2017 23:06 ]
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Post at 16-1-2017 00:10  Profile P.M. 
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For XL, look at XL 441. Photos of these type are their real HGs. Those in real life clothing are all fake.
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Post at 16-1-2017 11:01  Profile P.M. 
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Actually was in HK last week and had a pretty bad experience with XL agent too.

I checked the girls database and managed to connect with XL via wechat. Asked if a specific girl was available at 9:30pm and XL said yes and to go the hotel in Hung Hom. Arrived 10 min early, msg XL and was told to wait a few minutes - no problem since I was early. But then waited to 9:45 with no reply. Msg the agent again and was sent pics of another girl saying this one was ready now. I kindly rejected and asked when the girl I originally booked would be ready, only to be told that she is not available at all. Obviously pissed but rather than get into a whole argument, I just thanked XL and said I would be on my way. Agent then sent pics of another girl who looked alright so I asked if this one was ready now, only to be told have to wait another 10-15 min. At the time, I just said no thanks, hailed a cab and left.

Was my first time using these agents so wasn't sure if thats the norm or if XL is just not as trustworthy as the others. Ended finding a part timer on CL, and going back to K-pressure for the rest of my HK trip. Will write reports for those soon!

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max88   25-1-2017 17:24  Karma  +2   yes that's the norm with XL, LG, AL...
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Post at 24-1-2017 20:04  Profile P.M. 
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I had the same experience with XL
I booked a cute girl and was given the run around to different hotel floors
knocking on multiple rooms and the girls begged me to stay
offering special service

XL finally told me for that price those are the girl quality
I said goodbye and rang up other agents who operate in the same hotel
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Post at 25-1-2017 17:59  Profile P.M. 
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The first 2 choices look pretty average to me and I mean it!!!

A word of advice is avoid these damn agents, which 95% of the time bait and switch.

You can find better looking girls depending which walk-up buildings you go to. To over spend on cabs, to rush to a place you are told to go, to be treated like a total idiot, why bother with these stupid agents? Remember, you are the customer! Please don't let these guys throw you around however they like it.

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Post at 26-1-2017 08:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 stugotz's post

Hey Mate
Can you pls provide wechat ID? I cant seem to find on wechat with their number? I really wanna booking
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Post at 26-1-2017 08:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 skebe's post

Hey Can you please tell me the name of this brothel hotel? I want to just make booking to live here to avoid all the walking. Thanks.
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Post at 26-1-2017 12:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 rpmpound's post


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