Originally posted by CunningLinguist at 11-2-2010 13:34
Hi twice. Interesting thread! I'm gonna have to say that each poster is different, because we're all individually a combination of different types, and the combination itself changes over time, too. N ...
I agree. When I am in Hong Kong (8 - 10 times a year for 7 - 10 days each time) I can be a different type of poster than when I am out of town. Personally I would hate to think I can only contribute in a "useful" or "interesting" way while I am in HK.
I think you have hit the nail on the head though, those of us not permanently residing in HKG can only offer up the really "good stuff" (reports) while we are in HK so that effectively changes the way we contribute. Sure we could add something based on where we are, however I know alot of Bros who dont Monger at all in their "home town" and so are very much restricted to providing reports when they travel.
As a side effect of this, Bros keen to advance their status (which probably includes 99% of the members with < RA30 inc me no doubt) are inclined to look for other (non reports) things to post about until they return to HK or places they are happy to operate. This is possibly the single most influential reason for spamming and inane posts. Just a thought...
Originally posted by asia-play at 11-2-2010 13:43
I would disagree there are a few members that post in the HK reports section that could be classified under type #1 (without having to name members)....
I think Bro Goose is a good example of type #1. I imagine there are others but his regular and detailed reports come to mind.
Last edited by TonyToro at 11-2-2010 14:20 ]