Subject: Newbie question - bringing WGs to your hotel room
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Post at 22-8-2012 07:36  Profile P.M. 
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I think it varies from hotel to hotel. Most I've been in for work have no issue, but some may be stricter. As long as you escort them up, it should be alright.
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Post at 27-10-2012 00:30  Profile P.M. 
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Just wanted to re-confirm that the Sheraton Hotel will still turn a blind eye as of Late October 2012. .  I've only tried it once... but based on the previous posts in this thread, i think it isn't just a one-shot thing.

I was staying at the W Hong Kong and a suite at first (whoo business travel + points!), but unfortunately didn't get a chance to test it out here.

Back to a question someone asked... there is an elusive "except 1 hotel" mentioned.  Can anyone provide a better hint about this one?

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Post at 6-11-2012 06:00  Profile P.M. 
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Anyone stayed at the Metropark in WanChai?  Location seems perfect but is it a nice hotel?
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Post at 25-5-2013 22:55  Profile P.M. 
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Hetropark Hotel Wan Chai?

Any tips on meeting escorts in this hotel?  Or, walking in with a WG that I picked up elsewhere?

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Post at 25-5-2013 23:24  Profile P.M. 
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heck you could do it

just in hotel bars depending on which hotel you are in.

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