Subject: Kar Yan "flight attendant" in Mongkok
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Post at 11-6-2013 11:00  Profile P.M. 
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Kar Yan "flight attendant" in Mongkok

Anyone try her? She seems popular on the Chinese forum.

I love the variety of flight attendant uniforms.

I wonder how she's able to get them!

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Freelancer   16-6-2013 21:02  Acceptance  +1   Those uniforms can be bought at "shops" lol
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Post at 16-6-2013 13:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sasa's post

She could've possibly been a flight attendant (for a short time) before this or hung around a few.

You'd be surprised what some of the part-timers (and even full-timers) do as 9-6 jobs.

I've met a few that were executive assistants, shipping clerks, and freelance models.

I guess the $ from 141s was too enticing for them.

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