Subject: Cherry Popped {TST} full
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Post at 21-4-2017 07:00  Profile P.M. 
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Cherry Popped {TST} full

Location: forgot the exact room number T_T but 708? (But at the end of the hall on the right side)
Name:  Sherry
Nationality & Language: chinese (no english)
Age: late 20's
Face:  5/5 (she has a beauty mark on her mouth area which i thought was pretty cute)
Body:  4/5
Skill/Service/GFE/PSE:  can i give a 0?
Price & Session Length:  $800 hk for 30mins
Repeat: never

Hello everyone,
Came across this gem of a site, last year around this same time of year and finally decided to join the crowd because i find some of your posts hilarious and fun to read haha! Great time killer especially when im here for business. Please give me some pointers and advice on the blog post! Happy punting

Anyways yesterday (wednesday, 10pm ish) popped my walk up? Cherry for the first time and decided to go james. Had work and was tired so got a massage previously before going (which could make my description a bit biased). Ive been to Woo Sung last year for my first time and wanted to change the scene up this time. So grew some balls and tried those walk ups that i kept reading about. I was a bit sketched out at first but blehh piece of cake~

It was on the 7th floor and goddamn the whole floor seemed busy ~ "please wait" signs on every door. But found a few on the 6th and 7th floor so decided to knock on a few of them~ Ehh not my style so kept going till sherry opened the door and i was like goddamn so asked for her price and went in... this is where everything started going wrong. She said $500 for the whole package and i was like pfft, lets goo!
And then once i got in she was in a rush to take my clothes off and go which was cool for me! But then as soon as we bout to hit the shower she says "massage" in her broken engrish and says its 800 (oi fuck mate, im already undressed) so im like whatever , tired as shit too.

Her body is wooot fire, breasts seemed natural because they werent perfect and she had my ideal body , slim waist, good face , and nice rack so i was down to pay the extra ... if it was fucking worth it! Lol

Hit the shower, gave me a half ass body wash, fondled with my LB a bit and then dried up and she forced me to lay down .. little did i know i was falking into her "massage trap" . All i wanted was a quick fuck because i got a massage before getting to james with my company. Thought she would be a nice girl and wanted to give me one to kill some time but nopeeee. It was for that extra $200hk .

Her massage sucked dick (not my dick, just sucked lol). And it was mostly my back and she was just sitting on me and was pushing my skin up and down. My previous massage after dinner from a old woman was 1000x better hahaha!
Then she flipped me around , put a cover on and blew me. This lasted a couple minutes wanted to 69 and play with her a bit but she had no GFE what so ever, and avoided me touching her... major turn off.

Then we went CG and probably the biggest turn off when the girl just starts over moaning when nothing is happening ... hate it .. happened to me last year too ( i have bad luck with this shit) then i could tell she was just rushed , trying to make me cum not a clock watcher but a "one shot gtfo" kind of WG. Blehh bad experience for my first Walk up T_T

And when she was riding me it was so forced that it hurt my crotch , if you know what i mean. But none the less its been a while and then she rushed me to the shower, half washed me and asked me for $800hk . It was like 45 mins and her massage sucked but ehh she was cute and i didnt even want to try to fight her for her shitty service and skills.

Funny thing is ,there was this guy who kept waiting at her door for me (that i saw through her camera) and as i walked out .. i hope he understood , i just straight up told him.." dun fucking do it , she aint worth it." Hopefully he understood beware fellow punters .. looks can only get you so far! Happy Punting ~

[ Last edited by  BooBees at 21-4-2017 07:31 ]

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JJJ37   27-4-2017 00:27  Karma  +4   
chemical   25-4-2017 01:37  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
1033056   23-4-2017 23:55  Acceptance  +1   Original
MothToAFlame   22-4-2017 00:39  Karma  +2   Happy Karma century
stinkyfeet   21-4-2017 22:15  Karma  +3   Expectations maybe too high. Majority of walkups are 2s. 5 being a rarity she basically gotta free pass
chopchop   21-4-2017 15:36  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Petay_1283   21-4-2017 13:19  Karma  +4   
jeffzeke   21-4-2017 11:16  Karma  +5   can't win 'em all, thanks for sharing.
xsamusx69   21-4-2017 09:38  Karma  +4   
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Post at 21-4-2017 13:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 BooBees's post

As seen as this is the second report, I will delete the other report.

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 21-4-2017 13:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Petay_1283's post

Yes! This is the full one so yup~ quick question .. if it gets deleted do i lose all my karma points and acceptance points that i got in that post??

Recent Ratings
Flybydr   21-4-2017 16:38  Karma  +4   
Petay_1283   21-4-2017 14:38  Karma  +2   No, I did not delete it, just moved it ;-)
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Post at 21-4-2017 16:41  Profile Site P.M. 
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Reply #3 BooBees's post

Heya good to see you got the post up, glad you advised other punter waiting about what he is in for as a good heads up is always welcome
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Post at 21-4-2017 16:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Flybydr's post

Loll hopefully he understood, he looked confused

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