Subject: Young Western Looking Chinese Girl In KH
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Post at 27-4-2023 14:05  Profile P.M. 
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Young Western Looking Chinese Girl In KH

Date & Time of Session:  25th(?) April, around 1pm
Location:  KH 5th floor
Nationality & Language: Guanxi (If I remember correctly) Only Mandarin
Age: 19 (believable)
Face:  9
Body: 8, depends what you like but very slim, no tits, ass still looks good in doggy
Height:  5' 2" maybe
Skill: 6
Service: 5
Price & Session Length:  600, 30 mins

First time in KH, took me a while to find the correct entrance as it looks like the building sign has been covered up with some other sign. Scoured the whole building but mostly weren't working or busy. Think I rang only 5 doors. The girls that weren't busy were pretty good though compared to the disappointment in Fuji when I went 2 weeks prior.

Settled with a young girl on the 5th floor. She looks very western, I thought she was Russian. Turns out she had her nose done but it was done very well and the rest of her facial features are quite Western too. Very skinny, 19 years old.

Not much to say, showered alone, bbbj was ok, very tight pussy but managed to take it pretty well after awhile.

Nothing special but if you are looking for a very young western looking spinner she's your girl.

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Jchenz   12-5-2023 10:38  Acceptance  +1   
Goose.Mk2   30-4-2023 18:09  Karma  +5   
banter141a   30-4-2023 13:14  Acceptance  +5   
MaxReal   30-4-2023 07:45  Acceptance  +1   
chemical   30-4-2023 03:46  Karma  +3   
boscitc   28-4-2023 16:48  Karma  +8   
Asiangaijin   28-4-2023 13:39  Acceptance  +1   
monogamous   27-4-2023 22:58  Karma  +3   
anata_no_kokoro   27-4-2023 22:36  Karma  +2   Original
JackTheBat   27-4-2023 18:03  Karma  +10   
LittleWing   27-4-2023 18:02  Karma  +3   
lively192   27-4-2023 17:04  Karma  +4   
magictime12   27-4-2023 14:58  Karma  +4   Thanks... Try to remember the room number of you can next time
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Post at 27-4-2023 15:13  Profile P.M. 
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magictime12 Yeah I'll remember for next time but I think it's A? It was out the lift then right then right again and the door straight ahead. Either that or it was left then left again.
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Post at 27-4-2023 18:57  Profile P.M. 
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Hey, sorry if it's a dumb question, but where is KH?

I just landed a week ago, lonely and bored you know the deal. Anyway I've been searching for a while now but I can't seem to figure out where or what KH is, the information I've
gathered is that KH is a 14-storey building somewhere in Mongkok, can someone help me with the location/name of the said building? thanks

edit: nevermind! found it from a post finally, it's King Hing if anyone stumbles upon this post with the same question

[ Last edited by  Astronomour at 27-4-2023 18:59 ]
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Post at 27-4-2023 20:22  Profile P.M. 
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Yes KH is King Hing building which is 建興大廈 in chinese. If you search king hing on Google map and check one of the photo you should see a shop that sells fish balls. To the right is the entrance with the chinese above. Except right now that sign is covered up with another sign.

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slickric423   29-4-2023 01:31  Karma  +4   
spaceinvader852   28-4-2023 12:49  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 28-4-2023 12:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 shammy12's post

Great place to get all your badminton gear

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jc128   28-4-2023 23:49  Karma  +2   I got a racquet there, the girls like to play too.
wandering13213   28-4-2023 14:52  Karma  +4   
povar123   28-4-2023 13:12  Karma  +4   Haha
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Post at 28-4-2023 13:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 spaceinvader852's post

Absolutely! When I first found KH, that badminton store really stuck to my mind too hahahaha

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magictime12   28-4-2023 15:04  Acceptance  +1   Follow forum rules use the rating system for short replies

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