Subject: Siu Siu in CWB
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Post at 3-2-2023 19:25  Profile P.M. 
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Siu Siu in CWB

Location:  Phoenix Apt
DB link:
Name: Siu Siu
Agent: 141 walk-up
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: Late 40s early 50s
Face: 2/5
Body: 2/5  carrying a lot of extra weight now
Height: 5'4
Skill: 5/5
Service: 5/5
GFE: 3/5
PSE: 4/5
Price & Session Length: 600, 30 minutes
Repeat: Maybe

Been seeing Siu Siu off and on for around 10 years. This was the longest stretch not seeing her due to covid restrictions. Was disappointed to see she has put on a lot of extra weight, maybe close to 10 kilos. The service and BBBJ are still top quality, but at her age, and with the extra weight, it is hard to justify 600 for 30 minutes. Visit outlined below.

Siu Siu is always fast to respond and arrange a booking. Arrived to her room with no wait. Enter the room and disappointed by the weight gain. In the past there would be some play before the shower but this time she went straight to the wash. Good BBBJ in the shower and some rubbing of LB with her body. Out of the shower and she has changed to those awful disposable towels with a sign that an extra 20 is charged for a second towel. It is then I notice she has timers by the bed. Siu Siu has never been a clock watcher. Added weight, no play before shower, disposable towels and a timer. Was now worried the service quality would also be a disappointment.

On the bed, it was quickly established service quality had not been impacted. LB quickly in her mouth and saluting Chief Executive John Lee. This woman's nickname should be Electrolux because nothing sucks like Siu Siu. Not wanting to finish too quickly, I stopped her for penetration. Like in the past, you need to watch her because she will try to slip LB in uncovered. It is a surprise she is still going after so many years with this trick. A gentle reminder and she wraps up the little fellow and in he goes. Siu Siu is up for just about anything so we alternate a few positions and finish in mish to control the pace and depth of LB. Unloaded and with some time left Siu Siu gives a brief massage. It is not much but a nice gesture when there is an early finish. The timer goes so into the shower for the post wash.

Clothes on and this is when I learn the price has increased. This was a surprise given her age, increased weight and that I am a long time customer. As said earlier, will visit when feeling nostalgic but there are better options now with Siu Siu pricing herself out of the market.

Stay safe bros.

Recent Ratings
like2bonk   17-4-2023 15:10  Karma  +3   i will always remove condom just before cumming and blow my load on her hairy bush
chemical   16-4-2023 00:30  Acceptance  +2   
HAMSUPROM   25-3-2023 09:08  Karma  +3   
forceholy   21-2-2023 21:04  Acceptance  +3   Thanks for the heads up.
hotjac   21-2-2023 12:48  Karma  +3   600 for 30 minutes with an older heater that has gained just 5 kilos let alone 10, is totally unreasonable thx 4 warning
magictime12   21-2-2023 08:03  Karma  +3   
HKS77   21-2-2023 06:31  Karma  +3   
waldo   7-2-2023 07:20  Karma  +5   Questionable career move at her age
HK_Legend   4-2-2023 17:56  Karma  +8   
homer168   4-2-2023 08:18  Karma  +5   For the good ol’ memories.
booby_lover   3-2-2023 22:26  Karma  +4   Thanks. Good write up of visit.
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Post at 21-2-2023 02:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 honkong2012's post

Siu Siu is a legend. Just wonder if her friend Sammi offers bareback.

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magictime12   21-2-2023 07:54  Acceptance  +1   Please use the rating system. Also you are an idiot. Bareback with a WG #retard
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Post at 21-2-2023 21:05  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah, age and gravity gets to all of us. Siu siu is no different.

It's amazing how Jasmine has probably been around as long as Siu Siu, but still looks good for her age.

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like2bonk   17-4-2023 15:09  Karma  +2   tats cos Jasmine visits plastic surgeon more often
Lustful Lord
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Post at 15-4-2023 10:39  Profile P.M. 
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Never tried Jasmine. Stopped by her room once in my younger days and she was not MCOT. But with all the reviews and accolades, perhaps I should try her, just to tick it off the list

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