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Post at 30-3-2018 23:17  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Any odd turnoffs?

I'm not talking about regular turn offs (fat, malodorous, tattoos, implants, etc)... I'm talking about turnoffs that potentially could only be specific to you. And if you wouldn't mind.... Why. Here are some of mine:

- Hair Extensions. I like running my hands thru a girl's hair....Finding Extensions makes the process ......odd.
- big eye contacts. Most people find them cute. They remind me of the demons in supernatural. Lol
- this one might be a bit more normal.... But bad teeth. I don't think I need to explain this one. Lol


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NeverWong   6-4-2018 06:26  Acceptance  +3   any form of bad teeth
JJJ37   6-4-2018 01:21  Acceptance  +8   No pulse
Petay_1283   31-3-2018 17:02  Acceptance  +10   supernatural fan.
jetsetting2much   31-3-2018 13:18  Acceptance  +5   stained teeth bother me...
jeffzeke   31-3-2018 11:31  Acceptance  +10   fake eyelashes, large feet. One the opposite end, I find large nipples a big turn on!
hkpunter999   31-3-2018 08:51  Acceptance  +8   Interesting question!
batman108   31-3-2018 00:44  Acceptance  +2   bad kimchi breath...
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Post at 31-3-2018 14:58  Profile P.M. 
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1. fake boobs in particular and large boobs in general.. i like it when I can hold it one palm..
2. large, unshapely feet

guess the rest are more run of the mill..

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Pinkpuffy69   4-4-2018 20:10  Acceptance  +2   Yes ugly man feet. Feels weird when mine are smaller.
stinkyfeet   2-4-2018 19:37  Acceptance  +8   Ugly feet! I understand very well!
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Post at 1-4-2018 03:58  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Poison.... I hear ya. While I can appreciate large ones, I've always said that anything more than a handful is a waste. Lol

A lot of people have interest in feet huh. Interesting.
Jeffzeke.... If large feet turn you off, do small dainty ones turn you on?


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JJJ37   6-4-2018 01:20  Acceptance  +8   
tonkachi   2-4-2018 16:19  Acceptance  +3   I've noticed it more often on girls that are from China and had it done there. Most surgeons in the states are pretty ...
jeffzeke   1-4-2018 07:22  Acceptance  +10   I like large nipples, LOL. Normal sized feet is best, haha!
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Post at 1-4-2018 22:59  Profile P.M. 
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Hmmm I can't imagine anyone appreciating Hair extensions. Same as you, i generally like to run my fingers through a girl's hair or play with her hair in another way; but discovering these 'hard' extensions make it a lot less .. pleasant. I also agree on big eye contacts. I just don't like the idea i can't even see her real eyes. and plastic eyes are just ugly. (sorry). Bad teeth, who like bad teeth?


An 'odd' turnoff I have is, I really dislike when it comes to earrings and other jewelry. I will not touch a girl who wears those; as just knowing she's wearing those, makes me feel very uncomfortable.

I don't really even know why; I felt uncomfortable with earrings and necklaces ever since I was a child. I have no idea why almost every girl insist in wearing some necklace.

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p0ison   2-4-2018 07:20  Acceptance  +4   I love to see a naked girl with just a necklace on. Remember Kate winslet in titanic?!
UncleDad   1-4-2018 23:31  Acceptance  +4   Most all girls like the bling mate... Your poor gf/SO/wife!! Lol.
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Post at 2-4-2018 04:19  Profile P.M. 
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I am weird, armpit hair.  I am ok with not shaved at all or totally shaved.  Big turnoff for me is when she missed it for 3 days or so.  Looks like the day after a forest fire.

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aurufc   23-4-2018 15:32  Acceptance  +4   Unless you are fucking the armpit as the stubble tickles nicely lol
blast77   2-4-2018 17:27  Acceptance  +6   I am weirder than you :D
UncleDad   2-4-2018 12:24  Acceptance  +4   While I prefer no armpit hair, I do understand the 3-4 day stubble. It really is odd feeling.
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Post at 2-4-2018 08:12  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Explorer1 at 2-4-2018 04:19
I am weird, armpit hair.  I am ok with not shaved at all or totally shaved.  Big turnoff for me is when she missed it for 3 days or so.  Looks like the day after a forest fire.

- I agree with the armpit hair...I would totally prefer it to be completely clean
- Boobs that got done but the surgeon was too damn lazy to adjust the position of the saline bag and you can totally feel it or where they are too big for the girls body.

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UncleDad   2-4-2018 12:25  Acceptance  +4   Thankfully, I've yet to encounter that.
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Post at 2-4-2018 17:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Explorer1's post

I am a harm shoulder, harmpit, fetish, basically if a girl  wear a tank top as like she got me +50%.
So harmpit better be shaved.

My oddest turnoff are face moles, even small ones, even on a beautiful girl that's a downer.
To this day i don't know why, because in truth that's not big deal, but i can't help having that turnoff.

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Pinkpuffy69   4-4-2018 20:15  Acceptance  +2   Freak jk lol. Interesting
UncleDad   2-4-2018 21:58  Acceptance  +4   Some call'em moles, others call'em beauty marks. Great stuff!
Marcade   2-4-2018 18:01  Acceptance  +1   Face moles! Finally a 'real' odd turnoff.

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Post at 2-4-2018 19:43  Profile P.M. 
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My list

1 big ugly feet
2 big NBA size hands
3 stubbles on upper lip
4 hairy lip
5 hairy anus
6 back hair
7 happy trail

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SimonTheShark   31-7-2018 02:14  Acceptance  +5   Songs like your turn off is sleeping with Guys :&
Pinkpuffy69   4-4-2018 20:12  Acceptance  +2   Tail? Lol
UncleDad   2-4-2018 21:59  Acceptance  +4   What's a happy trail?
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Post at 3-4-2018 12:14  Profile P.M. 
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Happy Trail - A path of pubic hair that usually starts at the belly button and ends in your pubes.   Guys tend to have it more often than women

[ Last edited by  tonkachi at 3-4-2018 12:16 ]

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Pinkpuffy69   4-4-2018 20:14  Acceptance  +2   Wow learned new thing
UncleDad   3-4-2018 19:34  Acceptance  +4   Lol. Thanks!
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Post at 3-4-2018 23:43  Profile P.M. 
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My turnoffs are ridiculously sized jewelries, like hoop earrings and bracelets and stuff. Also, I have issues with un-uniform fingernails, like if the five nails on one hand have different colors or design. Dunno why, but I see that, I get flaccid.

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UncleDad   4-4-2018 11:25  Acceptance  +4   Unique. Nice.
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Post at 4-4-2018 07:53  Profile P.M. 
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The biggest turn off for me is asking for tips in the middle of the deed. I don’t understand why any girl would think this is a wise tactic. Imagine you eat in a restaurant and the chef asks you for tips just before serving the food.

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stinkyfeet   6-4-2018 01:31  Acceptance  +8   Either that or they say "faster" I'm here to enjoy the food not to be in a eating competition
JJJ37   6-4-2018 01:04  Acceptance  +8   hate that
UncleDad   4-4-2018 11:26  Acceptance  +4   So I shouldn't ask for ratings right now? Lol
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Post at 5-4-2018 07:35  Profile P.M. 
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Think tattoos should get a mention.. I can tolerate small ones on the arms and legs, but huge ones on the body are a turn off irrespective of how beautiful they are. They hide something more beautiful!

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aurufc   23-4-2018 15:34  Acceptance  +6   I like tattoos....unless they are on the breasts. Don't know why as anywhere else is a turn-on.
stinkyfeet   6-4-2018 01:32  Acceptance  +8   I really hate it when they tattoo a big ole dik next to the pussy. Really annoying
UncleDad   5-4-2018 22:17  Acceptance  +4   Thanks for playing
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Post at 5-4-2018 12:40  Profile P.M. 
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Talking too much

Them telling you they Love you

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UncleDad   5-4-2018 22:19  Acceptance  +4   Lol... Stick a c*ck in their mouth. That all shut'em up.
obe   5-4-2018 16:07  Acceptance  +10   Exactly
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Post at 6-4-2018 01:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply UncleDad's post - Turn Offs

Being rushed. 5 minutes into a one hour session she says, "cum baby" or "why you take so long?" and then acts impatient, bored or pissy.

Coming across unusual physical features is pretty standard if one does a lot of punting and I find the variety interesting. Like going to ice cream shop with 31 flavors.

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UncleDad   6-4-2018 23:26  Acceptance  +4   Especially overnighters.... If they start whining about that, I threaten to f*ck'em all night. Jokingly, of course. Lol
blast77   6-4-2018 18:26  Acceptance  +6   YEP!
obe   6-4-2018 08:37  Acceptance  +10   Kuaidian, Kuaidian.... That's the worse
jeffzeke   6-4-2018 08:27  Acceptance  +10   very true, only happens when the WG needs to get you to finish with minimal wear and tear on her pussy, so she can servi ...
stinkyfeet   6-4-2018 01:33  Acceptance  +8   Kuaidian is a instant deflater
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Post at 6-4-2018 06:35  Profile P.M. 
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One thing not yet mentioned that really bother me are braces. I hate braces. Not sure if it's because of the pain when i used to have them (phantom pains?), the thought of my LB being near sharp metal, or the fear of my pubic hair being caught and yanked out. Just freaks me out. However, my thoughts are completely irrational because i only find girls who have nice teeth to be attractive; thus if braces were never invented, my pool of attractive girls would be quite small.

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JJJ37   7-4-2018 00:29  Acceptance  +8   Obe likes braces.......leg braces and wheel chair ;D
UncleDad   6-4-2018 23:28  Acceptance  +4   And yet some people have a fetish for brace-faced gals....
obe   6-4-2018 08:38  Acceptance  +10   LOL
jeffzeke   6-4-2018 08:27  Acceptance  +10   tough to receive BBBJ from a WG with braces.
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Post at 16-4-2018 18:31  Profile P.M. 
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1. Hairy armpits: I know it is not an odd one but it seriously disgusts me out! I once noticed a massage girl had hairy armpits just as we were about to start the HE part of the massage, I tried to power on but failed...

2. Smelly breath.. enough said. I was with a bro a few years ago in Pattaya Soi 6, we went early Sunday afternoon and we must of caught the back end of the midnight crew, high on coke or something trying it on with us. I swear the girl burped and I could smell cock! I almost threw up!

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UncleDad   23-4-2018 21:29  Acceptance  +5   I've yet to meet anyone who LIKES hairy armpits. Lol
austin821   17-4-2018 09:23  Acceptance  +5   hahahaha that's so funny
obe   16-4-2018 20:47  Acceptance  +10   You are the fussiest dude I have met ;)

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Post at 23-4-2018 15:41  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Originally posted by NeverWong at 6-4-2018 06:35
JJJ37          7-4-2018 00:29          Acceptance          +8          Obe likes braces.......leg braces and wheel chair ;D

lol too funny.

My biggest turn off is Obe watching me get sucked in Tim's Bar in Patayya though it's a close tie with Petay's "suck my pussy" bird flashing her tits.

Aside from tattoos on breasts:

  • Watching themselves too much in mirrors during the act
  • Their phones beeping incessantly during the act - not looking at it, just the fucking beeping
  • The weird dark line some Eastern Europeans put around their lipstick
  • Smell of crap slowly permeating during anal
  • Too much PSE fake moaning

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UncleDad   23-4-2018 21:27  Acceptance  +5   Most of those are fair. Points for the lip liner. Never heard of that being a turnoff before. Awesome.
obe   23-4-2018 15:48  Acceptance  +10   At least I didn't walk into a window in soi 6
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Post at 24-4-2018 14:07  Profile P.M. 
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A few more pet peeves ...

1. Protruding belly button: the navel/umbilical area is sticking outwards rather than inward facing. Just can’t look at it, wondering when I thrust in the mish position, if something will pop out of her navel.
2. Disruptive moaning: high pitched staccato puppy like yelps. I’d rather womanly guttural grunts expressing her ecstasy.
3. Ladies aged 30+ pretending to sweet talk you with child-like/little girl voices. Failed role play.        
4. Stinky saliva (especially from a smoker) during a catbath. She may not be smoking during the session; yet, the nicotine stench stays “painted” on my skin.

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UncleDad   24-4-2018 19:24  Acceptance  +10   Lol.... Painted with nicotine. Thanks for painting that picture. Lol
aurufc   24-4-2018 18:23  Acceptance  +6   Protruding belly button - good one
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Post at 30-4-2018 01:22  Profile P.M. 
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I really don't like long finger nails. I know a lot of girls have it but it never really appealed to me. I just have this irrational fear of
"unnecessary" cuts lol.

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UncleDad   30-4-2018 09:57  Acceptance  +5   Original! Nice
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Post at 23-5-2018 01:49  Profile P.M. 
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Bad breath, too much pubic hair (I prefer shaven) since I like to see my cock moving in/out.
Then she has the smell of lube coming out her pussy... yuk.

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Randal   31-7-2018 00:04  Acceptance  +4   Probably the cum of the previous guy...
UncleDad   23-5-2018 04:04  Acceptance  +10   Thanks for playing! I actually don't know what lube smells like. lol

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