Subject: Sex Robot
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Post at 6-2-2010 01:21  Profile P.M. 
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Sex Robot

For those of you in between trips to Asia and need some loving here is your option:
Kinky King
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Post at 6-2-2010 04:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 rwjs60's post

nothing will ever replace women, not robots, toys, videos. looks fun to try though
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Post at 6-2-2010 09:40  Profile P.M. 
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holy shit
that thing looks authentic.. an authentic shemale.. or failed plastic surgery or just plain ugly LOL
might get one if they look better than this

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Post at 6-2-2010 10:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Canonball's post

seriously? is anyone actually seriously gonna buy a sex doll when there is the real things.
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Post at 6-2-2010 11:57  Profile P.M. 
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Apparently she even snores in her sleep, hope he hasn't programmed her to fart as well!

Keep on mongering....
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Post at 6-2-2010 12:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 venetiangirls's post

actually, in japan this is already a huge trend. lifelike dolls are already a favourite amongst many single guys. i forget the show i saw, but a good percentage of japanese men keep dolls for companionship in the midst of their busy lifestyles and some even prefer the dolls over a real woman. some guys have several dolls, a different flavour for each day of the week i guess.

here are some examples of the kinds of dolls on the japanese market: ... x-dolls-6500-adult/

works are already in place for developing a lifelike "sex android." imho, a much better version than the one the OP shows being developed in the US.

you can check out an example here:

i guess the issue is not really what the prototypes are today, but actually the potential of what's to come in the future for this kind of thing. but believe you me, there is definitely a market out there for these kinds of things.
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Post at 6-2-2010 12:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by venetiangirls at 6-2-2010 04:11
nothing will ever replace women, not robots, toys, videos.

I disagree ...

I'm just waiting for (and saving up for) a toy that's equipped with a built-in EEG.  It will be able to "learn" from its partner's responses, adjusting its sequences to achieve the highest levels of arousal, and automatically figuring out just how loooong it can keep him 'on the edge' before it starts to get too much.  Equipped with a full range of stimuli including touch, movement, sound, and olfactory, it will be able to go way beyond what any human being can do creating orgasm after orgasm, precisely on cue, with a depth and intensity no outside agent can elicit.  

As a result, following its launch rates of lesbianism will soar, as men discover just exactly what sex can be like when it's ALL about you, with no other agenda (hidden or overt) and no distraction.

It'll literally read your mind and give you just exactly what you didn't even know you want.  Not even the most skillful, dedicated, and insightful girl will be able to match the way it adapts and discovers erogenous stimuli that have not even been mapped out yet, combining them in a cocktail that's uniquely tailored to your individual makeup and your current mood.  

Come to think of it, I should file a patent.  Anyone care to bankroll me??

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Post at 6-2-2010 12:44  Profile P.M. 
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I've got a Biz idea!!

And that is to start a Robot whore house!

It's gonna be 100% legal - ANYWHERE - as I'm only gonna be renting out machines, hardly any staff cost (except to collect $$ and to clean 'em??), solves over-population (It'd be a hit for sure in China),  forget about VD .... and I'd be able to provide ANY Robot gal to your exact specs!!  Heck I cud even provide special discounts for wives to buy long term subscriptions for their hubbies!!

Any investors??!!!  LOL!! .

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Post at 6-2-2010 13:56  Profile P.M. 
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That's an ugly robot.  I wouldn't sleep with it if it paid me to.  The japanese ones are better.
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Post at 6-2-2010 15:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 rwjs60's post

US$7,000 = almost HK$80,000. That is a shit load of walk ups, HG's, and more... hell, you could evenafford a stack of Japanese girls...
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Post at 7-2-2010 06:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 TonyToro's post

The Japanese dolls are almost $10,000US plus shipping. I have to admit some of them have really nice asses. I wonder what the Customs people think.
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Post at 7-2-2010 06:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 DArtagnan's post

i disagree with your disagreement! You are still making love to an inanimate object. Also the cost of that toy robot is in the thousands of dollars. Is that really worth the investment for a toy
Marsupial (Saint Marsupial)
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Post at 7-2-2010 13:20  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by indefine at 6-2-2010 12:24
actually, in japan this is already a huge trend. lifelike dolls are already a favourite amongst many single guys. i forget the show i saw, but a good percentage of japanese men keep dolls for companionship in the midst of their busy lifestyles and some even prefer the dolls over a real woman.

As much as I like making fun of Japanese guys, that statement is a huge exaggeration. The percentage of JGuys who actually own one of these things is quite low. Also, even the losers who make do with a lump of inanimate plastic would rather have a real girl, but can't manage it for various reasons - chief among which is extreme shyness.

People who only know Japan from the porn have a very distorted idea of the Japanese personality and the actual sexual situation on the ground. Surveys consistently show that the Japanese have one of the lowest sex-satisfaction rates in all of Asia, and the main reason for that is the shyness and impotence of the JGuys. That's the main reason why aggressive and self-confident foreign men make out like bandits in Japan - the girls are all dying to fuck and the local men are at home jerking off to porn.

A recent trend in Japan are books and magazine articles instructing women how to get guys into bed - I shit you not.

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 7-2-2010 13:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 Marsupial's post

that sounds like an invitation to head to Japan asap
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Post at 7-2-2010 20:48  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 7-2-2010 13:20

Surveys consistently show that the Japanese have one of the lowest sex-satisfaction rates in all of Asia, and the main reason for that is the shyness and impotence of the JGuys...

I was reading an article this evening on the plane, and I came across a really expressive term that rather sums this up...  “soushokudanshi” or “grass-eating male”...

Evidently, a Japanese columnist writing in a series of articles about marketing products to men under 35 coined this term in 2006 to to describe today's young Japanese male.  The following is taken verbatim from... ... a-grass-eating-male  [not the article I read on the plane]

“Grass-eaters”, or herbivorous males, will happily graze alongside their female companions and are not given to forming deeper relationships.  In contrast, “meat-eaters”, or carnivorous males, home in on their prey.  The term “grass-eating male” has gained wide usage in Japan during the past year, as a result of which the definition of what constitutes a “grass-eating male” has also grown.  It is generally agreed that “grass-eaters” do not see women as sex objects; they are gentle in their relationship with the fair sex; they prefer to be indoors rather than outdoors; and they tend to be delicate by nature.  “Grass-eaters” are also said to be not terribly positive in their attitude towards love or sex, and are more interested in fashion or their own hobbies rather than falling in love.  Moreover, the “grass-eating male” is likely to have a sweet tooth and an ardent interest in food.

Nave fun, CGP
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Post at 7-2-2010 21:20  Profile P.M. 
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now it is just a matter of time before some japanese guys marries one of these robots
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Post at 7-2-2010 21:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 venetiangirls's post

Uh, VG, nobody makes love to an inanimate object.  Making love and getting off are two completely different things.  DArt is simply noting how improvements in technology can better stimulate people's erogenous zones than the real thing.  That has nothing to do w/ making love
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Post at 8-2-2010 10:59  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by venetiangirls at 7-2-2010 06:22
i disagree with your disagreement! ...

Hey VG ... no surprise ... at this time you are madly head-over-heels in love ... and you should make the most of it ... enjoy the phase to the max!!!

I'm making a distinction between sex and love.  I'm predicting the time will indeed come where sex with an artificial object will exceed the highest feelings a woman can elicit, precisely because of the way a machine can be programmed with senses a human being can't detect.  I'm saying that in much the same way that Arthur Clarke predicted the use of satellites at a time that space travel was still "impossible".  At this time, sex with a machine is a poor second to a living breathing woman, but (evidently) it beats solo wanking and is (equally apparently) worth a lot more to its afficionados than a hooker or massage girl giving a happy ending.  

Not saying that machines will replace love.  Love is an attachment process that uses different circuits.  Sex doesn't replace intimacy.  

I'm just saying that a machine can potentially and will one day give sexual gratification way beyond what a woman can do.  When that exists, will people pay thousands of $$$?  You bet they will, in droves!!

What remains to be seen is how the technology might enhance a couple's relationship ... if they're open to experimentation ...

Remember: You read it here first!!

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Marsupial (Saint Marsupial)
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Post at 8-2-2010 11:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 DArtagnan's post

That future has already arrived for women: it's called a vibrator. In my early 20's, I had a GF back in college who never managed to have an orgasm with a guy - she had some kind of mental problem with sex or with guys - even now, I'm not sure which. She was a wonderful person tho, and 10 years on I looked her up on a return trip from somewhere in Asia. The conversation came round to sex, and she told me how she was having 10 to 15 orgasms a session with her new vibrator. She had even given the thing a name. You could tell that little sucker had a special place in her heart.

And that was just a simple hand-held device. What's going to happen when these things become vastly more sophisticated with AI and perfect bodies/sex organs designed to maximize stimulation. I don't think there's any question but that everyone will own something like this and it'll be no more embarrassing than a woman owning a vibrator is now.

It's just a matter of where your threshold is. Some will have very high standards, but sooner or latter these devices will become so sophisticated, so life-like, and so good at giving sexual pleasure that everyone will have one.

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DArtagnan   8-2-2010 11:45  Acceptance  +1   Yup ...

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 8-2-2010 11:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 Marsupial's post

... and the sybian is getting a lot of attention too ...

if only the damn thing wasn't quite so noisy, would be worth getting one!

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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