Subject: 4 point sheraton shenzhen
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Post at 28-7-2017 23:58  Profile P.M. 
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4 point sheraton shenzhen

Date & Time of Session: 28 July 2017
Location:  4 point sheraton shenzhen (4th floor, cheery spa)
Name:  No. 82 and 62
Nationality & Language: both China and mandarin
Age: 23 - 25
Body: 8
Skill: 9
Service: 9
GFE: 7
Price & Session Length:  418 and 90mins each
Repeat: yes

So I read up on this place and decided to give it a go. Thought I could just walk there but ended up on the wrong side of the hughway which was annoying. Also, I have discovered later that the hotel provides a free shuttle to and from futian crossing. But anyway, taxi from futian to the hotel is just rmb 10. The Chinese name is 福朋喜来登酒店. Don't follow the signs to the spa on the six floor as it is nonexistent. Go to the west building behind the hotel, and take the lift to the 4th floor for cheery spa. Alternatively, go into the hotel, go to the 6th floor and cross the nicely looking bridges and take the lift down, which was what I did the first time.

Anyway, got there, the usual stuff with the shower etc. Everything looks really new and clean. Got in and told the agent to recommend and got his we chat at the same time. Had #82, she came in, really good looking body and quite good looking as well. Had the massage, and within 30 mins, we moved on to part 2 and she took off her top. She was really shy and said she had only been working for half a month. She turned off the lights before taking her top off. No access to LS, but she gave a really good massage to LB and also the whole area down there. After , she helped to clean up and went off to wash her hands. Got her to lie next to me to cuddle after that, and she got a towel to cover us both, and her hands went straight to LB to massage slowly until the time's up. Did not a second time but I guess that was on the cards.

Went round SZ to do my stuff, and then before leaving, thought I might drop by again. Messaged agent and he told me no problem, he will arrange everything and all I needed to do was to turn up at whatever that I told him. Got to the place, he brought up the wechat and we picked a girl from there. Unfortunately a couple of the girls I preferred was booked until 9 something so we settled on #62. She came in and she was absolutely tiny and had no fats on her. Kinda means her breasts were not big too,but that was on with me. Same thing with the massage, but she is much less shy than #82, keeping the lights on. Part 2 came by quickly too and she took her top off and I asked her to take her bottom off too. She gave me full access and I had her on her back while I played with her, while she moans away. Inserted my middle finger into her LS and I could not go in easily. She was really really really tight and I had to really slowly push my way in with her. She played with LB while moaning away as I was playing with LS. After quite a while, I and the same thing again with her wiping off and leaving to wash her hands etc. She
had to wipe herself too after that session. Nothing majorly interesting after that as we just chat and lied on the bed with some pointless massages.

Think that's all, I've got the agent's and both girl's wechat so will definitely visit again. I'm trying to post the pictures from the agent's website but the files are too big. Will try again to see how I can do it and post later.

Edit: unfortunately I'm limited by the 24 hours file size limit, so will need to try again later.

[ Last edited by  hl88 at 29-7-2017 00:17 ]

Recent Ratings
blast77   28-8-2017 10:31  Karma  +4   
ernieb   27-8-2017 22:19  Karma  +5   Thx. Pls DM agent wechat!
laowai2015   27-8-2017 20:04  Acceptance  +1   Great info. Could you pm the agent wechat? Thanks
axxm   1-8-2017 16:47  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
calaisien   1-8-2017 12:40  Karma  +4   
batman108   1-8-2017 12:35  Karma  +2   Awesome and thanks
HKVISITOR45   1-8-2017 04:30  Acceptance  +1   
legatedarius   1-8-2017 02:06  Acceptance  +2   nice post, can u share wechat contacts?
xooxer   1-8-2017 00:01  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Messi215   31-7-2017 22:01  Acceptance  +1   thanks can i get the wechat to go try?
mozquit0   31-7-2017 19:43  Acceptance  +1   
guy_boom   31-7-2017 15:35  Acceptance  +1   Excellent report and nice find! Would u mind sharing the agent's report? Thx!
porkchops   31-7-2017 06:52  Karma  +4   Thanks!
crazygunner   31-7-2017 04:32  Karma  +2   Great read. Can you share the agents wechat we with me? Thanks!
stinkyfeet   31-7-2017 01:55  Karma  +4   Resize by posting to itself in wechat. Reply top button gives attachment photo options
Explorer1   30-7-2017 13:02  Karma  +1   Good direction
LeoCan   30-7-2017 02:04  Karma  +5   
UncleDad   29-7-2017 21:24  Karma  +4   Fun!
aurufc   29-7-2017 19:14  Karma  +4   good info - does the agent reply to English wechat?
lobshot   29-7-2017 01:03  Acceptance  +1   
theworm   29-7-2017 00:24  Karma  +5   Excellent
JJJ37   29-7-2017 00:17  Karma  +4   
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Post at 30-7-2017 09:39  Profile P.M. 
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I still cannot post the pictures, which is annoying. Happy to share the wechat with some motivation in return.

Aurufc: sorry I'm not sure as I conversed in Chinese with him.

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axxm   1-8-2017 22:40  Acceptance  +1   Original
SimonTheShark   31-7-2017 13:18  Karma  +4   
david_r1   31-7-2017 01:10  Karma  +3   could you share the wechat please? is the price for 2 90mins session or just one?
Mister   30-7-2017 11:30  Karma  +4   Shrink the pic in another app, eg Paint, then post. Does this place offer massages for women, too?
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Post at 31-7-2017 01:13  Profile P.M. 
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since the rating session only lets me type a line or so, i thought id type here instead. Massaging LB till times up sounds awesome lol
Is the $418 for 2 90mins session? what was the venue like?
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Post at 31-7-2017 20:30  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks all for the suggestions re the pics. Pictures from the agent's wechat attached below.

David_r1: it's 418 per 90 min session but you only get this price if you have their wechat. Otherwise it's 498. The venue looks really new and clean. You cannot wear slippers into the rooms and have to leave them outside. The rooms are not amazingly big but looks advanced. I guess you can compare them to sleep pods at some airports.

Mister: possibly because it's actually in the hotel itself. I did see a pathway to the female changing room/shower but I didn't see any female customers while I was there.

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Recent Ratings
chadinthailand   30-8-2017 04:37  Acceptance  +1   I'm headed to Shenzhen next month. Could you PM me the details.
stinkyfeet   28-8-2017 04:27  Karma  +8   
batman108   1-8-2017 12:36  Karma  +3   Awesome and thanks
Imdavid88   1-8-2017 08:51  Acceptance  +1   Sweeetttt. Please pm the wechat contact
Mister   31-7-2017 22:33  Karma  +3   Gals look great. Please PM agent's WeChat. Thanks
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Post at 31-7-2017 20:35  Profile P.M. 
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Had to split them up to upload properly. #62's pictures are here

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stinkyfeet   28-8-2017 04:28  Karma  +8   
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Post at 27-8-2017 13:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hl88's post

Can you share the agents contact

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Mister   27-8-2017 15:29  Acceptance  -1   Use Rating for brief comment and to PM the OP. See Forum Guidelines before posting again!
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Post at 27-8-2017 22:12  Profile P.M. 
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Is this a spa like they have in Macau but in SZ? Or is this just a regular hotel, and they call in the girl when you need, but you are in a regular spa?
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Post at 28-8-2017 23:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 Mario78's post

Sorry I don't know how to reply to this, never been to one in Macau before, maybe someone can help me out.

It's like a normal spa in SZ where you get a shower, foot massages etc in the main hall and into a massage room for your "massage". It's not a hotel room.
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Post at 28-8-2017 23:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 hl88's post

Thanks for your reply! Will the spa attendant offer the "extra service" automatically? Since it looks like a normal spa, how do you know the girl is there for foot massage or for more? Thanks for the answers!

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