Subject: Flower Fairy Spa in TST - w/ Fei Fei
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Post at 27-6-2017 09:12  Profile P.M. 
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Flower Fairy Spa in TST - w/ Fei Fei

Flower Fairy Spa
Flat A. 3/F Far East Mansion.
5-6 Middle Road. Tsim Sha Tsui
Date of Visit: June 26rd 5:30pm-7:30pm
Masseuse: Fei Fei (Coffee as her English name) from Hainan
Age: Mid 20s
Face: 5/5
Body 4/5
Skill: 5/5
Service: Excellent massage
Repeat: Yep, but will look for Yoyo or a more enthusiastic masseuse
Price: $1000 for 120 minutes (90 massage, 20 HE, 10 shower)

Thanks to bros sharing the information on this spa, after a frustrating day hitting the computer markets up in HK, a relaxing spa experience was needed!

Found the building easily, with three entrances available,  the left and right sides had no guards and enabled access to the elevators inside and up to the 3rd floor. Walking to the entrance of Flat A I was warmly greeted by Charlie although I hadn't made a booking.

She shared the menu with me while showing the VIP room with the bathtub, which did look nice, but I came for a solid massage. Chose the 120 minute option, off to another room and showered. While cleaning up Fei Fei came in and we became acquainted. The massage was on point, she would press hard and knead well, just had to communicate it well. We ended up using Mandarin to communicate as it was easier, although she did understand and speak some.

90 minutes of veggie massage with about an hour of dry towel and 30 minutes of 'tui' with oil where I was enjoying it so much, I didn't flirt at all and just relaxed. Perhaps this accounted for a lack of connection between us, but the HE felt a bit mechanical as if she was simply following the playbook. Her skills were excellent in all areas and she was definitely aware of how I was mentally and physically. After the flip, with asking, she dimmed the light and the outer clothes came off. She did keep her bra and panties on throughout, but my hands were able to roam a bit, although I didn't feel that she was open to much, so I didn't push it.

She showered after, wiping herself down, followed by another shower for me. With an awkward half hug after, she walked me out saying goodbye to Charlie along the way.

Fei Fei is beautiful and with the right connection, this passive personality could be a lot of fun to spend time with. Personally, I'm looking for someone who will take charge a bit more and is a bit wild and crazy.

Thanks for reading, if you have any advice on improving my reports, please do share!

Recent Ratings
batman108   28-6-2017 01:50  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
orangerange   27-6-2017 20:54  Karma  +3   
professuser   27-6-2017 18:47  Acceptance  +1   good report
Mister   27-6-2017 13:32  Karma  +3   Try teasing and joking to build chemistry. Gentle foreplay is often appreciated as well
zbmthethird   27-6-2017 10:11  Karma  +2   Fei Fei is a strange one, i have had a great session with her and then a friend had one where he felt same as you.... i ...

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