Subject: Back at k spa
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Post at 3-7-2017 21:07  Profile P.M. 
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Back at k spa

Thread Subject: K Spa
Date & Time of Session: June 23
Location:  Central
Name:  Julie I think
Link: You know
Nationality & Language: China
Age: Mid 20s
Face:  3.5
Body:  4
Skill: 4
Service 4
GFE: 4
Price & Session Length: 900
Repeat: Yes

So, this is the first time I have been back since the incident.... connected through WeChat which was easy. Made the trek to central. Got there and counter to some reports there were 3 or 4 lovely young ladies working that afternoon. Decided to go with the standard room for 90 minutes.

I was shown the room and asked to shower alone while she prepped the room. Once I came out she helped dry me off.  Straight to the massage table to start on my back. Before she started she did take off her clothes to just her undies. Was able to play around while receiving the typical massage on my stomach. She had string hands that worked out different knots. She would also straddle my legs on purpose grinding herself in me.

On the flip... more lb play and lots of kissing on the upper body. No Daty or panties off but was about to fondle on top. She did get arroysed but disappointed that she didn't just lose the undies. Eventually great HJ. She went on to cleAn up a bit then came a head massage. From there shower alone, pay and leave.

Overall not too different from before but the vibe is different. Will probably go back and try the tatami room.

[ Last edited by  mtm24 at 3-7-2017 21:18 ]

Recent Ratings
blast77   5-7-2017 05:39  Karma  +3   
Wazzup   4-7-2017 14:59  Karma  +2   Totally agree
jason90210   4-7-2017 13:01  Acceptance  +1   
tvj   4-7-2017 09:23  Acceptance  +1   
Mister   4-7-2017 08:58  Karma  +3   How is the vibe different?
joey88   4-7-2017 07:22  Karma  +4   
batman108   4-7-2017 02:10  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
3QOxqK2Liy0t   4-7-2017 00:06  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 4-7-2017 00:32  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the report. I have been to the tatami room a couple of times and planning to return. Just wonder what makes u say that the vibe is different?

Recent Ratings
Mister   4-7-2017 08:59  Acceptance  +1   At least rate the report before asking for more information
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Post at 4-7-2017 09:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Bigjohninnyc's post

The vibe isn't as welcoming from pre incident days I feel. They are a bit more guarded until they feel comfortable with the client.

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