Subject: spinner chinese girl (kh)
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Post at 24-9-2017 22:33  Profile P.M. 
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spinner chinese girl (kh)

Date of Session: september 22th
Location: room B or D. floor 11 King Hing
Name: Xiaojin (or similar, chinese name only)
Age: 30ish
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5 (slim with a nice pair of natural B cup)
Skill: 3/5
Service: 3.5/5
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 2/5
Damage: 500
Retry: maybe

Friday night after work, no plans and being stressed out from work, decided to make the journey to kh and check out the girls.

Started bottom up, wasn't too busy surprisingly so took my time.
Floor 6 were a couple of russians not mcot
Floor 7 mostly thai, didn't feel like it
Floor 8 were some thais, some chinese and a gorgeous girl sleeping with open door and the welcome sign up (what does that mean), confused I decided not to disturb
Floor 9 & 10 nothing memorable
Floor 11 finally some cute chinese girls, a younger one at the end of the left hallway and Xiaojin in the room next to her, cute smile, looked really friendly. In I went.

She was wearing a cute maid dress with insane high heels, noticed how tiny she was after she took her shoes off. Slim legs and body, rather flat butt but decent natural boobs. Showered together and chatted a little (with my broken mandarin). On the bed she asked whether I want bbbj for +50, thought why not. Great suction for about 5mins, LB was hard and ready. CG was ok, her LS was real tight, no grinding and not eye contact unfortunately she enjoyed her looks in the mirror instead. Switched to mish after another 5-10mins and took it slow, I was close to firing my load. Cooled down a bit. She seemed to enjoy it but she didn't wanna kiss. Given her butt was rather flat I decided to stay mish and pounded hard to

She's staying for 2 more days. Go check her out if you like spinners.

Recent Ratings
Siliconfan   28-9-2017 16:43  Acceptance  +1   
p0ison   25-9-2017 11:21  Karma  +2   Thanks
aurufc   25-9-2017 10:30  Karma  +3   
sinofaguo   25-9-2017 03:25  Karma  +1   Nice report but a city / country in the title would help locating your report.
Mister   25-9-2017 00:53  Karma  +3   Gorgeous girl? Would have woken her up, lol
blast77   24-9-2017 22:47  Karma  +4   

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